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Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am freekh on github.
  • I am freekh ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is 22C9 04FB 3DF6 09FB 8221 D3D1 AB18 07A8 44F1 2F8D

To claim this, I am signing this object:

freekh / GradleTester.scala
Created October 8, 2014 15:27
Component model tester
package adept.gradle
import adept.artifact.models.{ArtifactAttribute, ArtifactHash}
import adept.hash.Hasher
import adept.resolution.models._
import org.scalatest.{FunSuite, Matchers}
//DSL helpers
freekh /
Created September 16, 2014 15:08
Platforms model

Platform variance: The concept of variance is one of the key features on our roadmap ( The highlevel goal is to find a flexible and safe way for users to describe what they want their build to do. From this we can infer what needs to be done to get there.

There are a bunch of considerations to take:

  • we need an easy way to define new platforms. Examples: Scala, Android, Play, ....
  • we need to specialize platforms: Scala is a Jvm platform with some additional properties, Android is a combination of Jvm and C (NDK) and some additional properties, Gradle is just Groovy with some extra APIs, ...
  • we need an easy way to verify determine whether a platform can be created.
freekh /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
New configuration model execution summary (according to me)

NOTE: This document was written the 16th September 2014 and are based on notes taken before that - it might be wrong, outdated or misleading.

The new configuration model introduces the concepts of rules and models. A rule may add or mutate the model, which defines data which a user can define. Rules, models and tasks all live in plugins. The model is loaded eagerly when the the plugin is applied to a project, while the rules are lazily (when needed) evaluated.


In practice, rules are annotations on methods and there are currently 3 types: immutable (@Model), mutable (@Mutate) and finalized (@Finalize). The parameters of the method (subjects) are the dependencies. For mutable rules, the first parameter indicates that it is the mutating subject (the object which we will mutate/change), while the rest are the dependencies of the rule. An immutable rule may produce the types used by other rules. An example of this is if an immutable 'rule1' maps a model to another type, a mutable (or immutable) 'rul

freekh /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
Another take...

This is a different take on the open questions set out by Adam, but it is maybe a bit too different to what we have already set out to do so I wanted to keep it separate. Maybe there are some ideas here that can be incorporated as we move along.


The general idea is to use an execution engine that computes which and how to run user specified actions/tasks based which properties a user have set and the task that is invocated (by the user).

Tasks and properties have dependencies to other tasks and properties and it is whether these dependencies have been set and to what that defines whether or how a task should be run. For the execution engine, really only 3 concepts exists: tasks, properties and scopes (see definitions below). An important attribute of properties and tasks is that they are lazy (see later). For convience there are a couple of more concepts which are all built on top of these concepts: component, platform and plugin. Extending such a build system, would mean to define the things tha

main = asm.Executable
main { //could also not name the exec and use asm.Executable { ....?
x86.architecture = "i386" //x86 is a platform
binaries.all {
if (toolChain in VisualCop) {
source sources.i386_masm.asm
assembler.args "/Zi"
} else {
package controllers
import play.api._
import play.api.mvc._
import play.api.libs.json.JsValue
import models.Credential
freekh / gist:9132313
Last active May 15, 2017 10:48
Async play form
package controllers
import play.api._
import play.api.mvc._
import models.Credential
import views.html.defaultpages.unauthorized
import scala.concurrent.Await
freekh / gist:8973256
Created February 13, 2014 11:03
Very first successful end-to-end resolution of ivy import data in Adept
> adept set
Resolved (2227ms)
> adept graph
- [organization=(,name=(play_2.10),version=(2.2.0)]
- joda-time/joda-time/config/compile [organization=(joda-time),name=(joda-time),version=(2.2)]
- joda-time/joda-time <defined>
- com.fasterxml.jackson.core/jackson-core/config/compile [organization=(com.fasterxml.jackson.core),name=(jackson-core),version=(2.2.2)]
- com.fasterxml.jackson.core/jackson-core <defined>
- oauth.signpost/signpost-commonshttp4/config/master [organization=(oauth.signpost),name=(signpost-commonshttp4),version=(]
- oauth.signpost/signpost-commonshttp4 [organization=(oauth.signpost),name=(signpost-commonshttp4),version=(,configuration-hash=(1e39682502e773549f42391188d3120d7f46cc942b15cfa6ae8e35d9c0612c92)]
freekh / AdeptExample.scala
Created December 20, 2013 19:22
Example code, resolve a project, then publish a new one:
val standardProgressIndicator = new adept.progress.default.AllEncompassingProgress(System.out)
// the repo we will publish to
val projectRepo = if (GitRepository.exists(Adept.HOME_DIR, projectName)), projectName) else GitRepository.init(Adept.HOME_DIR, projectName)
val repo1: RepositoryRef = GitRepository.init(Adept.HOME_DIR, "one") //init new adept repository in HOME_DIR/one
val repo2: RepositoryRef =, "two") //open adept repository in HOME_DIR/two at HEAD
val repo3: RepositoryRef = GitRepository.clone(Adept.HOME_DIR, "three", "git://server/project.git", standardProgressIndicator) //clone remote to HOME_DIR/three from git using the standard progress indicator
// Can also do: repo3.isFailure() //returns true if repo3 failed to init/open/clone