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Last active October 28, 2021 13:34
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  • Save freakdesign/0eea719ee22f1cc863b0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save freakdesign/0eea719ee22f1cc863b0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Snippet and Theme Settings to for converting a Shopify CDN image path into an Imgix path. Snippet allows for the passing of Imgix filters.
"name": "Imgix",
"settings": [
"type": "paragraph",
"content": "For more info on these theme settings refer to the original [blog post](http:\/\/\/blogs\/news\/91099207)"
"type": "checkbox",
"id": "enableImgix",
"label": "Enable Imgix",
"info":"Toggle the imgix feature"
"type": "text",
"id": "imgixUrl",
"label": "Imgix Subdomain",
"info":"The subdomain you set within Imgix. eg: '//'."
"type": "text",
"id": "imgixShopifyUrl",
"label": "Shopify CDN domain",
"info":"No changes should be need here unless you have a proxy in place. Not sure? Leave as is."
{% capture IMGIX %}
{% comment %}
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Convert a Shopify CDN path into an Imgix path, with fiters.
Snippet by Jason @ freakdesign.
{% assign productImage = product | img_url: 'grande' %}
<img src="{% include 'imgix' src:productImage gam:100 con:23 shad:-100 %}" />
Refer to the original blog post for more info about this:
Also refer to the imgix docs for info on the filters available:
{% endcomment %}
{% if settings.enableImgix %}
{% for i in (1..1) %}
{% comment %}
<!-- Check to make sure the src exists, and that imgix url theme settings is not blank. If blank, stop! -->
{% endcomment %}
{% unless src or settings.imgixUrl != blank %}{{ src }}{% break %}{% endunless %}
{% comment %}
<!-- Check to make sure the src has the Shopify CDN url in it. If it doesn't this does not need to run any further -->
{% endcomment %}
{% assign cdnUrl = settings.imgixShopifyUrl | strip %}
{% unless src contains cdnUrl %}{{ src }}{% break %}{% endunless %}
{% assign imgixUrl = settings.imgixUrl | strip %}
{% comment %}
<!-- Create a list of all the imgix filters we want to use -->
{% endcomment %}
{% assign filters = 'bri,con,exp,gam,high,hue,invert,sat,shad,sharp,usm,usmrad,vib,auto,bg,blend,bm,ba,balph,bp,bw,bh,bf,bc,bs,bx,by,border,pad,faceindex,facepad,faces,ch,chromasub,colorquant,dl,dpi,fm,lossless,q,mask,nr,nrs,colors,palette,prefix,dpr,flip,or,rot,crop,fit,h,rect,w,blur,htn,mono,px,sepia,txt,txtalign,txtclip,txtclr,txtfit,txtfont,txtline,txtlineclr,txtpad,txtshad,txtsize,txtwidth,trim,trimcolor,trimmd,trimsd,trimtol,mark,markalign,markalpha,markbase,markfit,markh,markpad,markscale,markw,markx,marky' | split:',' %}
{% comment %}
<!-- Build up the list of filters to add to the url -->
{% endcomment %}
{% assign imgWithQuerystring = "?" %}
{% if src contains '?' %}{% assign imgWithQuerystring = '&' %}{% endif %}
{% for _filter in filters %}
{% if [_filter] %}
{% assign imgWithQuerystring = imgWithQuerystring | append:_filter | append:'=' | append:[_filter] | append:'&' %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% assign newSrc = src | strip | replace:cdnUrl,imgixUrl | append:imgWithQuerystring %}
{% endfor %}
{{ newSrc | default:src }}
{% else %}
{{ src }}
{% endif %}
{% endcapture %}{{ IMGIX | strip | replace:' ' | strip_newlines }}
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