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Created April 9, 2017 06:13
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Advent of Code 2016 #10, solution with Go and channels
package main
import (
type bins struct {
n int
m map[int][]int
func Bins() bins { return bins{0, make(map[int][]int)} }
func (b *bins) add(target int, chip chan int) {
go func() {
in := <-chip
b.m[target] = append(b.m[target], in)
type robot struct {
id int
chips []int
in, low, high chan int
func (r robot) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("R%d: %v ",, r.chips)
func Robot(id int) *robot {
r := robot{} = id
r.chips = make([]int, 0) = make(chan int, 2)
r.low = make(chan int, 1)
r.high = make(chan int, 1)
go r.collect()
return &r
func (r *robot) In(from chan int) {
go func() {
n := <-from <- n
func (r *robot) collect() {
for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
n := <
fmt.Printf("robot %d collects %d\n",, n)
r.chips = append(r.chips, n)
if r.chips[0] < r.chips[1] {
r.low <- r.chips[0]
r.high <- r.chips[1]
r.high <- r.chips[0]
r.low <- r.chips[1]
func Input(n int) chan int {
out := make(chan int, 1)
out <- n
return out
type robots struct {
r map[int]*robot
func Robots() robots {
return robots{make(map[int]*robot)}
func (r *robots) In(target int, ch chan int) {
if _, ok := r.r[target]; !ok {
r.r[target] = Robot(target)
func (r *robots) Low(target int) chan int {
if _, ok := r.r[target]; !ok {
r.r[target] = Robot(target)
return r.r[target].low
func (r *robots) High(target int) chan int {
if _, ok := r.r[target]; !ok {
r.r[target] = Robot(target)
return r.r[target].high
func (r robots) String() string {
s := ""
for _, v := range r.r {
s += v.String()
return s
type factory struct {
b *bins
r *robots
func Factory() factory {
b := Bins()
r := Robots()
return factory{&b, &r}
func (f *factory) execute(instruction string) {
r := f.r
b := f.b
input := regexp.MustCompile("value (\\d+) goes to bot (\\d+)")
output := regexp.MustCompile("bot (\\d+) gives low to (bot|output) (\\d+) and high to (bot|output) (\\d+)")
var matches []string
if matches = input.FindStringSubmatch(instruction); len(matches) > 0 {
fmt.Println("input match")
chip, _ := strconv.Atoi(matches[1])
robot, _ := strconv.Atoi(matches[2])
r.In(robot, Input(chip))
} else if matches = output.FindStringSubmatch(instruction); len(matches) > 0 {
fmt.Println("output match")
giver, _ := strconv.Atoi(matches[1])
targetlow, _ := strconv.Atoi(matches[3])
targethigh, _ := strconv.Atoi(matches[5])
if matches[2] == "bot" {
fmt.Println("give to bot", targetlow)
r.In(targetlow, r.Low(giver))
} else {
fmt.Println("give to output", targetlow)
b.add(targetlow, r.Low(giver))
if matches[4] == "bot" {
fmt.Println("give to bot", targethigh)
r.In(targethigh, r.High(giver))
} else {
fmt.Println("give to output", targethigh)
b.add(targethigh, r.High(giver))
} else {
panic("bad instruction")
func (f factory) done() bool {
return f.b.n == 0
func (f factory) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("bins:\n%v\nrobots:\n%v", f.b, f.r)
func main() {
fr := openFileReader("input.txt")
f := Factory()
for line, err := readline(fr); err != io.EOF; line, err = readline(fr) {
for !f.done() {
func readline(r *bufio.Reader) (string, error) {
line, err := r.ReadString('\n')
if err != nil {
return "", err
return line, err
func openFileReader(name string) *bufio.Reader {
f, err := os.Open(name)
if err != nil {
return bufio.NewReader(f)
package main
import (
var instructions = []string{"value 5 goes to bot 2",
"bot 2 gives low to bot 1 and high to bot 0",
"value 3 goes to bot 1",
"bot 1 gives low to output 1 and high to bot 0",
"bot 0 gives low to output 2 and high to output 0",
"value 2 goes to bot 2"}
func TestInstructions(t *testing.T) {
f := Factory()
for _, v := range instructions {
for !f.done() {
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