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rspec failures at HEAD / master for new_sanctuary_asylum
➜ freen_new_sanctuary_asylum git:(feature/friends-filter-1-year-deadline) rspec
Run options: include {:focus=>true}
All examples were filtered out; ignoring {:focus=>true}
Randomized with seed 36947
1) Admin invites a new user user accepting an invitation with invalid information does not sign in the user
Failure/Error: click_button 'Send an invitation'
SMTP From address may not be blank: nil
# ./spec/features/invite_a_new_user_spec.rb:32:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
2) Admin invites a new user user accepting an invitation with invalid information displays validation errors
Failure/Error: click_button 'Send an invitation'
SMTP From address may not be blank: nil
# ./spec/features/invite_a_new_user_spec.rb:32:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
3) Admin invites a new user user accepting an invitation with valid information signs in the user
Failure/Error: click_button 'Send an invitation'
SMTP From address may not be blank: nil
# ./spec/features/invite_a_new_user_spec.rb:32:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
4) Admin invites a new user admin inviting a new user sends the invitation
Failure/Error: expect{ click_button 'Send an invitation' }.to change(ActionMailer::Base.deliveries, :count).by(1)
SMTP From address may not be blank: nil
# ./spec/features/invite_a_new_user_spec.rb:23:in `block (4 levels) in <top (required)>'
# ./spec/features/invite_a_new_user_spec.rb:23:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
5) Admin invites a new user admin inviting a new user displays a message that the invitation was sent
Failure/Error: click_button 'Send an invitation'
SMTP From address may not be blank: nil
# ./spec/features/invite_a_new_user_spec.rb:16:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
6) Admin deletes a friend record when I delete a Friend record with search terms
Failure/Error: expect(page).to_not have_content('Persistent')
expected not to find text "Persistent" in "New Sanctuary Coalition Friends Users Accompaniments Activities Linsey Bartoletti New Friend Friends Advanced Search ID First Name Last Name A# Phone Number Created Actions 2 Deleteable Record 889528009 06/23/18 1 Persistent Record 947842292 06/23/18"
# ./spec/features/admin/delete_a_friend_spec.rb:38:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
7) User account gets locked logging in with invalid credentials after nine attempts
Failure/Error: click_on 'Log in'
SMTP From address may not be blank: nil
# ./spec/features/lock_user_account_spec.rb:40:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
8) Friend friends with their 1 year asylum application deadlines falling between two future boundaries, inclusive .asylum_deadlines_ending scope should return only the friends whose deadlines fall within the two boundaries, inclusive
Failure/Error: expect(friends).to eq(within_boundaries)
expected: [#<Friend id: 13, first_name: "Dana", last_name: "Konopelski", phone: nil, email: nil, a_number: "137...ate_bonded_out: nil, bonded_out_by: nil, date_foia_request_submitted: nil, foia_request_notes: nil>]
got: #<ActiveRecord::Relation [#<Friend id: 14, first_name: "Leroy", last_name: "Schiller", phone: nil, em...te_bonded_out: nil, bonded_out_by: nil, date_foia_request_submitted: nil, foia_request_notes: nil>]>
(compared using ==)
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-[#<Friend id: 13, first_name: "Dana", last_name: "Konopelski", phone: nil, email: nil, a_number: "137331562", created_at: "2018-06-24 00:15:34", updated_at: "2018-06-24 00:15:34", middle_name: nil, no_a_number: false, ethnicity: nil, other_ethnicity: nil, gender: nil, date_of_birth: nil, status: nil, date_of_entry: "2017-08-23", notes: nil, asylum_status: nil, date_asylum_application_submitted: nil, lawyer_notes: nil, work_authorization_status: nil, date_eligible_to_apply_for_work_authorization: nil, date_work_authorization_submitted: nil, work_authorization_notes: nil, sijs_status: nil, date_sijs_submitted: nil, sijs_notes: nil, asylum_notes: nil, country_id: nil, lawyer_referred_to: nil, lawyer_represented_by: nil, sijs_lawyer: nil, zip_code: nil, visited_the_clinic: nil, criminal_conviction: nil, criminal_conviction_notes: nil, final_order_of_removal: nil, has_a_lawyer_for_detention: nil, detention_advocate_contact_name: nil, detention_advocate_contact_phone: nil, detention_advocate_contact_notes: nil, bonded_out_by_nsc: nil, bond_amount: nil, date_bonded_out: nil, bonded_out_by: nil, date_foia_request_submitted: nil, foia_request_notes: nil>,
