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Created June 30, 2013 20:12
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using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEditor;
using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Linq;
[InitializeOnLoad] //Make sure this code runs every time the editor is updated
public class MagicInspectors : EditorWindow {
static MagicInspectors () {
//Get access to the UnityEditor assembly
var asm = Assembly.GetAssembly (typeof(UnityEditor.CustomEditor));
//Use Linq to find the CustomEditorAttribute type
var cea = asm.GetTypes ().FirstOrDefault (t => t.Name == "CustomEditorAttributes");
//Get access to the method that is called to find a custom editor for a type - this
//caches the results, so it has to happen before we play with the lists
var findCustomEditor = cea.GetMethod ("FindCustomEditorType", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
//Call it
findCustomEditor.Invoke (null, new object [] { new UnityEngine.Object(), false });
//Find the MonoEditorType class so we can make instances of it later
var next = asm.GetTypes ().FirstOrDefault (t => t.Name.Contains ("MonoEditorType"));
/*var inst = */Activator.CreateInstance (next);
//Get the field in that class which is the type of the inspector to use
var inspectorType = next.GetField ("m_InspectorType");
//Get the field in that class which is the type to inspect using this inspector
var inspectedType = next.GetField ("m_InspectedType");
//Get the custom editors field which is the cache in CustomEditorAttribute
var editorsField = cea.GetField ("kSCustomEditors", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
//Get the current list (it's an ArrayList)
var editors = editorsField.GetValue (null) as IList;
//Get the current list of multi item editors
var multiEditorsField = cea.GetField ("kSCustomMultiEditors", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
var multiEditors = multiEditorsField.GetValue (null) as ArrayList;
//Now its time to get all of the inspectors we've defined
//Get all of the current assemblies loaded
var types = AppDomain.CurrentDomain
.GetAssemblies ()
//Get all of the types in those assemblies
.SelectMany (a => a.GetTypes ())
//Which have a CustomEditor attribute
.Where (t => t.IsDefined (typeof(CustomEditor), true))
//Get the type that this CustomEditor edits
.Select (t => {
CustomEditor ced = (Attribute.GetCustomAttribute (t, typeof(CustomEditor), false) as CustomEditor);
Type i = ced.GetType ().GetField ("m_InspectedType", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).GetValue (ced) as Type;
return new { editor = t, inspected = i };
}).ToList ();
//Now look for types that are the type edited or its subclasses
var usableTypes = AppDomain.CurrentDomain
.GetAssemblies ()
.SelectMany (a => a.GetTypes ())
//For all of the types, get the custom inspector for which they are assignable
//In other words find an inspector (or null) for which this type can be downcast to
.Select (t => new { editable = t, custom = types.FirstOrDefault (e => e.inspected.IsAssignableFrom (t)) })
//Make sure we only have valid ones
.Where (r => r.custom != null);
//Now update the internal cache with these new types
foreach (var newEditor in usableTypes) {
//Create a new instance of the internal structure that represents the relationship
var editorInstance = Activator.CreateInstance (next);
//tell it which inspector to use
inspectorType.SetValue (editorInstance, newEditor.custom.editor);
//tell it which type to inspect from the list we made above
inspectedType.SetValue (editorInstance, newEditor.editable);
//Add it to multiEditors if it supports it
if (newEditor.custom.editor.GetType ().IsDefined (typeof(CanEditMultipleObjects), false))
multiEditors.Add (editorInstance);
//Add it to ordinary editors always
editors.Add (editorInstance);
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