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Created August 7, 2012 02:04
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Mathematica code for radar charts
SolveLines[x0_, y0_, x1_, y1_, x2_, y2_, x3_, y3_] := (
Module[{m1, m2},
If[x0 - x1 != 0 && x2 - x3 != 0,
m1 = (y0 - y1)/(x0 - x1);
m2 = (y2 - y3)/(x2 - x3);
Return[{x, y} /.
Solve[y - y0 == m1 (x - x0) && y - y2 == m2 (x - x2), {x, y}] //
If[x0 - x1 == 0,
m2 = (y2 - y3)/(x2 - x3);
Return[{x, y} /. Solve[x == x0 && y - y2 == m2 (x - x2), {x, y}] //
m1 = (y0 - y1)/(x0 - x1);
Return[{x, y} /. Solve[x == x2 && y - y0 == m1 (x - x0), {x, y}] //
radarchartelementf[{{t0_, t1_}, {r0_, r1_}}, _, metadata_] := (
Module[{last = metadata[[1]][[1]], next = metadata[[1]][[2]],
angle = t1 - t0, lastangle, nextangle},
lastangle = t1 + angle/2;
nextangle = t0 - angle/2;
r0 {Cos[t0], Sin[t0]},
r1*Cos[Mean[{t0, t1}]], r1*Sin[Mean[{t0, t1}]],
next*Cos[nextangle], next*Sin[nextangle],
0, 0,
r1*Cos[t0], r1*Sin[t0]
r1 {Cos[Mean[{t0, t1}]], Sin[Mean[{t0, t1}]]},
r1*Cos[Mean[{t0, t1}]], r1*Sin[Mean[{t0, t1}]],
last*Cos[lastangle], last*Sin[lastangle],
0, 0,
r1*Cos[t1], r1*Sin[t1]
r0 {Cos[t1], Sin[t1]}
RadarChart[list_, stuff___] := (
{1, list[[n]]} ->
{list[[If[n - 1 == 0, Length@list, n - 1]]],
list[[If[n + 1 > Length@list, 1, n + 1]]]}, {n, Length@list}
PolarAxes -> Automatic,
ChartElementFunction -> radarchartelementf,
PolarGridLines -> {Table[
Pi*Length@types + Pi*2 n/Length@types, {n, 0, Length[types]}],
Table[n, {n, 0, 100, 10}]},
MakeRadarPlot[person_, s___] := RadarChart[
types /. (person /. averagebytype),
LabelingFunction -> (Placed[types[[#2[[2]]]], "RadialCenter"] &),
PlotRange -> {-100, 100},
Epilog -> Style[Text[person], Bold, Large],
TicksStyle -> Directive[White, FontSize -> 0],
ImageSize -> {500, 500},
ExportRadarPlots[] := Export["~/Dropbox/Gráficas/" <> # <> ".png",
MakeRadarPlot[#, ImageSize -> {500, 500}]
] & /@ people;
rawdata = Import[
CharacterEncoding -> "UTF-8"];
data = Rest /@ Transpose@rawdata;
(* [[1]] = names, [[2]] = types, [[3;;]] = people + scores *)
rawscores = data[[3 ;;]];
people = rawdata[[1]][[3 ;;]];
scores = Flatten[ MapThread[({#1 -> #2} & ), {people, rawscores}], 1];
types = (StringSplit[#, RegularExpression[",(\ )*"]] & /@ data[[2]]) //
Flatten // DeleteDuplicates // Sort;
problemtypes = (# ->
Module[{currtype = #},
data[[2]], _?(StringQ [#] &&
StringMatchQ[#, RegularExpression[".*" <> currtype <> ".*"]] &)
] &) /@ types;
countbytype = (# -> Length[# /. problemtypes] &) /@ types;
averagebytype = (# ->
MapThread[(#1 ->
Total[(#2 /. scores)[[(#1 /. problemtypes)]] /.
"-" -> 0]/(Length[#1 /. problemtypes] -
Count[(#2 /. scores)[[(#1 /. problemtypes)]], "-"])
&), {types, Table[#, {Length@types}]}]
&) /@ people;
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