- #<Friend id: 14, first_name: "Leroy", last_name: "Schiller", phone: nil, email: nil, a_number: "590176781", created_at: "2018-06-24 00:15:34", updated_at: "2018-06-24 00:15:34", middle_name: nil, no_a_number: false, ethnicity: nil, other_ethnicity: nil, gender: nil, date_of_birth: nil, status: nil, date_of_entry: "2017-08-24", notes: nil, asylum_status: nil, date_asylum_application_submitted: nil, lawyer_notes: nil, work_authorization_status: nil, date_eligible_to_apply_for_work_authorization: nil, date_work_authorization_submitted: nil, work_authorization_notes: nil, sijs_status: nil, date_sijs_submitted: nil, sijs_notes: nil, asylum_notes: nil, country_id: nil, lawyer_referred_to: nil, lawyer_represented_by: nil, sijs_lawyer: nil, zip_code: nil, visited_the_clinic: nil, criminal_conviction: nil, criminal_conviction_notes: nil, final_order_of_removal: nil, has_a_lawyer_for_detention: nil, detention_advocate_contact_name: nil, detention_advocate_contact_phone: nil, detention_advocate_contact_notes: nil, bonded_out_by_nsc: nil, bond_amount: nil, date_bonded_out: nil, bonded_out_by: nil, date_foia_request_submitted: nil, foia_request_notes: nil>,
+[#<Friend id: 14, first_name: "Leroy", last_name: "Schiller", phone: nil, email: nil, a_number: "590176781", created_at: "2018-06-24 00:15:34", updated_at: "2018-06-24 00:15:34", middle_name: nil, no_a_number: false, ethnicity: nil, other_ethnicity: nil, gender: nil, date_of_birth: nil, status: nil, date_of_entry: "2017-08-24", notes: nil, asylum_status: nil, date_asylum_application_submitted: nil, lawyer_notes: nil, work_authorization_status: nil, date_eligible_to_apply_for_work_authorization: nil, date_work_authorization_submitted: nil, work_authorization_notes: nil, sijs_status: nil, date_sijs_submitted: nil, sijs_notes: nil, asylum_notes: nil, country_id: nil, lawyer_referred_to: nil, lawyer_represented_by: nil, sijs_lawyer: nil, zip_code: nil, visited_the_clinic: nil, criminal_conviction: nil, criminal_conviction_notes: nil, final_order_of_removal: nil, has_a_lawyer_for_detention: nil, detention_advocate_contact_name: nil, detention_advocate_contact_phone: nil, detention_advocate_contact_notes: nil, bonded_out_by_nsc: nil, bond_amount: nil, date_bonded_out: nil, bonded_out_by: nil, date_foia_request_submitted: nil, foia_request_notes: nil>,
#<Friend id: 15, first_name: "Lieselotte", last_name: "Fahey", phone: nil, email: nil, a_number: "893832598", created_at: "2018-06-24 00:15:34", updated_at: "2018-06-24 00:15:34", middle_name: nil, no_a_number: false, ethnicity: nil, other_ethnicity: nil, gender: nil, date_of_birth: nil, status: nil, date_of_entry: "2017-09-06", notes: nil, asylum_status: nil, date_asylum_application_submitted: nil, lawyer_notes: nil, work_authorization_status: nil, date_eligible_to_apply_for_work_authorization: nil, date_work_authorization_submitted: nil, work_authorization_notes: nil, sijs_status: nil, date_sijs_submitted: nil, sijs_notes: nil, asylum_notes: nil, country_id: nil, lawyer_referred_to: nil, lawyer_represented_by: nil, sijs_lawyer: nil, zip_code: nil, visited_the_clinic: nil, criminal_conviction: nil, criminal_conviction_notes: nil, final_order_of_removal: nil, has_a_lawyer_for_detention: nil, detention_advocate_contact_name: nil, detention_advocate_contact_phone: nil, detention_advocate_contact_notes: nil, bonded_out_by_nsc: nil, bond_amount: nil, date_bonded_out: nil, bonded_out_by: nil, date_foia_request_submitted: nil, foia_request_notes: nil>,
#<Friend id: 16, first_name: "Kristine", last_name: "Lind", phone: nil, email: nil, a_number: "044840757", created_at: "2018-06-24 00:15:34", updated_at: "2018-06-24 00:15:34", middle_name: nil, no_a_number: false, ethnicity: nil, other_ethnicity: nil, gender: nil, date_of_birth: nil, status: nil, date_of_entry: "2017-09-22", notes: nil, asylum_status: nil, date_asylum_application_submitted: nil, lawyer_notes: nil, work_authorization_status: nil, date_eligible_to_apply_for_work_authorization: nil, date_work_authorization_submitted: nil, work_authorization_notes: nil, sijs_status: nil, date_sijs_submitted: nil, sijs_notes: nil, asylum_notes: nil, country_id: nil, lawyer_referred_to: nil, lawyer_represented_by: nil, sijs_lawyer: nil, zip_code: nil, visited_the_clinic: nil, criminal_conviction: nil, criminal_conviction_notes: nil, final_order_of_removal: nil, has_a_lawyer_for_detention: nil, detention_advocate_contact_name: nil, detention_advocate_contact_phone: nil, detention_advocate_contact_notes: nil, bonded_out_by_nsc: nil, bond_amount: nil, date_bonded_out: nil, bonded_out_by: nil, date_foia_request_submitted: nil, foia_request_notes: nil>,
