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Last active February 8, 2024 10:44
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Debug Apple timemachine in bash #apple #osx

How to debug Apple Time Machine from console/bash

Stream the log, live (like tail):

$ log stream --style syslog  --predicate 'senderImagePath contains[cd] "TimeMachine"' --info

Don't stream, but show the log end exit:

$ log show --style syslog  --predicate 'senderImagePath contains[cd] "TimeMachine"' --info

Percentuale di avanzamento (solo se è in funzione):

$ tmutil status | LC_NUMERIC="C" awk -F'"' '/_raw_Percent/ {print $4 * 100}'

Script che visualizza anche lo storico:


filter='processImagePath contains "backupd" and subsystem beginswith ""'

# show the last 12 hours
start="$(date -j -v-12H +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')"

echo ""
echo "[History (from $start)]"
echo ""

log show --style syslog --info --start "$start" --predicate "$filter"

echo ""
echo "[Following]"
echo ""

log stream --style syslog --info --predicate "$filter"
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