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Created January 20, 2017 10:48
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Weingard on ESP-01 - reading bits from uart (as gpio), controlling buzzer/led from gpio pins
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <WiFiUdp.h>
#define LED 0
#define BEEP 2
// Read 0's from GPIO_1(TX) and 1's from GPIO_3(RX)
#define PIN0 1
#define PIN1 3
#define WEINGARD_BITS 34
const char* ControlHost = "";
const uint16_t ControlPort = 4210;
const uint16_t LocalUDPPort = 4210;
const uint16_t PanelID = 1;
WiFiUDP Udp;
void setup() {
WiFi.begin("notsosecretwifissid", "secretwifipassword");
pinMode(PIN0, INPUT);
pinMode(PIN1, INPUT);
// My eBay special expects these outputs to be high to turn off the attached devices
pinMode(LED, OUTPUT);
pinMode(BEEP, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(LED, 1);
digitalWrite(BEEP, 1);
while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED)
digitalWrite(LED, 0);
digitalWrite(LED, 1);
digitalWrite(BEEP, 0);
digitalWrite(BEEP, 1);
digitalWrite(BEEP, 0);
digitalWrite(BEEP, 1);
attachInterrupt(PIN0, interrupt0, FALLING);
attachInterrupt(PIN1, interrupt1, FALLING);
// Interrupt for the 0 pin
void interrupt0() {
// Interrupt for the 1 pin
void interrupt1() {
bool done = false;
uint64_t rcvd = 0LL;
long lastDigit = 0;
long iteration = 0;
void interrupt(bool one) {
// Simply shift things over
rcvd = rcvd << 1;
if (one) {
rcvd += 1LL;
lastDigit = millis();
iteration ++;
unsigned long beepStarted = 0;
unsigned long beepLength = 0;
unsigned long ledStarted = 0;
unsigned long ledLength = 0;
void loop() {
unsigned long now = millis();
unsigned long since = now - lastDigit;
if (iteration == WEINGARD_BITS || (iteration > 0 && since > 1000)) {
// Add a prefix to let the server know this is manual input
if (iteration < WEINGARD_BITS && since > 1000) {
rcvd |= (125LL << 56);
iteration = 0;
lastDigit = 0;
// 10 bytes
// [2] id, [8] code
uint8_t string[10];
memcpy(&string, &PanelID, 2);
memcpy(&string[2], &rcvd, 8);
Udp.beginPacket(ControlHost, ControlPort);
Udp.write(string, 10);
rcvd = 0LL;
attachInterrupt(PIN0, interrupt0, FALLING);
attachInterrupt(PIN1, interrupt1, FALLING);
int packetSize = Udp.parsePacket();
if (packetSize) {
char incomingPacket[255]; // buffer for incoming packets
int len =, 10);
if (len > 2) {
if (incomingPacket[1] > 0) {
beepStarted = now;
beepLength = 100 * incomingPacket[1];
digitalWrite(BEEP, 0);
if (incomingPacket[0] > 0) {
ledStarted = now;
ledLength = 100 * incomingPacket[0];
digitalWrite(LED, 0);
if (beepStarted > 0 && now - beepStarted > beepLength) {
beepStarted = 0;
digitalWrite(BEEP, 1);
if (ledStarted > 0 && now - ledStarted > ledLength) {
ledStarted = 0;
digitalWrite(LED, 1);
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