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Created November 2, 2020 17:49
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bonito-sargo-ril-subscription-1.conf (/etc/ofono/ril_subscription.conf)
# This is a sample configuration file for Jolla ril driver
# This file is expected to be installed in /etc/ofono
# Configuration for each modem is defined in its own [ril_x] section,
# common settings are in the [Settings] section, all other sections
# are ignored.
# If any value from [ril_x] section (except "socket") is defined
# in the [Settings] section, it becomes the default for all modems.
# Default values can still be redefined at [ril_x] level.
# This option stops RIL plugin from creating any RIL modems.
# If it's set to true, all [ril_x] sections are ignored even
# if they are present, and no default configurtation is created.
# Default false
# User and group for the ofono process. RIL clients are typically
# expected to run under radio:radio.
# Default radio:radio
# If the phone has more than one SIM slot, the 3G/LTE module may be
# shared by all modems, meaning that only one of the slots can use
# 3G/LTE. In order to "hand 4G over" to the other slot, the modem
# currently using 3G/LTE has to drop to GSM, release 3G/LTE module
# and only then 3G/LTE can be used by the other modem. This setting
# allows to disable this behaviour (say, if your phone has independent
# 3G/LTE modules for each slot or you don't need 4G for both slots).
# Obviously, it only has any effect if you have more than one SIM.
# Defaults to true (switch the current data modem to 2G when changing
# the data modems)
# If this option is on, preferred technology is set to GSM for non-data
# slots.
# Default true (for historical reasons)
# RIL_REQUEST_SET_RADIO_CAPABILITY may or may not be supported by your RIL.
# This option allows you to forcibly enable or disable use of this request.
# It's involved in 3G/LTE handover between the modems, meaning that it only
# makes sense if you have more than one slot.
# Possible values are auto, on and off
# Default auto (enable for RIL version >= 11)
# Required entry, defines the RIL socket path
# Subscription string. Some (mostly, older) RILs require that 4 bytes
# (usually SUB1 or SUB2) are written to the socket before rild starts
# talking to us.
# Not sent by default.
# RIL logging prefix, to tell one socket from another in the log.
# Makes sense if you have more than one modem configured.
# No prefix by default.
# Slot id for SET_UICC_SUBSCRIPTION request.
# By default the first modem becomes slot 0, the next one slot 1 and so on.
# RIL request timeout, in milliseconds.
# Default zero (no timeout)
# Comma-separated list of radio technologies supported by the modem.
# Valid technologies are "gsm", "umts" and "lte". The special value
# "all" means that all technologies are supported.
# Default all
# This one is deprecated, use the technologies entry instead (above).
# RIL_REQUEST_SET_UICC_SUBSCRIPTION is 115 in RIL version 9 (or earlier)
# and 122 in RIL version 10 and later. Since ofono doesn't know in advance
# which RIL version it's dealing with, it makes the decision at runtime.
# Settings it to false disables the workaround and always sends 122.
# Default true (select SET_UICC_SUBSCRIPTION based on the RIL version)
# Points to the file containing comma-separated ECC (Emergency List Codes)
# list, e.g. 911,112,*911,#911. The file is tracked by ofono and when its
# contents changes, it's reflected in the EmergencyNumbers property of
# org.ofono.VoiceCallManager.
# If necessary, the contents of the file can be synchronized with the
# Android system property by adding something like this to /init.rc:
# on property:ril.ecclist=*
# write /var/lib/ofono/ril.ecclist ${ril.ecclist}
# chmod 0644 /var/lib/ofono/ril.ecclist
# RIL_REQUEST_ALLOW_DATA may or may not be supported by your RIL.
# This option allows you to forcibly enable or disable use of this request.
# Possible values are auto, on and off
# Default auto (enable for RIL version >= 11)
# Since RIL interface doesn't provide the standard way of querying the
# number of pin retries left, some RIL implementation (namely Qualcomm)
# allow to query the retry count by sending the empty pin. If your RIL
# actually does check the empty pin (and decrements the retry count)
# then you should turn this feature off.
# Default true
# Different RILs use different data call structures which don't necessarily
# match the format specified in the data list header. The header may have
# version 9 but the list may contain RIL_Data_Call_Response_v6 structures,
# list version 10 may contain RIL_Data_Call_Response_v11 and so on. By default
# ofono assumes that the version from the list header matches the contents
# but sometimes you have to explicitly tell ofono which one to use.
