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Roger Stringer freekrai

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// Get the PHP helper library from
require_once('/path/to/twilio-php/Services/Twilio.php'); // Loads the library
// Your Account Sid and Auth Token from
$sid = "ACXXXXX";
$token = "YYYYY";
$client = new Services_Twilio($sid, $token);
$response = new Services_Twilio_Twiml();
freekrai / Config.class.php
Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
Mini-Laravel-Like config setup
This is a simple, Laravel-like config sysytem, add files to a config/ folder in the following setup:
return array(
'site_name' => 'My Website',
'site_strapline' => 'This is my first website'
freekrai / bootstrapfoo.css
Last active August 29, 2015 14:08
Boostrap Wufoo themes
/*! normalize.css v3.0.1 | MIT License | */
html {
font-family: sans-serif;
-ms-text-size-adjust: 100%;
-webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%;
body {
margin: 0;
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /prerender-test/
# Virtual/pushState URIs (requests not matching an existing file get forwarded to index.html)
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule .* index.html [L]
<IfModule mod_proxy_http.c>
freekrai / .htaccess
Last active August 29, 2015 14:08 — forked from thoop/.htaccess
# Change YOUR_TOKEN to your prerender token and uncomment that line if you want to cache urls and view crawl stats
# Change (at the end of the last RewriteRule) to your website url
<IfModule mod_headers.c>
#RequestHeader set X-Prerender-Token "YOUR_TOKEN"
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
freekrai / redis-cache.php
Created January 14, 2015 22:25
Basic PHP Redis page cache
// change vars here
$cf = 1; // set to 1 if you are using cloudflare
$debug = 0; // set to 1 if you wish to see execution time and cache actions
$display_powered_by_redis = 0; // set to 1 if you want to display a powered by redis message with execution time, see below
$start = microtime(); // start timing page exec
// if cloudflare is enabled
if ($cf) {
// api/controllers/AuthController.js
var passport = require('passport');
var AuthController = {
login: function (req,res)

Make it real

Ideas are cheap. Make a prototype, sketch a CLI session, draw a wireframe. Discuss around concrete examples, not hand-waving abstractions. Don't say you did something, provide a URL that proves it.

Ship it

Nothing is real until it's being used by a real user. This doesn't mean you make a prototype in the morning and blog about it in the evening. It means you find one person you believe your product will help and try to get them to use it.

Do it with style

freekrai /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:15 — forked from mrkrstphr/

Deploying Sculpin Sites to GitHub Pages

I wanted to be able to use Sculpin to generate GitHub pages. Here's what I did...

  1. Created a super awesome Sculpin site from the Sculpin Blog Skeleton

  2. Make sure everything is under version control in my master branch (except things that shouldn't be. see the .gitignore)

  3. Updated


freekrai / Inflector.php
Created February 11, 2015 17:18
Pluralize or depularize
* Inflector for pluralize and singularize English nouns.
* This Inflector is a port of Ruby on Rails Inflector.
* It can be really helpful for developers that want to
* create frameworks based on naming conventions rather than
* configurations.