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Last active January 2, 2016 13:09
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Some examples from the Reactive Programming course for discussion at the OSFP meetup.
// How to improve this?
// Any way to get rid of the default case without MatchErrors at runtime on other UI events?
def clicks: Observable[Button] = Observable[Button]((observer: Observer[Button]) => {
val r = Reaction {
case ButtonClicked(b) => observer.onNext(b)
case _ =>
Subscription {
/** Given an observable that can possibly be completed with an error, returns a new observable
* with the same values wrapped into `Success` and the potential error wrapped into `Failure`.
* E.g. `1, 2, 3, !Exception!` should become `Success(1), Success(2), Success(3), Failure(Exception), !TerminateStream!`
* IMPROVE: Implement without creating a new Observable (observer) ?
def recovered: Observable[Try[T]] = Observable[Try[T]]((observer: Observer[Try[T]]) => {
term => term match {
case OnNext(v) => observer.onNext(Success(v))
case OnError(e) => {
case OnCompleted() =>
error => observer.onError(error),
() => observer.onCompleted
Subscription {}
// I've experienced hangs in this code - after a while button clicks don't lead to new selections and page loads
// Any idea what is going wrong?
// How to implement without channels?
val selections: Observable[String] = {
val channel = PublishSubject[String]("")
button.clicks.subscribe { _ =>
val selected = suggestionList.selection.items.toList.headOption { s => println("Selected: " + s); channel.onNext(s) }
val pages: Observable[Try[String]] = {
val channel = PublishSubject[Try[String]](Success(""))
selections.sanitized.subscribe { term =>
println("Getting wikipedia page for term: " + term)
val f = wikipediaPage(term)
f.onComplete(t => channel.onNext(t))
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