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Created April 11, 2016 15:53
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Show a collection based summary using data from the Shopify Product Reviews App.
{% comment %}
{% include 'collection-ratings' %}
{% include 'collection-ratings' collectionHandle:'some-handle' useAll:true %}
{% endcomment %}
{% if collectionHandle == blank %}{% assign collectionHandle=collection.handle %}{% endif %}
{% if collections[collectionHandle].products.size > 0 %}
{% comment %} Setup the basic vars {% endcomment %}
{% assign collection = collections[collectionHandle] %}
{% assign reviewAverage = 0 %}
{% assign reviewVotes = 0 %}
{% assign reviewedProducts = 0 %}
{% assign maxReview = 5 %}
{% comment %} The two vars below is sections of the metafield we need to find {% endcomment %}
{% assign splitMarkerAverage = 'itemprop="average" content="' %}
{% assign splitMarkerVotes = 'itemprop="votes" content="' %}
{% comment %} Loop over the product {% endcomment %}
{% for product in collection.products limit:50 %}
{% comment %} Grab the review metafield {% endcomment %}
{% assign productReviewMetafield = %}
{% comment %} Some quick checks to see if the metafield exists, and has what we need. {% endcomment %}
{% if productReviewMetafield == blank %}{% continue %}{% endif %}
{% unless productReviewMetafield contains splitMarkerAverage and productReviewMetafield contains splitMarkerVotes %}{% continue %}{% endunless %}
{% comment %} Get the values from the metafield (hopefully)! {% endcomment %}
{% assign productAverage = productReviewMetafield | split:splitMarkerAverage | last | split:'"' | first | abs %}
{% assign productVotes = productReviewMetafield | split:splitMarkerVotes | last | split:'"' | first | abs %}
{% comment %} Update our values {% endcomment %}
{% assign reviewAverage = reviewAverage | plus:productAverage %}
{% assign reviewVotes = reviewVotes | plus:productVotes %}
{% assign reviewedProducts = reviewedProducts | plus:1 %}
{% endfor %}
{% comment %} Set the average based on product count {% endcomment %}
{% assign reviewedAllAverage = reviewAverage | divided_by:paginate.items | round: 1 %}
{% comment %} Set the average based on products with a review {% endcomment %}
{% assign reviewedOnlyAverage = reviewAverage | divided_by:reviewedProducts | round: 1 %}
<span class="collection-review-summary">
{% if useAll != blank and useAll != false %}
{{ collection.title }} Rating: {{ reviewedAllAverage }} out of {{ maxReview }} based on {{ reviewVotes }} {{ reviewVotes | pluralize: 'review', 'reviews' }}.
{% else %}
{{ collection.title }} Rating: {{ reviewedOnlyAverage }} out of {{ maxReview }} based on {{ reviewVotes }} {{ reviewVotes | pluralize: 'review', 'reviews' }}.
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% layout none %}{% capture WHITESPACE %}
{% comment %}
This is intended to be used as an alternate collection template.
1. Add new collection template, adding this code.
2. View the collection
3. Read the output with JavaScript and add to your page as needed.
{% endcomment %}
{% comment %} Setup the basic vars {% endcomment %}
{% assign reviewAverage = 0 %}
{% assign totalReviews = 0 %}
{% assign reviewedProducts = 0 %}
{% comment %} Do not edit the two lines below unless you know what they do {% endcomment %}
{% assign splitMarkerAverage = 'itemprop="average" content="' %}
{% assign splitMarkerVotes = 'itemprop="votes" content="' %}
{% comment %} Add the usual pagination tags {% endcomment %}
{% paginate collection.products by 1000 %}
{% for product in collection.products %}
{% assign productReviewMetafield = %}
{% comment %} Some quick checks to see if the metafield exists, and has what we need. {% endcomment %}
{% if productReviewMetafield == blank %}{% continue %}{% endif %}
{% unless productReviewMetafield contains splitMarkerAverage and productReviewMetafield contains splitMarkerVotes %}{% continue %}{% endunless %}
{% comment %} Get the values from the metafield (hopefully)! {% endcomment %}
{% assign productAverage = productReviewMetafield | split:splitMarkerAverage | last | split:'"' | first | abs %}
{% assign productVotes = productReviewMetafield | split:splitMarkerVotes | last | split:'"' | first | abs %}
{% comment %} Update our values {% endcomment %}
{% assign reviewAverage = reviewAverage | plus:productAverage %}
{% assign totalReviews = totalReviews | plus:productVotes %}
{% assign reviewedProducts = reviewedProducts | plus:1 %}
{% endfor %}
{% comment %} The review average var is the combined amount for all products. Let's get the average and round that amount. {% endcomment %}
{% assign productsSearched = paginate.items %}
{% assign reviewAverage = reviewAverage | divided_by:productsSearched | round: 1 %}
{% endpaginate %}
{% endcapture %}{% if reviewAverage > 0 and totalReviews > 0 %}
"totalReviews":{{ totalReviews | json }},
"reviewAverage": {{ reviewAverage | json }},
"reviewedProducts":{{ reviewedProducts | json }},
"productsSearched":{{ productsSearched | json }}
}{% endif %}
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emrass commented Dec 30, 2016

Exactly what I was looking for - thank you very much!

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