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// diagram-setup-clasp-to-run-functions.txt
// by freddieventura
Follow from Step0 to Step 9 the path to be able to execute
clasp run functionName
| ____ _ |
| / ___| | __ _ ___ _ __ |
| | | | |/ _` / __| '_ \ |
| | |___| | (_| \__ \ |_) | |
| \____|_|\__,_|___/ .__/ |
| |_| |
| |
| ------------------------------------------ |
| |config files ||
| | ----------------------------------------||
| | |system wide |||
| | | stored in ~/ |||
| | | --------------------------------- |||
| | | |~/.clasprc.json | |||
| | | |clasp login | ||| Step0
| | | | Objects | |||
| | | | ------------------ | |||
| | | | |token | |||
| | | | |oauth2ClientSettings |||
| | | | | (....) | |||
| | | --------------------------------- |||
| | ----------------------------------------||
| | |scipt specific |||
| | | stored in ./path/to/project/ |||
| | | --------------------------------- |||
| | | |~/script/appscript.json | |||
| | | |clasp create --title "script1" | |||Step1
| | | | Objects | |||
| | | | ------------------ | |||
| | | | |timeZone | |||
| | | | |dependencies | |||
| | | | |exceoptionLogging | |||
| | | | |runtimeVersion | |||
| | | | |executionApi ----->
| | | | | access: ANYONE -----> Do it manually Step7
| | | | | | |||
| | | | | | |||
| | | --------------------------------- |||
| | | --------------------------------- |||
| | | |~/script/.clasp.json | |||
| | | |clasp create --title "script1" | |||
| | | | Objects | |||
| | | | ------------------ | |||
| | | | |scriptId | |||
| | | | |rootDir | |||
| | | | |projectId -> clasp setting projectId <projectId> <--\ Step6
| | | | | | ||| |
| | | --------------------------------- ||| |
| | | --------------------------------- ||| |
| | | |~/script/.clasp-localhost-cred.json ||| |
| | | |created on <----------------------------------------------\
| | | | Objects | ||| | |
| | | | ------------------ | ||| | |
| | | | |installed | ||| | |
| | | | | client_id | ||| | |
| | | | | project_id | ||| | |
| | | | | client_secret | ||| | |
| | | | | (.....) | ||| | |
| | | --------------------------------- ||| | |
| | | --------------------------------- ||| | |
| | | |~/script/.clasprc.json | ||| | |
| | | |clasp login --creds .clasp-localhost-cred.json ------> Step9 | |
| | | | Objects | ||| | |
| | | | ------------------ | ||| | |
| | | | |token | ||| | |
| | | | | (....) | ||| | |
| | | --------------------------------- ||| | |
| | -------------------------------------- ||| | |
| ||| | |
-------------------------------------------------- | |
------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
| ____ _ _ ____ _ _ __ | | |
| / ___| | ___ _ _ __| | | _ \| | __ _| |_ / _| ___ _ __ _ __ ___ | | |
|| | | |/ _ \| | | |/ _` | | |_) | |/ _` | __| |_ / _ \| '__| '_ ` _ \ | | |
|| |___| | (_) | |_| | (_| | | __/| | (_| | |_| _| (_) | | | | | | | | | | |
| \____|_|\___/ \__,_|\__,_| |_| |_|\__,_|\__|_| \___/|_| |_| |_| |_| | | |
| | | |
| /----------------------------------------------/ |
| Variables: projectId , projectNumber (given), appName | |
| | |
| | |
|Step2>> New GCP Project | |
| >> Project Name "projectId" >> Location "No organisation" |
| ---------> it will give as a projectNumber
|Step3>><projectId> |
| >> External | | |
| >> Create | | |
| | | |
| >> App name "clasp project" | | |
| >> User Support email | | |
| >> Developer Contact Email | | |
| >> Save and Continue | | |
| >> Save and Continue | | |
| >> (Test Users) >> Add Users "" | | |
| >> Save and Continue | | |
| >> Back to dashboard | | |
|Step4>> Enable Apps Script API | | |
| >><projectId> | |
| >> Next >> Enable | | |
| | | |
|Step8>> Create Oauth Credentials | | |
| >><projectId> | |
| >> Create Credentials >> OAuth client ID | | |
| >> Application type "Desktop App" | | |
| >> Name "hostNameAA" -----------------------------------> ( | |
| >> Create | | |
| >> Download JSON ~/script/.clasp-localhost-cred.json --------/ |
| | |
| | |
------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-------------------------------------------------- |
| | |
| ___ ____ _____ | |
| |_ _| _ \| ____| | |
| | || | | | _| | |
| | || |_| | |___ | |
| |___|____/|_____| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
|Step5 >> Use classic Editor | |
| > Resources > Cloud Platform Projects | |
| > Enter Project Number | <--------------------------------------------------/
| > Set project |
| |
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