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Created October 25, 2020 01:24
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// ViewController.swift
// FunctionalComposedControllerSample
// Created by freddi on 2020/10/16.
import UIKit
infix operator |>
func |> <A: AnyObject>(v: A, f: @escaping (A) -> Void) -> A {
return v
precedencegroup ApplyOperator {
associativity: left
public func |> <A, B>(_ lhs: A, _ rhs: @escaping (A) -> B) -> B {
return rhs(lhs)
infix operator <>
func <> <A: AnyObject>(f: @escaping (A) -> Void, g: @escaping ( A) -> Void) -> ( A) -> Void {
return { a in
func modifyColor(color: UIColor) -> (UIButton) -> () {
return { button in
button.backgroundColor = color
func modifyAsAccountInfoButton(button: UIButton) {
button.layer.cornerRadius = 20
button.clipsToBounds = true
button.setTitleColor(.white, for: .normal)
let normalLoginStyle = modifyColor(color: .green) <> modifyAsAccountInfoButton
let logoutStyle = modifyColor(color: .red) <> modifyAsAccountInfoButton
let twitterStyle = modifyColor(color: .blue) <> modifyAsAccountInfoButton
class ViewController: UIViewController {
let loginButton = UIButton() |> (normalLoginStyle)
let logoutButton = UIButton() |> (logoutStyle)
let loginWithTwitterButton = UIButton() |> (twitterStyle)
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Add button's to view ...
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