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Created June 21, 2016 13:13
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import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Combine exposing (..)
import Combine.Char exposing (..)
import Combine.Infix exposing (..)
import String
import List.Extra exposing (groupWhile)
testInput =
"hello (!BOLD!) I Am a bold text (!BOLD!)bla bla la"
main =
case parse htmlParser testInput of
(Ok htmls, _) -> div [] htmls
(Err err, _) -> div [ style [("color", "red")] ] [ text <| toString <| err]
type Style
= Unstyled
| Bold
htmlParser : Parser (List (Html msg))
htmlParser =
styleParser False
`andThen` (succeed << foldStyledHtml)
foldStyledHtml : List (Char, Style) -> List (Html msg)
foldStyledHtml chars =
foldSingleStyledHtml =
List.foldr (\(c, s) (cs, _) -> (c :: cs, s)) ([], Unstyled)
>> \(chars, style) ->
let str = String.fromList chars
in case style of
Unstyled -> text str
Bold -> b [] [ text str ]
groupWhile (\a b -> snd a == snd b) chars
|> foldSingleStyledHtml
styleParser : Bool -> Parser (List (Char, Style))
styleParser bolded =
style = if bolded then Bold else Unstyled
(end `andThen` always (succeed []))
<|> (string "(!BOLD!)" `andThen` \_ -> styleParser (not bolded))
<|> (anyChar
`andThen` \c -> styleParser bolded
`andThen` \cs -> (succeed ((c, style) :: cs)))
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