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Last active April 8, 2016 18:57
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Clojure core.logic puzzle #01
(run* [q]
(fresh [al finn irv jim
p1 p2 p3 p4
y1 y2 y3 y4]
;; rule #1 ---------
;; Of the item that sold for $175 and the one that sold for $225,
;; one featured Irv Ingram and the other came out in 1983.
((== irv [:175 (lvar)])
(membero [:225 :1983] [al finn jim]))
((== irv [:225 (lvar)])
(membero [:175 :1983] [al finn jim])))
;; rule #2 ---------
;; 83.
;; Al Allison's card was either the piece that sold for $125 or the 1988 piece.
((== al [:125 (lvar)]))
((== al [(lvar) :1988])))
(!= al [:125 :1988])
;; rule #3 ---------
;; Of the 1978 item and the card that sold for $225,
;; one featured Finn Freeman and the other featured Irv Ingram.
((== irv [:225 (lvar)])
(== finn [(lvar) :1978]))
((== irv [(lvar) :1978])
(== finn [:225 (lvar)])))
;; rule #4 ---------
;; Al Allison's piece sold for 50 dollars less than Irv Ingram's card.
((== al [:125 (lvar)])
(== irv [:175 (lvar)]))
((== al [:175 (lvar)])
(== irv [:225 (lvar)]))
((== al [:225 (lvar)])
(== irv [:275 (lvar)])))
(== al [p1 y1])
(== finn [p2 y2])
(== irv [p3 y3])
(== jim [p4 y4])
(permuteo [:125 :175 :225 :275] [p1 p2 p3 p4])
(permuteo [:1978 :1983 :1988 :1999] [y1 y2 y3 y4])
(== q {:al al
:finn finn
:irv irv
:jim jim})))
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