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Created June 23, 2011 11:33
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illustrator/scriptographer lorem ipsum generator
* Lorem Ipsum 0.0
* Ken Frederick
* A Lorem Ipsum/Greeking/Dummy-Text generator for Illustrator
* instead of having to use InDesign or sites like
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Properties
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Note from the Team
* In Scriptographer 2.9, we switched to a top-down coordinate system and
* degrees for angle units as an easier alternative to radians.
* For backward compatibility we offer the possibility to still use the old
* bottom-up coordinate system and radians for angle units, by setting the two
* values bellow. Read more about this transition on our website:
script.coordinateSystem = 'bottom-up';
script.angleUnits = 'radians';
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// document properties
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
var sel;
var lorem = new Array('lorem', 'ipsum', 'dolor', 'sit', 'amet', 'consectetur', 'adipisicing', 'elit', 'sed', 'do', 'eiusmod', 'tempor', 'incididunt', 'ut', 'labore', 'et', 'dolore', 'magna', 'aliqua', 'ut', 'enim', 'ad', 'minim', 'veniam', 'quis', 'nostrud', 'exercitation', 'ullamco', 'laboris', 'nisi', 'ut', 'aliquip', 'ex', 'ea', 'commodo', 'consequat', 'duis', 'aute', 'irure', 'dolor', 'in', 'reprehenderit', 'in', 'voluptate', 'velit', 'esse', 'cillum', 'dolore', 'eu', 'fugiat', 'nulla', 'pariatur', 'excepteur', 'sint', 'occaecat', 'cupidatat', 'non', 'proident', 'sunt', 'in', 'culpa', 'qui', 'officia', 'deserunt', 'mollit', 'anim', 'id', 'est', 'laborum');
var loremTextStr;
// values
var values = {
loremNum: 5,
genType: 'Words',
bTitle: false,
bPunctuation: true,
bReplace: true,
* hidden values for additional tweaking and features
paraLengthAvg: 120,
paraLengthRange: 40,
sentLengthAvg: 14,
// to use this tool as constant palette on screen
// change this value to 'true'
mode: false
// components
var components = {
// ------------------------------------
// Amount & Type
// ------------------------------------
loremNum: {
type: 'number'
genType: {
options: ['Words', 'Paragraphs']
amountRule: {
type: 'ruler',
fullSize: true
// ------------------------------------
// Details
// ------------------------------------
bTitle: {
type: 'checkbox',
label: 'Title Case',
onChange: function(value) {
if(value) components.bPunctuation.value = false;
bPunctuation: {
type: 'checkbox',
label: 'Include Punctuation'
detailRule: {
type: 'ruler',
fullSize: true,
// ------------------------------------
// Replace
// ------------------------------------
bReplace: {
type: 'checkbox',
label: 'Replace existing text'
* the following elements are only visible/active
* when using this tool in palette mode
replaceRule: {
type: 'ruler',
fullSize: true,
visible: values.mode
// ------------------------------------
// apply that shit!
