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Last active October 28, 2017 19:06
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#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
typedef long double ld;
// double tambem funciona na maioria dos casos
typedef long long ll;
struct line
char type;
// type = 0 : linha do envelope
// type = 1 : query no x (interseccao das linha) no envelope
ld x;
// x das interseccoes
ll m, b;
// m : coeficiente angular
// b : constante
bool operator< (const line &a, const line &b)
if (a.type + b.type > 0) return a.x < b.x;
return a.m > b.m;
// para maximo inverter o sinal do ultimo return
typedef set<line>::iterator sit;
set<line> env;
bool has_prev(sit it)
return (it != env.begin());
bool has_next(sit it)
return (it != env.end() and ++it != env.end());
bool bad(line i, line j, line k)
return (k.b-i.b)*(i.m-j.m) < (j.b-i.b)*(i.m-k.m);
// para maximo inverter o sinal
ld intersect(sit i, sit j)
return (ld)(i->b-j->b)/(j->m-i->m);
void calc_x(sit i)
if (has_prev(i)) {
line l = *i;
l.x = intersect(prev(i), i);
void add(ll m, ll b)
sit it;
line l = {0, 0, m, b};
it = env.lower_bound(l);
// checa linhas colineares
if (it != env.end() and it->m == m)
if (it->b <= b) env.erase(it);
else return;
it = env.find(l);
// checa se a linha colocada deve ser removida
if (has_prev(it) and has_next(it) and bad(*prev(it), *it, *next(it))) {
// retira linhas da direta irrelevantes
while (has_next(it) and has_next(next(it)) and bad(*it, *next(it), *next(next(it))))
// retira linhas da esquerda irrelevantes
while (has_prev(it) and has_prev(prev(it)) and bad(*prev(prev(it)), *prev(it), *it))
// salva o x das interseccoes dele com o anterior e o proximo
if (has_next(it)) calc_x(next(it));
ll query(ll x)
sit it = env.upper_bound({1, (ld)x, 0, 0});
return it->m*x + it->b;
int main()
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