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Created August 3, 2017 13:02
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GHCi, version 8.0.1: :? for help
Loaded GHCi configuration from C:\Users\CHAD~1.GIL\AppData\Local\Temp\ghci34580\ghci-script
Prelude> import Text.Parsec
Prelude Text.Parsec> import Text.Parsec.String
Prelude Text.Parsec Text.Parsec.String> :{
Prelude Text.Parsec Text.Parsec.String| parsePair :: Parser (String, String)
Prelude Text.Parsec Text.Parsec.String| parsePair = do
Prelude Text.Parsec Text.Parsec.String| a <- manyTill anyChar $ string "--"
Prelude Text.Parsec Text.Parsec.String| b <- many1 alphaNum
Prelude Text.Parsec Text.Parsec.String| pure (a, b)
Prelude Text.Parsec Text.Parsec.String| :}
Prelude Text.Parsec Text.Parsec.String> parse parsePair "" "fo o--bar"
Right ("fo o","bar")
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