# Possible values are 6, 9, 11 and auto.
# Default auto
# Data call may fail with status 65535 which according to ril.h means that
# we need to retry silently. The maximum number of retries is limited by
# this parameter. Usually, one retry is enough. The first retry occurs
# immediately, the subsequent ones after dataCallRetryDelay (see below)
# Default 4
# Delay between data call retries, in milliseconds. Note that the first
# retry occurs immediately after the first failure, the delays are only
# applied if the first retry fails too.
# Default 200 ms
# Additional local and remote hangup reasons. Remote reasons are checked
# first. Normally, RIL plugin figures it out automatically. You would only
# need to define these if your RIL does something unusual.
# No default
# Voice call support. Some devices like USB modems and tablets don't support
# voice calls. By default, voice calls are enabled and this option allows you
# to disable voice call handling.
# Default true
# Support for Cell Broadcast System (CBS). By default, its enabled but if
# your rild and/or modem is not happy about it, you can turn it off.
# Default true
# Support for Sim Toolkit (STK). By default, its enabled but if your rild
# and/or modem is not happy about it, you can turn it off.
# Default true
# Timeout for the modem to show up, in milliseconds. Those that don't
# show up before this timeout expires, will be dropped (ignored).
# In some fairly rare cases it makes sense to shorten this timeout for
# optional modems (which may or may not be available), to speed up the
# boot up process.
# Default 20000 (20 seconds)
# This allows to use deprecated RIL_REQUEST_GET_IMEI instead of
# RIL_REQUEST_DEVICE_IDENTITY to query IMEI from the modem. Some
# RILs (e.g. MTK) still don't understand RIL_REQUEST_DEVICE_IDENTITY.
# Some devices don't support LTE RAT mode PREF_NET_TYPE_LTE_GSM_WCDMA.
# This option allows to set a custom LTE mode.
# Timeout for RIL_REQUEST_SET_PREFERRED_NETWORK_TYPE, in milliseconds.
# Default 20000 (20 seconds)
# Default 100000 (100 seconds)
# Comma-separated signal strength range, in dBm.
# These values are used for translating dBm values returned by the modem in
# LTE mode into signal strength percentage. If you are getting significantly
# different signal strength readings in GSM and LTE modes, you may need to
# tweak those.
# Default -100,-60
# Cycle radio power at startup.
# Default true (cycle the power)
# With some RILs it seems to be necessary to kick (RIL_REQUEST_RADIO_POWER)
# the modems with power on after one of the modems has been powered off.
# Otherwise bad things may happen (like the modem never registering
# on the network).
# On the other hand, with some RILs it's causing some trouble (like this
# extra RIL_REQUEST_RADIO_POWER getting stuck indefinitely).
# Default true (for historical reasons)
# Normally we should be able to have two simultaneously active data
# contexts - one for mobile data and one for MMS. Some devices however
# require that mobile data is disconnected before we can send or receive
# MMS. In other words, activation of the second data context fails.
# Default false (more than one context is supported)
# Configures whether +0 is added to MCCMNC string passed to
# require it, some MediaTek RILs don't like it.
# Default true
# Enables use of SET_DATA_PROFILE requests. Everything used to work without
# profiles, that's why it's disabled by default.
# Default false
# Configures MMS data profile ID. Must be non-zero.
# This option is ignored if useDataProfiles is false.
# Configures device state tracking (basically, power saving strategy).
# Possible values are:
# ss = Use legacy device state management (RIL_REQUEST_SCREEN_STATE)
# ds = Use newer device state management (RIL_REQUEST_SEND_DEVICE_STATE)
# This may be useful on devices with RIL version >= 15 if auto
# method fails
# auto = Choose ss or ds based on the RIL version
# none = Disable device state management
# In addition to specifying ss, ds or ur method, one can specify a
# combination of methods, e.g. ds+ur
# Default auto
# On some phones (such as Jolla C), even if the slot which has been
# using LTE gets powered off, we still need to explicitely set its
# preferred mode to GSM, to make LTE machinery available to the other slot.
# Default true (false for MTK RILs)
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