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Created December 10, 2015 16:06
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Example getting initial window.dimensions value in Elm app using StartApp
import Effects exposing (Effects)
import Html exposing (..)
import StartApp
import Task exposing (Task)
import Window
type alias Model = (Int, Int)
type Action = Update (Int, Int) | NoOp
app : StartApp.App Model
app =
{ init = ((0,0), sendInitial)
, view = \addr model -> div [] [ toString model |> text ]
, update = update
, inputs = [firstResize, resizes]
update : Action -> Model -> (Model, Effects Action)
update action model =
case action of
Update dim -> (dim, Effects.none)
NoOp -> (model, Effects.none)
resizes : Signal Action
resizes = Update Window.dimensions
main : Signal Html
main =
port tasks : Signal (Task Effects.Never ())
port tasks =
-- All of the following is needed just to get the initial window dimensions.
appStartMailbox : Signal.Mailbox ()
appStartMailbox =
Signal.mailbox ()
{- Get the initial value of the `resizes` signal by sampling it on the signal of a
mailbox that we use just for this purpose.
firstResize: Signal Action
firstResize = Signal.sampleOn appStartMailbox.signal resizes
{- An Effect that sends a message to a special mailbox just so we have a signal
that triggers the sampleOn above.
sendInitial : Effects Action
sendInitial =
Signal.send appStartMailbox.address () -- Task a ()
|> (always NoOp)
|> Effects.task
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