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Last active June 9, 2016 10:59
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Convert snake case to camel case in Elm
convert : String -> String
convert snakeStr =
repl : Regex.Match -> String
repl match =
case List.head match.submatches of
Just submatch ->
submatch |> Maybe.withDefault "" |> String.toUpper
Nothing ->
Debug.log "error: no submatch" "ERROR"
Regex.replace Regex.All (Regex.regex "_([a-z])") repl snakeStr
convert2 snakeStr =
repl : Regex.Match -> String
repl match =
case match.submatches of
[ submatch ] ->
submatch |> Maybe.withDefault "" |> String.toUpper
_ ->
Debug.log "error: not one submatch" "ERROR"
Regex.replace Regex.All (Regex.regex "_([a-z])") repl snakeStr
convert3 snakeStr =
repl match =
(List.head match.submatches)
( String.toUpper)
|> Maybe.withDefault ""
Regex.replace Regex.All (Regex.regex "_([a-z])") repl snakeStr
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