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(ns for-clj.core)
;; utils
digits [n base]
(loop [n n b base acc '()]
(let [[q m] ((juxt quot mod) n b)
d (/ (* base m) b)]
(if (> q 0)
(recur (- n m) (* b base) (conj acc d))
(conj acc d)))))
;; problem 108
(defn search [& colls]
(let [heads (map first colls)
mini (apply min heads)]
(if (apply = heads)
(first heads)
(recur (map (fn [c]
(if (= (first c) mini)
(rest c)
c)) colls)))))
#_(search [1 2 3 4 5 6 7] [0.5 3/2 4 19])
#_(= 4 (search [1 2 3 4 5 6 7] [0.5 3/2 4 19])))
;; problem 116
(def ->primes #(map first
(fn [[x & xs]]
(filter (fn [y] (not= (mod y x) 0)) xs))
(iterate inc 2))))
(defn b-prime? [n]
(let [ps (map first
(fn [[x & xs]]
(filter (fn [y] (not= (mod y x) 0)) xs))
(iterate inc 2)))
i (.indexOf (take-while #(>= n %) ps) n)]
(if (or (zero? i) (neg? i)) false
(let [prev (nth ps (dec i))
next (nth ps (inc i))
mean (/ (+ prev next) 2)]
(= n mean)))))
#_(b-prime? 4)
#_(b-prime? 563)
#_(= false (b-prime? 4))
#_(= true (b-prime? 563))
#_(= 1103 (nth (filter b-prime? (range)) 15))
#_(take 5 (filter b-prime? (range))))
;; problem 171
(defn intervals [coll]
(loop [acc [] v [] coll (sort coll)]
(and (empty? coll) (empty? v))
(empty? coll)
(conj acc ((juxt first last) v))
(empty? v)
(recur acc (conj v (first coll)) (rest coll))
(= (first coll) (inc (last v)))
(recur acc (conj v (first coll)) (rest coll))
(some #{(first coll)} v)
(recur acc v (rest coll))
(recur (conj acc ((juxt first last) v)) [(first coll)] (rest coll))
#_(intervals [10 9 8 1 2 3])
#_(= (intervals [10 9 8 1 2 3]) [[1 3] [8 10]])
#_(intervals []))
;; problem 73
(defn ttt? [board]
(let [wins #{#{:x} #{:o}}
diags [(for [i (range (count board))]
(nth (nth board i) (dec (- (count board) i))))
(for [i (range (count board))]
(nth (nth board i) i))]
lines (concat board
(apply map vector board)
(ffirst (filter #(wins (into #{} %)) lines))))
#_(= :x (ttt? [[:e :x :x]
[:x :e :e]
[:o :o :o]])
;; problem 79
(defn traverse [triangle path]
(map (fn [row i] (nth row i)) triangle path))
(defn ->paths [triangle & paths]
(let [paths (or paths [[0]])]
(if (= (count triangle) (count (first paths)))
(recur triangle (mapcat (fn [path] [(conj path (last path))
(conj path (inc (last path)))])
(defn min-path [triangle]
(letfn [(->paths [triangle & paths]
(let [paths (or paths [[0]])]
(if (= (count triangle) (count (first paths)))
(recur triangle (mapcat (fn [path]
[(conj path (last path))
(conj path (inc (last path)))])
(traverse [triangle path]
(map (fn [row i] (nth row i)) triangle path))]
(apply min
(map (comp (partial apply +)
(partial traverse triangle))
(->paths triangle)))))
#_(traverse [[1]
[2 3]] [0 1])
#_(->paths [[1]
[2 4]
[5 1 4]
[2 3 4 5]])
#_(= 7 (min-path '([1]
[2 4]
[5 1 4]
[2 3 4 5])) ; 1->2->1->3
;; problem 113
(defn dance [& xs]
(reify clojure.lang.Seqable
(toString [_] (clojure.string/join ", " (sort xs)))
(seq [_] (when (seq xs) (distinct xs)))
(peek [_] nil)
(pop [_] nil)))
#_(= "1, 2, 3" (str (ff 2 1 3))
#_(and (= nil (seq (ff)))
(= "" (str (ff)))
;; problem 177
(defn balanced? [s]
(let [matches #{[\( \)] [\{ \}] [\[ \]]}
add (fn [acc c]
(assoc acc :stack (conj (:stack acc) c)))
del (fn [acc c]
(if (contains? matches [(peek (:stack acc)) c])
(assoc acc :stack (pop (:stack acc)))
(assoc acc :failure true)))
{:keys [stack failure]}
(reduce (fn [acc c]
(let [op (case c
\( add \{ add \[ add
