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Frederik Beaujean fredRos

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vidavidorra /
Last active June 5, 2024 19:20
Auto-deploying Doxygen documentation to gh-pages with Travis CI

Auto-deploying Doxygen documentation to gh-pages with Travis CI

This explains how to setup for GitHub projects which automatically generates Doxygen code documentation and publishes the documentation to the gh-pages branch using Travis CI. This way only the source files need to be pushed to GitHub and the gh-pages branch is automatically updated with the generated Doxygen documentation.

Sign up for Travis CI and add your project

Get an account at Travis CI. Turn on Travis for your repository in question, using the Travis control panel.

Create a clean gh-pages branch

To create a clean gh-pages branch, with no commit history, from the master branch enter the code below in the Git Shell. This will create a gh-pages branch with one file, the in it. It doesn't really matter what file is uploaded in it since it will be overwritten when the automatically generated documentation is published to th

kblomqvist /
Last active September 9, 2022 13:04
Git pre-commit hook to check C/C++ source file format using astyle (Artistic Style)
# Installation:
# cd my_gitproject
# wget -O
# ln -s ../../ .git/hooks/pre-commit
# chmod +x
OPTIONS="-A8 -t8 --lineend=linux"
evansd / gist:1639992
Created January 19, 2012 13:09
Global find and replace using ack
function substitute {
if [ -z "$1" -o -z "$2" ]; then
echo "Usage: substitue FROM_STRING TO_STRING [OPTION]..."
echo "Replace all occurances of FROM_STRING (a sed-compatible regular"
echo "expression) with TO_STRING in all files for which ack-grep matches"
echo "Any additional options are passed directly to ack-grep (e.g.,"
echo " --type=html would only run the substitution on html files)."
GaelVaroquaux / 00README.rst
Last active December 13, 2024 15:53
Copy-less bindings of C-generated arrays with Cython

Cython example of exposing C-computed arrays in Python without data copies

The goal of this example is to show how an existing C codebase for numerical computing (here c_code.c) can be wrapped in Cython to be exposed in Python.

The meat of the example is that the data is allocated in C, but exposed in Python without a copy using the PyArray_SimpleNewFromData numpy