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Created January 18, 2016 14:11
Show recent articles from all Blogs in Shopify
{% comment %}
Code by Jason @ Freakdesign for this blog post:
First add all the handles of the blogs you want to include.
In this example I just use my own two blogs - works and news.
{% endcomment %}
{% assign featuredBlogs = 'works,news' | split:',' %}
{% comment %}
Set the featuredArticles variable to false by default.
{% endcomment %}
{% assign featuredArticles = false %}
{% comment %}
Grab the last 50 (default) articles from each Blog. Add the articles to the featureArticles variable.
{% endcomment %}
{% for featuredBlog in featuredBlogs %}
{% if blogs[featuredBlog].articles %}
{% if featuredArticles %}
{% assign featuredArticles = featuredArticles | concat:blogs[featuredBlog].articles %}
{% else %}
{% assign featuredArticles = blogs[featuredBlog].articles %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% comment %}
If featuredArticles is not false we should have articles to show - so let's do it!
{% endcomment %}
{% if featuredArticles %}
{% assign featuredArticles = featuredArticles | sort:'published_at' | reverse %}
{% comment %}
Now a quick example of showing the latest 10 articles from our master article list
{% endcomment %}
{% for article in featuredArticles limit:10 %}
<p><b>{{ article.title }}: </b><br>{{ article.published_at }}</p>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
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dshaw002 commented Oct 2, 2017

Thanks for the code snippet!

Any way to have it support paging?

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