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Created July 20, 2022 19:25
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add(A,B):-read(A),read(B),C is A**B,write('SUM IS'),write(C).
unary(A):-B is sqrt(A),write(B).
circle(R):-A is 3.14*R*R,write(A).
triangle(A,B,C):-S is (A+B+C)/2,AR is sqrt(S*(S-A)*(S-B)*(S-C)),write(AR).
ctof(T):- F is (T*(9/5))+32,write(F).
max(A,B,C):-( A>=B-> (A>=C-> M=A;M=C);(B>=C-> M=B;M=C)),write(M).
min(A,B,C):-( A=<B-> ( A=<C-> M is A;M is C);( B=<C-> M is B;M is C)),write(M).
leapyr(Y):-write('Enter year'),read(Y),(Y mod 100=:=0-> (Y mod 400=:=0->write('LeapYear');write('Not LeapYear')) ; (Y mod 4=:=0->write('LeapYear');write('Not LeapYear')) ).
leap(Y):-( Y mod 100=:=0-> ( Y mod 400=:=0-> write('LEAP');write('NOT LEAP'));( Y mod 4=:=0-> write('LEAP');write('NOT LEAP'))).
fact(N,F):-N >0,N1 is N-1,fact(N1,F1),F is N*F1.
sum(N,S):-N>=1,N1 is N-1,sum(N1,S1),S is N+S1.
gcd(X,Y,G):-( X=:=Y->G is X);( X<Y-> Y1 is Y-X,gcd(X,Y1,G));( X>Y-> gcd(Y,X,G)).
len([_|T],N):- len(T,N1),N is N1+1.
lcm(X,Y,G):-gcd(X,Y,G1),G is X*Y//G1.
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