// ------------------------------------
submit: {
type: 'button',
value: 'Generate',
visible: values.mode,
onClick: function() {
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Setup
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
function Setup() {
// initialize the dialog box
if(values.mode) {
var dialog = new Palette('Lorem Ipsum 0.0', components, values);
} else {
var dialog = new Dialog.prompt('Lorem Ipsum 0.0', components, values);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Update
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
function Update() {
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Main
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
function Main() {
// selection
sel = activeDocument.getItems({
type: 'TextItem',
selected: true
loremTextStr = '';
if (sel.length > 0) {
// if text item is selected
for (i in sel) {
obj = sel[i];
// generate lorem ipsum text per item
loremTextStr = '';
if(values.genType == 'Words' ) LoremIpsumWords(values.loremNum);
else if(values.genType == 'Paragraphs' ) LoremIpsumParagraphs();
if(obj.children.length > 1) digger(obj);
else generateText(obj);
} else {
if(values.genType == 'Words' ) LoremIpsumWords(values.loremNum);
else if(values.genType == 'Paragraphs' ) LoremIpsumParagraphs();
// if no selection
// create an empty text box
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Methods
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
function random(minr, maxr) {
return minr + Math.random() * (maxr - minr);
function randomInt(minr, maxr) {
return parseInt( random(minr,maxr) );
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
function LoremIpsumWords(num) {
var punc = 1;
var wordCount = 0;
var word;
// rudimentary lorem ipsum generator
// uses random values to sprinkle punctuation marks
// throughout the text in a "realistic" fashion
for(var i=0; i<num; i++) {
word = lorem[ randomInt(0,lorem.length) ];
if(values.bTitle) word = word.initialCap();
// add punctuation .,;:
if(values.bPunctuation) {
if(punc == 0 || i == num-1) loremTextStr += word + '.'; // 0 = period
else if(punc == 3) loremTextStr += word + ', '; // 3 = comma
else if(wordCount > 3 && wordCount < 12 && punc == 6) loremTextStr += word + '; '; // 6 = semi-colon
else if(wordCount > 3 && wordCount < 12 && punc == 9) loremTextStr += word + ': '; // 9 = colon
else loremTextStr += word + ' '; // space
} else {
loremTextStr += word + ' ';
// determine punctuation
var newSentence = randomInt(0,2);
if(wordCount > values.sentLengthAvg && num > 24 && newSentence == 0) {
punc = 0;
wordCount = 0;
} else {
punc = randomInt(1,18);
if(!values.bTitle) loremTextStr = sentenceCase(loremTextStr);
function LoremIpsumParagraphs() {
var paraWordNum = randomInt(values.paraLengthAvg - values.paraLengthRange, values.paraLengthAvg + values.paraLengthRange);
// paragraph
for(var i=0; i<values.loremNum; i++) {
loremTextStr += '\r\r';
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
function generateText(obj) {
if( obj != undefined ) {
if(obj.words) {
// we'll add on to the text in existing selection
if(values.bReplace) obj.content = loremTextStr;
else obj.content += ' ' + loremTextStr;
} else {
// selected object is not valid or
// doesn't exist so we'll create our own
var rectangle = new Rectangle(new Point(0,0), new Size(210,297));
var areaText = new AreaText(rectangle);
areaText.position = new Point(activeDocument.bounds.width*0.5, activeDocument.bounds.height*0.5);
areaText.content += loremTextStr;
* with a little guidance from
String.prototype.initialCap = function() {
var str = this.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() + this.substr(1);
return str;
function sentenceCase(text) {
// val = text.value;
val = text;
result = new Array();
result2 = '';
count = 0;
endSentence = new Array();
for(var i=1; i<val.length; i++) {
if(val.charAt(i) == '.' || val.charAt(i) == '!' || val.charAt(i) == '?'){
endSentence[count] = val.charAt(i);
var val2 = val.split(/[.|?|!]/);
if(val2[val2.length-1] == '') val2.length = val2.length-1;
for (var j=0; j<val2.length; j++) {
val3 = val2[j];
if(val3.substring(0,1)!=' ') val2[j] = ' '+val2[j];
var temp = val2[j].split(' ');
var incr = 0;
if(temp[0] == '') {
temp2 = temp[incr].substring(0,1);
temp3 = temp[incr].substring(1,temp[incr].length);
temp2 = temp2.toUpperCase();
temp3 = temp3.toLowerCase();
temp[incr] = temp2+temp3;
for (var i=incr+1; i<temp.length; i++) {
temp2 = temp[i].substring(0,1);
temp2 = temp2.toLowerCase();
temp3 = temp[i].substring(1,temp[i].length);
temp3 = temp3.toLowerCase();
temp[i] = temp2+temp3;
if(endSentence[j] == undefined) endSentence[j] = '';
result2 += temp.join(' ')+endSentence[j];
if(result2.substring(0,1) == ' ') result2 = result2.substring(1,result2.length);
// text.value = result2;
return result2;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
function digger(digObj) {
for(var k=0; k<digObj.children.length; k++) {
// if(digObj.children[k].children.length > 1) {
// }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Execution
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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