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Last active August 8, 2018 17:07
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Delimited line parser. RFC 4180 Compliant
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
public class DelimitedLineParserResult
public string[] Values { get; set; }
public bool Errored { get; set; }
public string ErrorMessage { get; set; }
public class DelimitedLineParser
public DelimitedLineParserResult Parse(string lineToParse, char delimiter, int maxFields = -1, bool trimWhiteSpace = true, bool fieldsEnclosedInQuotes = true)
char[] characters = lineToParse.ToCharArray();
List<string> returnValueList = new List<string>();
string tempString = string.Empty;
bool blockUntilEndQuote = false;
bool parseErrored = false;
string errorMsg = string.Empty;
for (int cIdx = 0; cIdx < characters.Length; cIdx++)
char character = characters[cIdx];
if (character == '"' && fieldsEnclosedInQuotes)
if (blockUntilEndQuote == false)
blockUntilEndQuote = true;
else if (blockUntilEndQuote == true)
blockUntilEndQuote = false;
if (character != delimiter)
tempString = tempString + character;
else if (character == delimiter && (blockUntilEndQuote == true))
tempString = tempString + character;
if (fieldsEnclosedInQuotes)
errorMsg = ParseFieldEnclosedInQuotes(tempString, trimWhiteSpace, returnValueList);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(errorMsg))
errorMsg += string.Format(" Field ({0})", returnValueList.Count);
parseErrored = true;
returnValueList.Add(TrimAllWhiteSpace(tempString, trimWhiteSpace));
if (ReachedMaxFields(maxFields, returnValueList))
tempString = "";
if (cIdx + 1 == lineToParse.Length)
if (fieldsEnclosedInQuotes)
errorMsg = ParseFieldEnclosedInQuotes(tempString, trimWhiteSpace, returnValueList);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(errorMsg))
errorMsg += string.Format(" Field ({0})", returnValueList.Count);
parseErrored = true;
returnValueList.Add(TrimAllWhiteSpace(tempString, trimWhiteSpace));
if (ReachedMaxFields(maxFields, returnValueList))
tempString = "";
string[] returnValue = returnValueList.ToArray();
return new DelimitedLineParserResult() { Values = returnValue, Errored = parseErrored, ErrorMessage = errorMsg };
private string ParseFieldEnclosedInQuotes(string tempString, bool trimWhiteSpace, List<string> returnValueList)
if (!DblQuoteCompliant(tempString))
return "Malformed Line: " + tempString;
returnValueList.Add(TrimAllWhiteSpace(RemoveFirstOccurance(RemoveLastOccurance(tempString, "\""), "\"").Replace("\"\"", "\""), trimWhiteSpace));
return string.Empty;
private bool ReachedMaxFields(int maxFields, List<string> returnValueList)
return maxFields > -1 && returnValueList.Count == maxFields;
private bool DblQuoteCompliant(string checkValue)
if (EnclosedInQuotes(checkValue))
string firstLastRemoved = RemoveFirstOccurance(RemoveLastOccurance(checkValue, "\""), "\"");
string escapedDblQuotesRemoved = firstLastRemoved.Replace("\"\"", "");
return escapedDblQuotesRemoved.IndexOf("\"") == -1;
return true;
private bool EnclosedInQuotes(string checkValue)
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(checkValue) && checkValue.Length > 1)
return Convert.ToString(checkValue[0]) == "\"" && Convert.ToString(checkValue[checkValue.Length - 1]) == "\"";
return false;
private string TrimAllWhiteSpace(string source, bool trimWhiteSpace)
return trimWhiteSpace ? source.Trim() : source;
private string RemoveFirstOccurance(string source, string toRemove)
return string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(source) ? source
: Convert.ToString(source[0]) == toRemove ? source.Substring(1) : source;
private string RemoveLastOccurance(string source, string toRemove)
return string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(source) ? source
: Convert.ToString(source[source.Length - 1]) == toRemove ? source.Substring(0, source.Length - 1) : source;
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