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Created January 24, 2016 00:49
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Part4: Following Elm Tutorial
import Graphics.Element exposing (..)
import Graphics.Collage exposing (..)
import Color exposing (..)
import Mouse
import Window
import Random
import Time exposing (..)
import Signal exposing (foldp)
(width, height) = (400, 400)
(hWidth, hHeight) =
(width/2, height/2)
type alias Vec =
(Float, Float)
type alias Pill =
{ pos : Vec
, vel : Vec
, rad : Float
, col : Color
type alias Game =
{ player : Pill
, pills : List Pill }
defaultGame =
{ player = defaultPlayer
, pills = []}
newPill : Float -> Pill
newPill x =
{ defaultPill | pos = (x, hHeight)}
type Event = Tick (Time, (Int, Int)) | Add Pill
vecAdd : Vec -> Vec -> Vec
vecAdd (ax, ay) (bx, by) =
(ax + bx, ay + by)
vecSub : Vec -> Vec -> Vec
vecSub (ax, ay) (bx, by) =
(ax - bx, ay - by)
vecLen : Vec -> Float
vecLen (x, y) =
sqrt (x * x + y * y )
vecMulS : Vec -> Time -> Vec
vecMulS (x, y) t =
(x*t, y*t)
defaultPill =
{ pos = (0,hHeight)
, vel = (0,-30)
, rad = 15
, col = lightRed
defaultPlayer =
{defaultPill | pos = (0,0)
, col = black}
gen = Random.float -hWidth hWidth
seed0 = Random.initialSeed 12
-- Update
stepGame : Event -> Game -> Game
stepGame event ({player, pills} as g) =
case event of
Tick (t, mp) ->
hit pill= (vecLen (vecSub player.pos pill.pos)) < (player.rad + pill.rad)
unculled = List.filter (\{pos} -> snd pos > -hHeight) pills
untouched = List.filter (not << hit) unculled
{g|pills = (stepPill t) untouched
,player = stepPlayer mp player}
Add p ->
{g|pills = p :: g.pills}
stepPill : Time -> Pill -> Pill
stepPill t p =
{p|pos = vecAdd p.pos (vecMulS p.vel t)}
-- in the future, maybe it is a good idea to have a type Player.
-- For now, we are using Pill as player type.
stepPlayer : (Int, Int) -> Pill -> Pill
stepPlayer (x, y) p =
{p|pos = (toFloat x, toFloat y)}
-- View
render : (Int, Int) -> Game -> Element
render (w,h) game =
let formPill {rad, col, pos} = circle rad
|> filled col
|> move pos
forms = formPill game.player formPill game.pills
color lightGray <| container w h middle
<| color white
<| collage width height forms
-- Input
relativeMouse : (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int)
relativeMouse (origin_x, origin_y) (x, y) =
(x-origin_x, origin_y - y)
center : (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int)
center (w,h) =
(w//2, h//2)
mouseSignal =
Signal.map2 relativeMouse ( center Window.dimensions) Mouse.position
input : Signal (Time, (Int, Int))
input =
let time = inSeconds (fps 30)
mouse = Signal.sampleOn time (Signal.map2 relativeMouse ( center Window.dimensions) Mouse.position)
in Signal.map2 (,) time mouse
-- Random Signal
type alias State =
{value: Float
,seed: Random.Seed}
state0 = State 0 (Random.initialSeed 42)
rstep : a -> State -> State
rstep _ state =
let (value', seed') = Random.generate gen state.seed
in State value' seed'
state : Signal Pill
state =
statesig = Signal.foldp rstep state0 (fps 1)
floatsig = .value statesig
in newPill floatsig
event =
let t = inSeconds (fps 30)
( Tick input)
( Add state)
main =
Signal.map2 render
(foldp stepGame defaultGame event)
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