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Created February 23, 2015 13:17
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spi hw2
//Function headers
void flashSpiInit();
char spiGiveAndTake(char send);
void read512BytesFlashMemory();
void readManufacAndDeviceID();
void readFlashStatusReg();
void readGoodStuff();
//initialize SSP1
void flashSpiInit()
const uint32_t flashChipSelect = 1 << 6;
const uint32_t spi1TurnOn = 1 << 10;
//chip select for the flash mem. active low
LPC_GPIO0->FIODIR |= flashChipSelect;
LPC_GPIO0->FIOSET = flashChipSelect;
//power on-board spi1 interface (should be on after reset anyway)
LPC_SC->PCONP |= spi1TurnOn;
//configure spi clock
LPC_SC->PCLKSEL0 &= ~(3 << 20); //clear SPI 1 clock control bits
LPC_SC->PCLKSEL0 |= 1 << 20; // clk/1
//change pin0.7 from gpio to spi clock1
LPC_PINCON->PINSEL0 &= ~(3 << 14); //clear P0.7 control bits
LPC_PINCON->PINSEL0 |= 2 << 14; //set P0.7 to SCK1
//change pin0.8 from gpio to miso1
LPC_PINCON->PINSEL0 &= ~(3 << 16); //clear p0.8 control bits
LPC_PINCON->PINSEL0 |= 2 << 16; //set p0.8 to miso1
//change pin0.9 from gpio to mosi1
LPC_PINCON->PINSEL0 &= ~(3 << 18); //clear p0.9 control bits
LPC_PINCON->PINSEL0 |= 2 << 18; // set p0.9 to mosi1
//configure spi1 control register 0
LPC_SSP1->CR0 = 7; //configure data size select (DSS) to 8 bits. disregard other options inside the register for now
//configure spi1 control register 1
LPC_SSP1->CR1 |= 0b0010; // enable SSP
//configure spi1 clock prescaler
LPC_SSP1->CPSR = 8; //since preet divided it by 8, will tweak later
//get a byte and receive a byte from spi
char spiGiveAndTake(char send)
LPC_SSP1->DR = send;
while(LPC_SSP1->SR & (1 << 4))
//wait till spi is done sending/receiving data
return LPC_SSP1->DR;
//read the flash manufacturer id and device id
void readManufacAndDeviceID()
const char manuRead = 0x9F;
const uint32_t flashChipSelect = 1 << 6;
const char randByte = 0x69;
char spiOut;
//Select the Flash Memory (CS active low)
LPC_GPIO0->FIOCLR = flashChipSelect;
//Send Manufacturer and Device ID Read command
spiOut = spiGiveAndTake(manuRead);
//Send a byte to get a byte
spiOut = spiGiveAndTake(randByte);
printf("Manufacturer ID: 0x%X\n\r",spiOut);
spiOut = spiGiveAndTake(randByte);
printf("Family Code/Density Code: 0x%X\n\r",spiOut);
spiOut = spiGiveAndTake(randByte);
printf("MLC Code/Product Version: 0x%X\n\r",spiOut);
spiOut = spiGiveAndTake(randByte);
printf("Byte Count: 0x%X\n\n\r",spiOut);
//Deselect the Flash Memory (CS active low)
LPC_GPIO0->FIOSET = flashChipSelect;
//read the spi flash mem status register
void readFlashStatusReg()
const uint32_t flashChipSelect = 1 << 6;
const char randByte = 0x69;
char spiOut;
const char statusRead = 0xD7;
//Select the Flash Memory (CS active low)
LPC_GPIO0->FIOCLR = flashChipSelect;
//Send Manufacturer and Device ID Read command
spiOut = spiGiveAndTake(statusRead);
//send a byte to get a byte
spiOut = spiGiveAndTake(randByte);
printf("Flash Status Register: 0x%X\n\r",spiOut);
printf("Page Size (Bit 0): %u\n\r", spiOut & 1);
printf("Sector Protection (Bit 1): %u\n\r", (spiOut >> 1) & 1);
printf("Device Density (Bits 2,3,4,5): 0x%X\n\r", (spiOut >> 2) & 0b1111);
printf("Main Memory Page to Buffer Compare (Bit 6): %u\n\r", (spiOut >> 6) & 1);
printf("Busy/Read (Bit 7): %u\n\r", (spiOut >> 7) & 1);
//Deselect the Flash Memory (CS active low)
LPC_GPIO0->FIOSET = flashChipSelect;
//reading the MBR(Sector 0) of the spi flash mem
void read512BytesFlashMemory()
const uint32_t flashChipSelect = 1 << 6;
const char randByte = 0x69;
char spiOut;
const char memReadCmd = 0xD2;
const char highAddressPage = 0x00;
const char firstPage = 0x00;
const char secondPage = 0x01;
const char addressByteStart = 0x00;
//Select the Flash Memory (CS active low)
LPC_GPIO0->FIOCLR = flashChipSelect;
//Send Command to read first page of the flash mem.
