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Last active December 10, 2015 20:57
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Example using Elm Http.get
import Effects
import Html exposing (..)
import Http
import StartApp
import Task
app : StartApp.App String
app =
{ init = ("default", Effects.task get)
, inputs = []
, update = \action model -> (action, Effects.none)
, view = \addr t -> div [] [ text t ]
{-| Task that gets a fixed URL via HTTP and returns the result as a String.
get : Task.Task Effects.Never String
get =
getTask = Http.getString ""
handleError e = Task.succeed (stringFromHttpError e)
Task.onError getTask handleError
stringFromHttpError : Http.Error -> String
stringFromHttpError e =
case e of
Http.Timeout -> "Timeout"
Http.NetworkError -> "Network Error"
Http.UnexpectedPayload msg -> "Unexpected Payload: " ++ msg
Http.BadResponse code msg -> "Bad Reponse: " ++ (toString code) ++ " " ++ msg
main : Signal Html
main = app.html
port tasks : Signal (Task.Task Effects.Never ())
port tasks =
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