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Last active August 29, 2015 14:07
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import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.lang.Math;
public class YummySoup extends Ingredient{
static Oil canola = new Oil("canola");
static Ingredient[] favoriteVeggies = {new Ingredient("onions"), new Ingredient("peppers")};
static Spice[] sAndP = {new Spice("salt"), new Spice("pepper")};
static Ingredient water = new Ingredient("water");
public static void main(String[] args){
if (args.length != 4){
System.out.println("Please rerun, with the args of your choice, as: java YummySoup protein bouillon flavoring carb");
Ingredient protein = new Ingredient(args[0]);
Ingredient bouillon = new Ingredient(args[1]);
Ingredient flavor = new Ingredient(args[2]);
Ingredient carb = new Ingredient(args[3]); //Assume it's cooked...
System.out.println("Note: cooking time has been sped up by a factor of "+Timer.speedup+" for brevity.");
YummySoup eatMe = new YummySoup(protein, bouillon, flavor, carb);;
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
System.out.println("Cooking was interupted somehow!");
void eat(){
System.out.println("That "+this.toString()+" was good!");
YummySoup(Ingredient protein, Ingredient bouillon, Ingredient flavor, Ingredient cookedCarb) throws InterruptedException{
"Soup made of: "+Ingredient.mix(new Ingredient[]{
cook(new Ingredient[]{protein}, sAndP, canola),
cook(favoriteVeggies, new Ingredient[]{bouillon, flavor}, canola), cookedCarb
); //().replaceAll("\\+", ", ")
static Ingredient cook(Ingredient[] ingredients, Ingredient[] spices, Oil oil) throws InterruptedException{
int elapsedTime = 0;
System.out.println("Now cooking: "+Arrays.toString(ingredients));
Pan hotPan = new Pan();
System.out.println("Start by preheating the pan");
elapsedTime += Timer.wait(1);
System.out.println("Now add ["+oil+"] and "+Arrays.toString(spices)+" to the hot pan");
elapsedTime += Timer.wait(1);
System.out.println("Now add the main ingredients to the hot pan");
boolean raw = true;
while( raw ){
if (Math.random() > 0.75){ //TODO..
System.out.println("Maybe we should turn up the heat on the hot pan?");
if (hotPan.getTemp().compareTo(Temp.MEDIUM) > 0){
System.out.println("Oh no, the pan is too hot! Add some water and lower the heat!");
System.out.println("Now let's cover the hot pan and let the ingredients cook");
elapsedTime += Timer.wait(2);
System.out.println("Now let's uncover the hot pan to check on the ingredients");
raw = false;
for (Ingredient ingred: hotPan.getAll()){
if (ingred.isRaw(elapsedTime)) {
System.out.println("Your "+ingred+" has been cooking for "+elapsedTime+" minutes, but is still raw.");
raw = true;
System.out.println("Now all of the ingredients are cooked, so let's turn off the heat on the pan.");
System.out.println("Your "+Arrays.toString(ingredients)+" is done!");
return Ingredient.mix(hotPan.getAll());
class Timer{
static int speedup = 20;
static int wait(int min) throws InterruptedException{
System.out.println("Wait for "+min+" minutes..");
long realtime = 60000/speedup;
return min;
class Oil extends Ingredient{
Oil(String s){
boolean isRaw(int elapsed){
return false;
class Spice extends Ingredient{
Spice(String s){
boolean isRaw(int elapsed){
return false;
class Ingredient {
public final String name;
Ingredient(String s){
name = s;
boolean isRaw(int elapsed){
//System.out.println("Your "+this+" has been cooking for "+elapsed+" minutes now..");
return Math.random() < Math.pow(elapsed, -0.8); //TODO... Actually check if your food is cooked, please.
static Ingredient mix(Ingredient[] ingredients){
String bigName = "";
for (Ingredient ingred: ingredients){
if (bigName.length() > 0) {
bigName += "\\+";
return new Ingredient(bigName);
public String toString(){
if (this.getClass() == Ingredient.class){
return name;
} else {
return "";
return name;
class Pan extends ArrayList<Ingredient>{
Temp temperature = Temp.OFF;
boolean isCovered = false;
void setTemp(Temp newT){
temperature = newT;
Temp getTemp(){
return temperature;
void cover(){
isCovered = true;
void uncover(){
isCovered = false;
Ingredient[] getAll(){
if (isCovered){
return null;
} else {
return this.toArray(new Ingredient[0]);
enum Temp { //implements Comparable<Temp>
OFF(0), LOW(100), MEDIUM(150), HIGH(200);
final int temp;
Temp(int t){
temp = t;
int compareTo(Temp a){
if (this.temp == a.temp){
return 0;
} else if (this.temp > a.temp) {
return 1;
} else {
return -1;
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