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Created April 8, 2019 14:05
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const { Thing: WebThing, Property, Value, WebThingServer, MultipleThings, Action } = require("webthing");
const express = require("express");
const path = require("path");
const internalIp = require("internal-ip");
const uuid = require("uuid/v4");
const activeThings = [];
internalIp.v4().then((ip) => {
const server = new WebThingServer(new MultipleThings(activeThings), 8080, ip, undefined, [
path: '/static',
handler: express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'static'))
const addSensor = (thing, sensor) => {
const desc = {
readonly: true,
type: 'number',
title: sensor.type
thing.addProperty(new Property(thing, sensor.type, new Value(sensor.value), desc));
const updateSensor = (thing, sensor) => {
const prop = thing.findProperty(sensor.type);
if(prop) {
};'/comm/ws', (ws) => {
let thing;
ws.on('message', (rawMessage) => {
const message = JSON.parse(rawMessage);
if(message.type !== 'create' && !thing) {
ws.send({type: 'error', message: 'You must first initialize the thing.'});
switch(message.type) {
case 'create':
thing = new WebThing(, [], 'A web browser');
for(const sensor of message.sensors) {
addSensor(thing, sensor);
if(message.can.notify) {
thing.addAvailableAction('notify', {
title: 'Notify',
input: {
type: 'string'
}, class NotifyAction extends Action {
constructor(thing, input) {
console.log("invoke notify");
super(uuid(), thing, 'notify', input);
performAction() {
type: 'notify',
message: this.input
return super.performAction();
if(message.can.vibrate) {
thing.addAvailableAction('vibrate', {
title: 'Vibrate'
}, class VibrateAction extends Action {
constructor(thing, input) {
super(uuid(), thing, 'vibrate', input);
performAction() {
type: 'vibrate'
return super.performAction();
case 'update':
for(const sensor of message.sensors) {
updateSensor(thing, sensor);
ws.on('close', () => {
activeThings[activeThings.findIndex((t) => t === thing)] = undefined;
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