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Created October 12, 2017 20:37
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Haskell Hashtables!
table = mkHashTable 10
|> insert ("bob", "bob metadata")
|> insert ("alice", "alice metadata")
|> delete "bob"
|> search "bob"
module HashTable
(mkHashTable, insert, search, delete)
import Data.Array (array, Array, (//), (!))
import qualified Data.List as List
import Data.Hashable
data HashTable a b =
HashTable (Array Int [(a, b)])
deriving Show
mkHashTable :: Eq a => Int -> HashTable a b
mkHashTable n =
HashTable (array(0,n-1) [(i,[]) | i <- [0..n-1]])
insert :: Hashable a => (a, b) -> HashTable a b -> HashTable a b
insert (k, v) (HashTable arr) =
HashTable (arr // [(i, xs)])
i = mHash (List.length arr) k
xs = (k,v) : (arr ! i)
search :: (Hashable a, Eq a) => a -> HashTable a b -> Maybe (a, b)
search key (HashTable arr) =
List.find (\(k,v) -> k == key) xs
i = mHash (List.length arr) key
xs = arr ! i
delete :: (Hashable a, Eq a, Eq b) => a -> HashTable a b -> HashTable a b
delete key (HashTable arr) =
case search key (HashTable arr) of
Nothing -> (HashTable arr)
Just (k,v) ->
HashTable (arr // [(i, newxs)])
i = mHash (List.length arr) key
xs = arr ! i
newxs = List.delete (k,v) xs
mHash :: Hashable a => Int -> a -> Int
mHash n =
(`mod` n) . hash
len :: HashTable a b -> Int
len (HashTable arr) = List.length arr
(|>) = flip ($)
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