- #<Friend id: 17, first_name: "Ashleigh", last_name: "VonRueden", phone: nil, email: nil, a_number: "721482903", created_at: "2018-06-24 00:15:34", updated_at: "2018-06-24 00:15:34", middle_name: nil, no_a_number: false, ethnicity: nil, other_ethnicity: nil, gender: nil, date_of_birth: nil, status: nil, date_of_entry: "2017-09-23", notes: nil, asylum_status: nil, date_asylum_application_submitted: nil, lawyer_notes: nil, work_authorization_status: nil, date_eligible_to_apply_for_work_authorization: nil, date_work_authorization_submitted: nil, work_authorization_notes: nil, sijs_status: nil, date_sijs_submitted: nil, sijs_notes: nil, asylum_notes: nil, country_id: nil, lawyer_referred_to: nil, lawyer_represented_by: nil, sijs_lawyer: nil, zip_code: nil, visited_the_clinic: nil, criminal_conviction: nil, criminal_conviction_notes: nil, final_order_of_removal: nil, has_a_lawyer_for_detention: nil, detention_advocate_contact_name: nil, detention_advocate_contact_phone: nil, detention_advocate_contact_notes: nil, bonded_out_by_nsc: nil, bond_amount: nil, date_bonded_out: nil, bonded_out_by: nil, date_foia_request_submitted: nil, foia_request_notes: nil>]
+ #<Friend id: 17, first_name: "Ashleigh", last_name: "VonRueden", phone: nil, email: nil, a_number: "721482903", created_at: "2018-06-24 00:15:34", updated_at: "2018-06-24 00:15:34", middle_name: nil, no_a_number: false, ethnicity: nil, other_ethnicity: nil, gender: nil, date_of_birth: nil, status: nil, date_of_entry: "2017-09-23", notes: nil, asylum_status: nil, date_asylum_application_submitted: nil, lawyer_notes: nil, work_authorization_status: nil, date_eligible_to_apply_for_work_authorization: nil, date_work_authorization_submitted: nil, work_authorization_notes: nil, sijs_status: nil, date_sijs_submitted: nil, sijs_notes: nil, asylum_notes: nil, country_id: nil, lawyer_referred_to: nil, lawyer_represented_by: nil, sijs_lawyer: nil, zip_code: nil, visited_the_clinic: nil, criminal_conviction: nil, criminal_conviction_notes: nil, final_order_of_removal: nil, has_a_lawyer_for_detention: nil, detention_advocate_contact_name: nil, detention_advocate_contact_phone: nil, detention_advocate_contact_notes: nil, bonded_out_by_nsc: nil, bond_amount: nil, date_bonded_out: nil, bonded_out_by: nil, date_foia_request_submitted: nil, foia_request_notes: nil>,
+ #<Friend id: 20, first_name: "Rosalie", last_name: "Morissette", phone: nil, email: nil, a_number: "625892507", created_at: "2018-06-24 00:15:34", updated_at: "2018-06-24 00:15:34", middle_name: nil, no_a_number: false, ethnicity: nil, other_ethnicity: nil, gender: nil, date_of_birth: nil, status: nil, date_of_entry: "2017-09-24", notes: nil, asylum_status: nil, date_asylum_application_submitted: nil, lawyer_notes: nil, work_authorization_status: nil, date_eligible_to_apply_for_work_authorization: nil, date_work_authorization_submitted: nil, work_authorization_notes: nil, sijs_status: nil, date_sijs_submitted: nil, sijs_notes: nil, asylum_notes: nil, country_id: nil, lawyer_referred_to: nil, lawyer_represented_by: nil, sijs_lawyer: nil, zip_code: nil, visited_the_clinic: nil, criminal_conviction: nil, criminal_conviction_notes: nil, final_order_of_removal: nil, has_a_lawyer_for_detention: nil, detention_advocate_contact_name: nil, detention_advocate_contact_phone: nil, detention_advocate_contact_notes: nil, bonded_out_by_nsc: nil, bond_amount: nil, date_bonded_out: nil, bonded_out_by: nil, date_foia_request_submitted: nil, foia_request_notes: nil>]
# ./spec/models/friend_spec.rb:118:in `block (4 levels) in <top (required)>'
Top 10 slowest examples (14.72 seconds, 57.4% of total time):
Give volunteers access to friends An admin adds a volunteer to a friend record allows the volunteer access to the record
3.24 seconds ./spec/features/admin/give_volunteers_access_to_friends_spec.rb:9
Admin deletes a friend record when I delete a Friend record with search terms
