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Created August 6, 2014 13:45
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Ansible lookup plugin for locating alternative/overload files
#!/usr/bin/env python
# To use this lookup plugin in a project:
# - Put script in a subfolder of your ansible project
# - Add to your project config: lookup_plugins = ./path/to/subfolder
""" Ansible lookup plugin.
This Ansible lookup plugin looks up files or templates for a role.
The idea is to return files from 'templates' or 'files', but to allow the files
to be overloaded.
The lookup plugin will look for the filename 'file' somewhere in the 'base'
directory. The 'base' directory is relative to '<basedir>/../'.
If 'alt' is given, we will first look for the file in
'<basedir>/../<base>/<alt>'. If no 'alt' is given, or the file does not exist
in 'alt', then we will look for it in '<basedir>/../<base>'.
do_something_with_file: {{ item }}
- file: 'filename' # The name of the file to look up. Mandatory.
- base: 'files' # The location where the file is found. Optional,
# default 'files'.
- alt: 'alternate_dir' # A sub-directory of 'base' that may or may not
# exist. Optional, default: None.
# If the 'alt' location exists, and contains
# 'file', then that file is used. Otherwise,
# we'll use 'file' from 'base', if that exists.
- skip: no # If the lookup should produce an erroneous
# return if the file is not found. If 'yes', the
# task will be skipped when no file is found.
# Optional, default: 'no'.
import ansible.utils as utils
from ansible.errors import AnsibleError
from os.path import isfile, join, realpath
class LookupModule(object):
""" Lookup implementation.
Returns a list with one item. That item is either:
+ the first file that exists of:
- <self.basedir>/../<base>/<alt>/<file>
- <self.basedir>/../<base>/<file>
+ None if none of the files exist.
def __init__(self, basedir=None, **kwargs):
# Basedir is typically ./files
self.basedir = basedir
def run(self, terms, inject=None, **kwargs):
terms = utils.listify_lookup_plugin_terms(terms, self.basedir, inject)
# Join args
args = dict()
for term in terms:
if not isinstance(term, dict):
raise AnsibleError(
"with_file_overload: Args must be key=value pairs")
# Read out the args and defaults.
alt = args.get('alt', None)
base = args.get('base', 'files')
file = args.get('file', '')
skip = utils.boolean(args.get('skip', 'no'))
# Validate the term types
if not isinstance(base, basestring):
raise AnsibleError(
"with_file_overload: Illegal argument for base=%r" % base)
if not isinstance(file, basestring):
raise AnsibleError(
"with_file_overload: Illegal argument for file=%r" % file)
if not (alt is None or isinstance(alt, basestring)):
raise AnsibleError(
"with_file_overload: Illegal argument for alt=%r" % alt)
def get_first(base, file, alt):
""" Return the wanted file, or None if it doesn't exists. """
base = realpath(join(self.basedir, '..', base))
if alt and isfile(join(base, alt, file)):
return join(base, alt, file)
elif isfile(join(base, file)):
return join(base, file)
return None
found = get_first(base, file, alt)
if skip and not found:
return []
return [found, ]
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