spiOut = spiGiveAndTake(memReadCmd); //send read page memory command
spiOut = spiGiveAndTake(highAddressPage); //sending higher bits of the address to read, 0x00 in this case
spiOut = spiGiveAndTake(firstPage); //sending lower bits of the address to read, second page = 0x01
spiOut = spiGiveAndTake(addressByteStart); //sending byte within the page to start read, since i wanna start from the beginning, i send 0x00
//protocol requires 4 bytes of don't cares. seems like its a way of delay for the flash mem to get ready.
spiOut = spiGiveAndTake(randByte); //first don't care
spiOut = spiGiveAndTake(randByte); //second don't care
spiOut = spiGiveAndTake(randByte); // third don't care
spiOut = spiGiveAndTake(randByte); //fourth don't care
uint16_t count = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
printf("%03X ",count); //formatting base address
for(int j = 0; j < 16; j++)
spiOut = spiGiveAndTake(randByte);
printf("%02X ",spiOut); //print byte within the address
//toggle chip select to read next 256 bytes from flash
LPC_GPIO0->FIOSET = flashChipSelect;
delay_ms(1); //just in case its too fast of a toggle
LPC_GPIO0->FIOCLR = flashChipSelect;
//same sequence as above, but this part is for reading the second page of the flash mem
spiOut = spiGiveAndTake(memReadCmd);
spiOut = spiGiveAndTake(highAddressPage);
spiOut = spiGiveAndTake(secondPage);
spiOut = spiGiveAndTake(addressByteStart);
spiOut = spiGiveAndTake(randByte); //first don't care
spiOut = spiGiveAndTake(randByte); //second don't care
spiOut = spiGiveAndTake(randByte); // third don't care
spiOut = spiGiveAndTake(randByte); //fourth don't care
//same concept as the previous for loop, except this is for the 2nd page of flash mem
for(int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
printf("%03X ",count);
for(int j = 0; j < 16; j++)
spiOut = spiGiveAndTake(randByte);
printf("%02X ",spiOut);
//Deselect the Flash Memory (CS active low)
LPC_GPIO0->FIOSET = flashChipSelect;
//for reading the start sector of the spi flash mem, concept same as prev function
void readGoodStuff()
const uint32_t flashChipSelect = 1 << 6;
const char randByte = 0x69;
char spiOut;
const char memReadCmd = 0xD2;
const char highAddressPage = 0x00;
const char firstPage = 0x7E; //3F(seen in mbr mem) * 512(standard fat16 byte size) = 7E
const char secondPage = 0x7F; //next 256 bytes after 7E to complete reading the sector
const char addressByteStart = 0x00;
//Select the Flash Memory (CS active low)
LPC_GPIO0->FIOCLR = flashChipSelect;
//Send Command to read first page of the flash mem.
spiOut = spiGiveAndTake(memReadCmd); //send read page memory command
spiOut = spiGiveAndTake(highAddressPage); //sending higher bits of the address to read
spiOut = spiGiveAndTake(firstPage); //sending lower bits of the address to read
spiOut = spiGiveAndTake(addressByteStart); //sending byte within the page to start read
//protocol requires 4 bytes of don't cares. seems like its a way of delay for the flash mem to get ready.
spiOut = spiGiveAndTake(randByte); //first don't care
spiOut = spiGiveAndTake(randByte); //second don't care
spiOut = spiGiveAndTake(randByte); // third don't care
spiOut = spiGiveAndTake(randByte); //fourth don't care
uint16_t count = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
printf("%03X ",count); //formatting base address
for(int j = 0; j < 16; j++)
spiOut = spiGiveAndTake(randByte);
printf("%02X ",spiOut); //print byte within the address
//toggle chip select to read next 256 bytes from flash
LPC_GPIO0->FIOSET = flashChipSelect;
delay_ms(1); //just in case its too fast of a toggle
LPC_GPIO0->FIOCLR = flashChipSelect;
//same sequence as above, but this part is for reading the second page of the flash mem
spiOut = spiGiveAndTake(memReadCmd);
spiOut = spiGiveAndTake(highAddressPage);
spiOut = spiGiveAndTake(secondPage);
spiOut = spiGiveAndTake(addressByteStart);
spiOut = spiGiveAndTake(randByte); //first don't care
spiOut = spiGiveAndTake(randByte); //second don't care
spiOut = spiGiveAndTake(randByte); // third don't care
spiOut = spiGiveAndTake(randByte); //fourth don't care
//same concept as the previous for loop, except this is for the 2nd page of flash mem
for(int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
printf("%03X ",count);
for(int j = 0; j < 16; j++)
spiOut = spiGiveAndTake(randByte);
printf("%02X ",spiOut);
printf("Bytes/Sector(0x0B,0x0C): 512\n\r");
printf("Sectors/Cluster(0x0D): 1\n\r");
printf("Total Number of Sectors(0x13,0x14): 1985\n\r");
//Deselect the Flash Memory (CS active low)
LPC_GPIO0->FIOSET = flashChipSelect;
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