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Created August 12, 2023 23:59
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Veeam Tape Backup post-job receipt script for ESC/POS
Import-Module Veeam.Backup.PowerShell
$outputBuilder = New-Object System.Text.StringBuilder
[void]$outputBuilder.AppendLine('ESC "@"')
[void]$outputBuilder.AppendLine('ESC "2"')
$job = Get-VBRTapeJob -Name ExampleJobName
$lastjob = (Get-VBRTapeBackupSession -Job $job | Sort-Object EndTime | Select-Object -Last 1)
# get the tape name
$tape = (Get-VBRTapeMedium -MediaPool $job.Target | Sort-Object LastWriteTime | Select-Object -Last 1)
$stats = ($tape | Select @{Name="Free"; Expression={[math]::round($_.Free/1GB, 2)}}, @{Name="Capacity"; Expression={[math]::round($_.Capacity/1GB, 0)}}, @{Name="Percent"; Expression={[math]::round(100*($_.Capacity - $_.Free) / $_.Capacity, 1)}})
# print in ESC/POS
# barcode first
[void]$outputBuilder.AppendLine('ESC "a" 1')
[void]$outputBuilder.AppendLine('GS "h" 40 GS "H" 0 ')
[void]$outputBuilder.AppendLine('GS "k" 4 "' + $tape.Name + '" 0')
[void]$outputBuilder.AppendLine('ESC "d" 1')
[void]$outputBuilder.AppendLine('ESC "a" 1')
[void]$outputBuilder.AppendLine('GS "!" 0x11')
[void]$outputBuilder.AppendLine('"' + $tape.Name + '" LF')
[void]$outputBuilder.AppendLine('GS "!" 0x00')
[void]$outputBuilder.AppendLine("`"------------------------------------------`" LF")
[void]$outputBuilder.AppendLine('"' + ($tape.Description -split '\n')[0] + '" LF')
[void]$outputBuilder.AppendLine('"Free: ' + $stats.Free + ' GB | "')
[void]$outputBuilder.AppendLine('"Capacity: ' + $stats.Capacity + ' GB" LF')
[void]$outputBuilder.AppendLine('"Used: ' + $stats.Percent + '%" LF')
[void]$outputBuilder.AppendLine("`"------------------------------------------`" LF")
[void]$outputBuilder.AppendLine('ESC "d" 2')
[void]$outputBuilder.AppendLine('ESC "a" 0')
# get the job log
$log = ($lastjob.Log | Sort Time | Select -ExpandProperty Title)
foreach($line in $log) {
[void]$outputBuilder.AppendLine('"' + $line + '" LF')
[void]$outputBuilder.AppendLine('ESC "a" 1')
[void]$outputBuilder.AppendLine("`"------------------------------------------`" LF")
[void]$outputBuilder.AppendLine('"' + $(Get-Date -Format "ddd yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") + '" CR LF')
[void]$outputBuilder.AppendLine('ESC "d" 3')
# print
[void]$outputBuilder.Append("GS `"V`" 65 30 FF")
[System.IO.File]::WriteAllLines('.\escpos.txt', $outputBuilder.ToString())
senddat.exe .\escpos.txt
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