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Last active September 22, 2018 19:04
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import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Events exposing (..)
main : Program Never Model Msg
main =
{ init = init
, view = view
, update = update
, subscriptions = \_ -> Sub.none
type alias Model =
{ message : String
type Msg
= One
| Two
| Three
| ChainMsgs (List Msg)
init = { message = "initializing" } ! []
update msg model =
case msg of
ChainMsgs msgs ->
chain msg1 (model1, cmds) =
let (model2, cmds1) = update msg1 model1
in model2 ! [ cmds, cmds1 ]
List.foldl chain (model ! []) msgs
_ ->
{ model | message = model.message ++ ", " ++ toString msg } ! []
view model =
div []
[ div []
[ button [ onClick (ChainMsgs [One, Two, Three]) ] [ text "Click me" ]
, text model.message
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Hej there, I've worked this into a port sending chain to try to get sequential, rather than concurrent, sends to JSLand:

PortChainer ( Ok response ) ->
    newDetails =
      { details | thing = True }
    portCommands = [ Save, Set, Redirect ]
    portChain portMsg (details, portCmds) =
      let ( deets, reducedPortCmds ) = update portMsg details
      in deets ! [portCmds, reducedPortCmds]
    List.foldl portChain ( newDetails ! [] ) portCommands
Save ->
  ( details
  , details.thing
Set ->
  ( details
  , Port.set details.otherThing
Redirect ->
  ( details
  , Port.redirectTo Urls.redirect

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eboCode commented Sep 22, 2018

An so-39628628.elm rev for 0.19?

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