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Created March 20, 2014 19:02
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Generated by
<p>Demo by Adam Jenkins.</p>
// ----
// Sass (v3.3.3)
// Compass (v1.0.0.alpha.18)
// ----
// Custom random function
// To allow a minimum value
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// @param $min: minimum value
// @param $max: maximum value
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// @return random number
@function rand($min, $max) {
@return random($max - $min) + $min;
// Private function for custom stops
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// @param $colors: list of color + associated stop
// ex: (red 10%, blue 50%, green 65%)
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// @return list to be used as a gradient
@function _stripes-custom-stops($colors) {
$gradients: ();
@for $i from 1 to length($colors) {
@if length(nth($colors, $i)) > 1 {
$color: nth(nth($colors, $i), 1);
$stop: nth(nth($colors, $i), 2);
$gradients: append($gradients, $color $stop, comma);
@if $i < length($colors) {
$gradients: append($gradients, nth(nth($colors, $i + 1), 1) $stop);
@else {
@warn '`#{nth($colors, $i)}` skipped because it is only one item long while it should be 2: (color, color-stop).';
@return $gradients;
// Private function for random stops
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// @param $colors: list of color
// ex: (red, blue, green)
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// @return two dimensional list
@function _stripes-random-stops($colors) {
@if length(nth($colors, 1)) > 1 {
@return _stripes-custom-stops($colors);
$n: length($colors);
$gradients: ();
$variation: 10;
$median: 100 / $n;
@for $i from 1 to $n {
$stop: $median * $i;
$random: rand($stop - $variation, $stop + $variation) * 1%;
$gradients: append($gradients, nth($colors, $i) $random, comma);
@if $i < length($colors) {
$gradients: append($gradients, nth(nth($colors, $i + 1), 1) $random);
@return $gradients;
// Private function for equal stops
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// @param $colors: list of color
// ex: (red, blue, green)
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// @return two dimensional list
@function _stripes-equal-stops($colors) {
$gradients: ();
$stops: 100% / length($colors);
// Loop through colors
@for $i from 1 to length($colors) {
$gradients: append($gradients, nth($colors, $i) $i * $stops, comma);
@if $i < length($colors) {
$gradients: append($gradients, nth($colors, $i + 1) $i * $stops);
// Return gradient
@return $gradients;
// Function turning a list of colors (and if specified stops)
// into a stripes gradient
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// @param $colors: list of color or color + color stop
// ex: (red blue green)
// ex: (red 10%, blue 50%, green 65%)
// @param $direction: gradient direction in keyword or degrees
// @param $random: should color-stops be randomly generated
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// @return gradient
@function stripes($colors, $direction: 90deg, $random: false) {
// If lonely color
@if length($colors) == 1 { @return $colors; }
// Else
$type: if($random, 'random', if(length(nth($colors, 1)) > 1, 'custom', 'equal'));
@return linear-gradient($direction, call('_stripes-#{$type}-stops', $colors));
html {
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content: '';
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&:before {
$equal-stops: #1abc9c #2ecc71 #3498db #9b59b6 #34495e #f1c40f #e67e22 #e74c3c #ecf0f1 #95a5a6;
// Equal stops
// background: stripes($equal-stops, $direction);
// Random stops
background: stripes($equal-stops, 90deg, $random: true);
&:after {
$custom-stops: #1abc9c 10%, #2ecc71 12.5%, #3498db 28%, #9b59b6 35%, #34495e 60%, #f1c40f 69%, #e67e22 83%, #e74c3c 88%, #ecf0f1 96%, #95a5a6 100%;
// Custom stops
background: stripes($custom-stops, 90deg);
body {
padding-top: 20px;
p {
text-align: center;
color: white;
font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
a {
color: white;
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background: linear-gradient(90deg, #1abc9c 19.50137%, #2ecc71 19.50137%, #2ecc71 13.20473%, #3498db 13.20473%, #3498db 27.39328%, #9b59b6 27.39328%, #9b59b6 44.04707%, #34495e 44.04707%, #34495e 47.42599%, #f1c40f 47.42599%, #f1c40f 66.19189%, #e67e22 66.19189%, #e67e22 62.82329%, #e74c3c 62.82329%, #e74c3c 84.72725%, #ecf0f1 84.72725%, #ecf0f1 81.94618%, #95a5a6 81.94618%);
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background: linear-gradient(90deg, #1abc9c 10%, #2ecc71 10%, #2ecc71 12.5%, #3498db 12.5%, #3498db 28%, #9b59b6 28%, #9b59b6 35%, #34495e 35%, #34495e 60%, #f1c40f 60%, #f1c40f 69%, #e67e22 69%, #e67e22 83%, #e74c3c 83%, #e74c3c 88%, #ecf0f1 88%, #ecf0f1 96%, #95a5a6 96%);
body {
padding-top: 20px;
p {
text-align: center;
color: white;
font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
a {
color: white;
<p>Demo by Adam Jenkins.</p>
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