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Last active May 30, 2016 11:23
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PyQt/PySide .ui loader
import uifileloader
# Load Qt bindings via Qt wrapper
# Source:
from Qt import __binding__
UI_FILE = 'my_ui.ui'
# form and base from uifileloader
form, base = uifileloader.uifileloader().load_ui_type(
class MyUI(form, base):
def __init__(self, parent=None):
super(MyUI, self).__init__(parent)
# Set up UI
if __bindings__.startswith('PySide'):
if __bindings__.startswith('PyQt'):
uic.loadUi(MY_UI_FILE, self)
# Access UI and modify it
self.setWindowTitle('Hello world')
# Example:
# self.listWidget.addItem('Hello world')
import xml.etree.ElementTree as xml
from cStringIO import StringIO
# Load Qt bindings via Qt wrapper
# Source:
from Qt import QtCore
from Qt import QtWidgets
from Qt import __binding__
if __binding__.startswith('PySide'):
from Qt import QtUiTools
import pysideuic
elif __binding__.startswith('PyQt'):
from Qt import uic
import sip
# Maya
import maya.OpenMayaUI as omui
import shiboken
except ImportError:
class PyQtFixer(QtWidgets.QMainWindow):
def __init__(self, parent=None):
"""Super, loadUi, signal connections
super(PyQtFixer, self).__init__(parent)
print 'Making a detour (hack), necessary for when using PyQt'
class uifileloader(object):
def __init__(self, parent=None):
"""Super, loadUi, signal connections"""
super(uifileloader, self).__init__
def load_ui_type(self, UI_FILE):
""" Pyside lacks the "load_ui_type" command, so we have to convert the ui file
to py code in-memory first and then execute it in a special frame to
retrieve the form_class.
parsed = xml.parse(UI_FILE)
widget_class = parsed.find('widget').get('class')
form_class = parsed.find('class').text
with open(UI_FILE, 'r') as f:
o = StringIO()
frame = {}
if __binding__.startswith('PySide'):
pysideuic.compileUi(f, o, indent=0)
pyc = compile(o.getvalue(), '<string>', 'exec')
exec pyc in frame
# Fetch the base_class and form class based on their type
# in the xml from designer
form_class = frame['Ui_%s' % form_class]
base_class = eval('QtWidgets.%s' % widget_class)
if __binding__.startswith('PyQt'):
form_class = PyQtFixer
base_class = QtWidgets.QMainWindow
return form_class, base_class
def wrap_instance(self, ptr, base=None):
Utility to convert a pointer to a Qt class instance (PySide/PyQt
:param ptr: Pointer to QObject in memory
:type ptr: long or Swig instance
:param base: (Optional) Base class to wrap with (Defaults to QObject,
which should handle anything)
:type base: QtWidgets.QWidget
:return: QWidget or subclass instance
:rtype: QtWidgets.QWidget
if ptr is None:
return None
ptr = long(ptr) # Ensure type
if 'shiboken' in globals():
if base is None:
qObj = shiboken.wrapInstance(long(ptr), QtCore.QObject)
metaObj = qObj.metaObject()
cls = metaObj.className()
superCls = metaObj.superClass().className()
if hasattr(QtWidgets, cls):
base = getattr(QtWidgets, cls)
elif hasattr(QtWidgets, superCls):
base = getattr(QtWidgets, superCls)
base = QtWidgets.QWidget
return shiboken.wrapInstance(long(ptr), base)
elif 'sip' in globals():
base = QtCore.QObject
return sip.wrapinstance(long(ptr), base)
return None
def maya_main_window(self):
""" Returns the main Maya window. This works for both PySide and PyQt
since it uses the custom wrap_instance function. """
main_window_ptr = omui.MQtUtil.mainWindow()
maya_window = self.wrap_instance(long(main_window_ptr),
return maya_window
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