2.29 seconds ./spec/features/admin/delete_a_friend_spec.rb:33
Friend edit editing "Activity" information adding a new activity with valid information displays the new activity
1.74 seconds ./spec/features/admin/edit_a_friend_spec.rb:72
Friend edit editing "Family" information adding a new family relationship with valid information displays the new family member
1.68 seconds ./spec/features/admin/edit_a_friend_spec.rb:32
Friend edit editing "Activity" information adding a new activity with incomplete information displays validation errors
1.65 seconds ./spec/features/admin/edit_a_friend_spec.rb:92
Friend edit editing "Family" information adding a new family relationship with incomplete information displays validation errors
1.61 seconds ./spec/features/admin/edit_a_friend_spec.rb:50
Admin deletes a user record when I delete a User record with search terms
0.66031 seconds ./spec/features/admin/delete_a_user_spec.rb:33
User account gets locked logging in with invalid credentials after nine attempts
0.65199 seconds ./spec/features/lock_user_account_spec.rb:26
Take attendance taking friend attendance displays the names of attending friends
0.64155 seconds ./spec/features/admin/take_attendance_spec.rb:38
Take attendance taking volunteer attendance adding a volunteer to the attendance list displays the volunteer name
0.55723 seconds ./spec/features/admin/take_attendance_spec.rb:30
Top 10 slowest example groups:
Give volunteers access to friends
3.24 seconds average (3.24 seconds / 1 example) ./spec/features/admin/give_volunteers_access_to_friends_spec.rb:3
Friend edit
1.44 seconds average (7.19 seconds / 5 examples) ./spec/features/admin/edit_a_friend_spec.rb:4
Admin deletes a friend record
1.34 seconds average (2.68 seconds / 2 examples) ./spec/features/admin/delete_a_friend_spec.rb:3
User account gets locked
0.55524 seconds average (1.11 seconds / 2 examples) ./spec/features/lock_user_account_spec.rb:3
Admin deletes a user record
0.53199 seconds average (1.06 seconds / 2 examples) ./spec/features/admin/delete_a_user_spec.rb:3
Take attendance
0.51374 seconds average (3.08 seconds / 6 examples) ./spec/features/admin/take_attendance_spec.rb:3
Volunteer signing up for accompaniments
0.42532 seconds average (1.28 seconds / 3 examples) ./spec/features/volunteer/accompanying_friends_spec.rb:3
Volunteer managing asylum application drafts for shared friends
0.30786 seconds average (0.61573 seconds / 2 examples) ./spec/features/volunteer/managing_friend_asylum_application_drafts_spec.rb:3
Admin invites a new user
0.18942 seconds average (0.9471 seconds / 5 examples) ./spec/features/invite_a_new_user_spec.rb:3
Admin creates a new friend record
0.15804 seconds average (0.47412 seconds / 3 examples) ./spec/features/admin/create_a_new_friend_spec.rb:3
Finished in 25.65 seconds (files took 6.77 seconds to load)
208 examples, 8 failures
Failed examples:
rspec ./spec/features/invite_a_new_user_spec.rb:60 # Admin invites a new user user accepting an invitation with invalid information does not sign in the user
rspec ./spec/features/invite_a_new_user_spec.rb:55 # Admin invites a new user user accepting an invitation with invalid information displays validation errors
rspec ./spec/features/invite_a_new_user_spec.rb:39 # Admin invites a new user user accepting an invitation with valid information signs in the user
rspec ./spec/features/invite_a_new_user_spec.rb:22 # Admin invites a new user admin inviting a new user sends the invitation
rspec ./spec/features/invite_a_new_user_spec.rb:15 # Admin invites a new user admin inviting a new user displays a message that the invitation was sent
rspec ./spec/features/admin/delete_a_friend_spec.rb:33 # Admin deletes a friend record when I delete a Friend record with search terms
rspec ./spec/features/lock_user_account_spec.rb:26 # User account gets locked logging in with invalid credentials after nine attempts
rspec ./spec/models/friend_spec.rb:93 # Friend friends with their 1 year asylum application deadlines falling between two future boundaries, inclusive .asylum_deadlines_ending scope should return only the friends whose deadlines fall within the two boundaries, inclusive
Randomized with seed 36947
Coverage report generated for RSpec to /Users/bickett/src/freen_new_sanctuary_asylum/coverage. 709 / 1092 LOC (64.93%) covered.
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