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Last active December 2, 2021 08:46
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Docker is an open platform for developing, shipping, and running applications. It is the standard de facto for packaging and sharing apps – from desktop to the cloud.

To achieve its goal, Docker is using containers.

The container has the following characteristics:

  • A container is a package for the software and all required libraries.
  • As soon as is launched, a container determines a runtime environment for your application.
  • A container is lighter than a virtual machine, so that it can be launched way faster.
  • A container is distributed in the form of an image, which consists of multiple layers. Multiple containers can reuse these layers.

The features above allow you to:

  • Build isolated environments for deploying.
  • Launch your applications in minutes.

Docker helps you to simplify and automate every step of the software development process.

Here are the essential Docker features:

  • Docker has a giant community.
  • Docker is a simple and lightweight way of distributing software.
  • Docker has a giant public repository of containers for all possible purposes.
  • Docker lowers dev and ops costs.
  • Docker configuration is straightforward and quick.
  • Docker provides application isolation.
  • Docker image has layers, which has version control.
  • Docker automates every step of container management.

You can install Docker on Linux, macOS, and Windows operating systems.

Useful Commands

Managing Containers

Run Docker Container

docker container run [your-image-name]

You can use the option --rm with Docker run command to removes a container after it exits.

Connect to Docker Container Shell

You can use the option -it with Docker run command to create and start a container and attach to the interactive shell.

docker container run -it [your-image-here] [shell-path-here (ie: /bin/bash)]

Launch Docker Container In The Background

You can use the option -td with the Docker run command to create, start the container and keep it running.

docker container run -td [your-image-here]

Set Up Docker Container Name

You can use the option --name with Docker run command to assign a container name using the following syntax:

docker container run --name [container-name] -td [image-name]

Bind Docker Container On The Specific Port

If you want to access the external machine’s container process, you can expose a container port to the external network.

In this case, you can use the option -p with the Docker command to expose the specific port as shown below:

docker container run -p [host-port]:[container-port] --name [container-name] -dt [image-name]

List All Docker Containers

To list all running and stopped container in your system, run the following command:

docker ps -a

To list only running container in your system, run the following command:

docker ps


docker container ls

Display Docker Container Stats

To display the live statistics of the running container (CPU and memory utilization, network and disk I/O) named apacheweb, run the following command:

docker stats apacheweb

Display All Docker Container Processes

To list all running processes inside the running container named apacheweb, run the following command:

docker top apacheweb

Display Docker Container Logs

To display the logs of the running container named apacheweb, run the following command:

docker logs apacheweb

Start, Stop, And Pause Docker Container

To stop the running container named apacheweb, run the following command:

docker container stop apacheweb

To start the container named apacheweb, run the following command:

docker container start apacheweb

To pause the container named apacheweb, run the following command:

docker container pause apacheweb

Restart Or Kill Docker Container

To restart the running container named apacheweb, run the following command:

docker container restart apacheweb

To kill the running container named apacheweb, run the following command:

docker container kill apacheweb

Attach To Already Running Docker Container

To connect to the running apacheweb container, run the following command:

docker container exec -it apacheweb /bin/bash

To run any command inside the running container, run the following command:

docker container exec -it apacheweb ls

Managing Docker Images

In this section, we will show you some most commonly used commands to manage the Docker image.

Download Docker Image From The Registry

To download or pull the image from the Docker registry, use the following syntax:

docker pull [image-name]

Upload Docker Image To The Registry

If you want to upload an existing image to the Docker registry, use the following syntax:

docker push [image-name]

Login to Docker The Registry First, you will need to login into the Docker registry with the following command:

docker login

Once login, run the following command to get the id of the image and tag the image with the following command:

docker images

Add Tag To Docker Image Next, tag the image with the following command:

docker tag f35646e83998 amaksimov/nginx


  • f35646e83998 is the image id, amaksimov is the Docker registry name and nginx is the name of the image.

Next, push the Nginx image to the Docker registry with the following command:

docker push amaksimov/nginx

Create Docker Image From Running Container

You can also create an image from an existing container using the following syntax:

docker commit [container-name] [new-image-name:tag]

For example, create an image from the Apache container, run the following command:

docker commit apacheweb apache-image

You can also add additional information and tag the image

docker commit --author="fredjoseph" --message='Fix some configuration files' 46fbc5390f39 my-custom-image:1.0.0

Save an existing image to a tar archive by running the following command:

docker save apache-image > apache-image.tar
docker save my-custom-image:1.0.0 | gzip > my-custom-image.tar.gz

History Of The Docker Image

You can print the history of any Docker image with the following command:

docker history apache-image

Delete Docker Image

You can remove any Docker image using the following syntax:

docker rmi [image-name]

For example, if you want to remove the Apache image, you will need to stop the container that is using the httpd image:

docker container stop apacheweb
docker rm apacheweb

First, we need to delete apache-image image:

docker rmi apache-image

Only afterwards, we remove the httpd image with the following command:

docker rmi httpd

Managing Docker Volumes

When you create a new container, store some data and delete the container then data will be lost. In this case, you can create a volume on the host system and start a container using this volume. After deleting the container, you can retrieve the data from the volume. You can also use Docker volume to share the data between multiple containers.

Create Docker Volume

To create a new volume named datavolume with the following command:

docker volume create datavolume

List all Docker Volumes

To list your created volume, run the following command:

docker volume ls

Print Docker Volume Information

To print more information about volume, run the following command:

docker inspect datavolume

Mount Volume To Docker Container

To create a new container named apacheweb and mount the datavolume on the host system to the /mnt directory to the container, run the following command:

docker run -it --name apacheweb1  --mount source=datavolume,destination=/mnt -td httpd

Remove Docker Volume

To remove the volume, run the following command:

docker volume rm datavolume


How to delete unused Docker Images

To delete all unused docker images, you need to run the following command:

docker rmi $(docker images -a -q)

How to remove all exited Docker containers

All exited Docker containers could be removed by running the following command:

docker rm $(docker ps -a -f status=exited -q)

How To Stop And Remove All Docker Containers

To stop all Docker containers, you need to run:

docker stop $(docker ps -a -q)

To delete all stopped Docker containers, you need to run:

docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)

How to delete all unused Docker Images, Containers, Volumes, Networks

To delete all unused Docker resources, you may use the following command:

docker system prune

To delete all Docker resources completely (used and unused), run the following command:

docker system prune -a

Access Docker Container Logs

On Windows, Docker runs in a VM called MobyLinuxVM, but you cannot login to that VM via Hyper-V Manager. We aren’t technically going to SSH into the VM, we’ll create a container that has full root access and then access the file system from there.

Just run this from your CLI and it'll drop you in a container ( with full permissions on the Moby VM. Only works for Moby Linux VM (doesn't work for Windows Containers).

docker run -it --rm --privileged --pid=host justincormack/nsenter1

For clearing all logs for all containers

truncate -s 0 /var/lib/docker/containers/*/*-json.log

For clearing logs for a specific container

truncate -s 0 /var/lib/docker/containers/<containerId>/<containerId>-json.log
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