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Created May 11, 2020 11:34
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Test for different strategies for dumping an in-memory model representation
// Case 1:
// - format: native DOM (documnet fragment with a clone of body contents)
// - output: outerHTML call
const doc = new DocumentFragment();
doc.append( document.createElement( 'root' ) );
Array.from( document.body.children ).forEach( node => doc.firstElementChild.append( node.cloneNode( true ) ) );
// innerHTML gives the very similar time, so let's go with outerHTML to have a more complete structure.
console.time( 'outerHTML time' );
const len = doc.firstElementChild.outerHTML.length;
console.timeEnd( 'outerHTML time' );
console.log( 'outerHTML length: ' + len );
// Case 2:
// - format: native JS object
// - output: JSON.stringify( object )
const root = { type: 'root' };
appendChildren( document.body, root );
function appendChildren( source, target ) {
if ( !source.children.length ) {
target.children = Array.from( source.childNodes ).map( node => {
const child = { type: node.nodeType };
if ( node.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE ) { = node.nodeName;
if ( node.attributes.length ) {
child.attribs = Array.from( node.attributes ).reduce( ( attribs, att ) => {
attribs[ ] = att.value;
return attribs;
}, {} );
appendChildren( node, child );
} else {
child.text = node.textContent
return child;
} );
// innerHTML gives the very similar time, so let's go with outerHTML to have a more complete structure.
console.time( 'JSON time' );
const len = JSON.stringify( root ).length;
console.timeEnd( 'JSON time' );
console.log( 'JSON length: ' + len );
// Case 3:
// - format: "almost string" array tree
// - output: array.flat( Infinity ).join( '' )
const rootChildren = Array.from( document.body.childNodes ).map( child => getDefinition( child ) );
const root = [ '<root>', ...rootChildren, '</root>' ];
console.time( 'XML Array time' );
const len = root.flat( Infinity ).join( '' ).length;
console.timeEnd( 'XML Array time' );
console.log( 'XML Array length: ' + len );
function getDefinitionStart( node ) {
let type;
const attribs = [];
if ( node.nodeType !== Node.ELEMENT_NODE ) {
type = 'text';
} else {
type = `element`;
attribs.push( ' name="', escapeAttrib( node.nodeName ), '"' );
if ( node.attributes.length ) {
const attribsObj = Array.from( node.attributes ).reduce( ( attribs, att ) => {
attribs[ ] = att.value;
return attribs;
}, {} );
attribs.push( ' attribs="', escapeAttrib( JSON.stringify( attribsObj ) ), '"' );
return `<${ type }${ attribs.join( '' ) }>`;
function getDefinition( node ) {
let type, children;
if ( node.nodeType !== Node.ELEMENT_NODE ) {
type = 'text';
children = [ escapeText( node.textContent ) ];
} else {
type = `element`;
children = node.childNodes.length ?
Array.from( node.childNodes ).map( child => getDefinition( child ) ) :
const definition = [
getDefinitionStart( node ),
`</${ type }>`
definition.type = type;
return definition;
function escapeText( value ) {
return value
.replace( /&/g, '&amp;' )
.replace( /</g, '&lt;' );
function escapeAttrib( value ) {
return value
.replace( /&/g, '&amp;' )
.replace( /</g, '&lt;' )
.replace( /"/g, '&quot;' );
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fredck commented May 11, 2020

Just paste this in the console and execute. It'll output timer results for the different strategies.

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