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  • Save freakdesign/be95b9f433d72996ac0b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Sort products in a Shopify collection using a metafield value (and no javascript)
{% assign newArray = false %}
{% assign zeroFill = '0000' %}
{% assign zeroFillSize = zeroFill | size %}
{% for product in collection.products %}
{% assign indexCharSize = forloop.index0 | append:'' | size %}
{% assign toSlice = zeroFillSize | minus:indexCharSize %}
{% assign tmpZeroFill = zeroFill | slice:0,toSlice %}
{% assign newOrder = | default:'999999' %}
{% assign matrix = tmpZeroFill | append:newOrder | append:'.' | append:forloop.index0 %}
{% if newArray %}
{% assign tmpIndex = matrix | split:',' %}
{% assign newArray = newArray | concat:tmpIndex %}
{% else %}
{% assign newArray = matrix | split:',' %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% assign newArray = newArray | sort %}
{% for newArrayItem in newArray %}
{% assign i = newArrayItem | split:'.' | last | times:1 %}
<h2>{{ collection.products[i].title }}</h2>
<p>My original index was {{ i }}, but now it is {{ forloop.index0 }}</p>
{% endfor %}
{% comment %}
Liquid by Jason @ freakdesign.
Questions? Ping me on twitter: @freakdesign
Experimental code to sort a products in a collection by metafield value.
Relates to this blog post:
We assume that:
- the count of products is 50 or less
- that every single product has been given a unique sorting numbers.
{% endcomment %}
{% comment %}
First set our new array to false...
{% endcomment %}
{% assign newArray = false %}
{% comment %}
Set the starting zero fill.
This is actually bigger than needed but that's ok...
{% endcomment %}
{% assign zeroFill = '0000' %}
{% comment %}
Set the length of the zero fill. We could manually add this number, but for
safety I am just getting Liquid to do it for me...
{% endcomment %}
{% assign zeroFillSize = zeroFill | size %}
{% comment %}
Let's loop over the collection. We will not be using this to add anything
to the page at this point. This is to help us build up the matrix to
order by.
{% endcomment %}
{% for product in collection.products %}
{% comment %}
Get the length of the index
{% endcomment %}
{% assign indexCharSize = forloop.index0 | append:'' | size %}
{% assign toSlice = zeroFillSize | minus:indexCharSize %}
{% comment %}
Slice the zeroFill as needed
{% endcomment %}
{% assign tmpZeroFill = zeroFill | slice:0,toSlice %}
{% comment %}
If there is no metafield assign a giant value
so that it gets pushed to the bottom
{% endcomment %}
{% assign newOrder = | default:'999999' %}
{% comment %}
Build up the matrix.
It will look like xxxx.y (eg:0012.31) where xxxx is our zeroFill and y is the current order.
This will hopefully make sense shortly...
{% endcomment %}
{% assign matrix = tmpZeroFill | append:newOrder | append:'.' | append:forloop.index0 %}
{% if newArray %}
{% comment %}
add a new value to our existing array.
{% endcomment %}
{% assign tmpIndex = matrix | split:',' %}
{% assign newArray = newArray | concat:tmpIndex %}
{% else %}
{% comment %}
Create the array with our *first* matrix value
{% endcomment %}
{% assign newArray = matrix | split:',' %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% comment %}
Sort the array. Add in a reverse filter if you need to go the other direction.
{% assign newArray = newArray | sort | reverse %}
{% endcomment %}
{% assign newArray = newArray | sort %}
{% comment %}
Now that we have sorted the array we can loop over it grabbing each specific
item using its index#.
{% endcomment %}
{% for newArrayItem in newArray %}
{% assign i = newArrayItem | split:'.' | last | times:1 %}
<h2>{{ collection.products[i].title }}</h2>
<p>My original index was {{ i }}, but now it is {{ forloop.index0 }}</p>
{% endfor %}
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pc-erin commented Apr 1, 2022

If you're sorting something other than numbers you might need to change the position of tmpZeroFill on line 66 so it's next to forloop.index0 for the sorting to work correctly.

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