\] del \) del \} del
(constantly acc))]
(op acc c)))
{:stack [] :failure false} s)]
(and (empty? stack) (not failure))))
#_(balanced? "class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println(\"Hello world.\");
#_(not (balanced? "(start, end]"))
#_(balanced? "())"))
;; problem 92
(defn write-roman [r]
(let [roman->decimal {\M 1000 \D 500 \C 100 \L 50 \X 10 \V 5 \I 1}]
(loop [prev nil [r & rs] (map roman->decimal r) acc []]
(nil? r)
(conj acc prev)
(and (not (nil? prev)) (< prev r))
(recur nil rs (conj acc (- r prev)))
(recur r rs (conj acc prev))))
(filter identity)
(reduce +))))
#_(= 827 (write-roman "DCCCXXVII"))
#_(= 14 (write-roman "XIV")))
;; problem 104
(defn read-roman [r]
(let [decimal->roman {1 {1 \I 5 \V 10 \X}
10 {1 \X 5 \L 10 \C}
100 {1 \C 5 \D 10 \M}
1000 {1 \M}}
roman {0 [] 1 [1] 2 [1 1] 3 [1 1 1]
4 [1 5] 5 [5] 6 [5 1] 7 [5 1 1]
8 [5 1 1 1] 9 [1 10]}
digits (comp (partial map (comp #(- % 48) int)) seq str)]
(->> (digits r)
(map-indexed (fn [i x] [(int (Math/pow 10 i)) x]))
(mapcat (fn [[place n]] (let [m (decimal->roman place)]
(map m (roman n))
(apply str))))
#_(= (read-roman 1) "I")
#_(= (read-roman 827) "DCCCXXVII")
#_(= (read-roman 14) "XIV")
#_(= #{true}
(into #{} (map (comp (partial apply =) (juxt identity (comp write-roman read-roman))) (range 1 4000)))))
;; Problem 150 - Palindromic Numbers
(defn palindromes
"Returns numbers >= n that read the same backwards and forwards."
(let [
digits #_(comp (partial map (comp #(- % 48) int)) seq str)
(fn [n base]
(loop [n n b base acc '()]
(let [[q m] ((juxt quot mod) n b)
d (/ (* base m) b)]
(if (> q 0)
(recur (- n m) (* b base) (conj acc d))
(conj acc d)))))
(->> (iterate inc n)
(filter #(let [ds (digits % 10)] (= ds (reverse ds))))
(defn nth-palindrome [n]
(if (even? n)
(* 2 (- (Math/pow 10 (/ n 2)) 1))
(* 11 (- (Math/pow 10 (/ (dec n) 2)) 2))))
#_(time (take 20 (palindromes 20)))
#_(time (= (take 26 (palindromes 0))
[0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99
101 111 121 131 141 151 161]))
#_(time (= (take 16 (palindromes 162))
[171 181 191 202
212 222 232 242
252 262 272 282
292 303 313 323]))
#_(time (= (take 6 (palindromes 1234550000))
[1234554321 1234664321 1234774321
1234884321 1234994321 1235005321]))
#_(time (= (first (palindromes (* 111111111 111111111)))
(* 111111111 111111111)))
#_(time (= (set (take 199 (palindromes 0)))
(set (map #(first (palindromes %)) (range 0 10000)))))
;; LONG!
#_(time (= true
(apply < (take 6666 (palindromes 9999999)))))
;; LONG!
#_(time (= (nth (palindromes 0) 10101)
;; Problem 94 - Game of Life
(defn life [rows]
(let [alive? (fn [rows x y]
(let [max (count rows)]
(or (neg? x) (neg? y) (>= x max) (>= y max)) 0
(= \space (nth (nth rows y) x)) 0
(= \# (nth (nth rows y) x)) 1)))
->cell (fn [c x y rows]
(let [nearby (+
(alive? rows (dec x) y)
(alive? rows x (dec y))
(alive? rows (inc x) y)
(alive? rows x (inc y))
(alive? rows (dec x) (dec y))
(alive? rows (dec x) (inc y))
(alive? rows (inc x) (inc y))
(alive? rows (inc x) (dec y)))]
(> 2 nearby) \space
(> nearby 3) \space
(= 3 nearby) \#
(and (= 2 nearby) (= \# c)) \#
:else \space)))]
(fn [y row]
(->> row
(fn [x cell]
(->cell cell x y rows)))
(apply str)))
#_(life [" "
" ## "
" ## "
" ## "
" ## "
" "])
#_(= (life [" "
" ## "
" ## "
" ## "
" ## "
" "])
[" "
" ## "
" # "
" # "
" ## "
" "])
#_(= (life [" "
" "
" ### "
" "
" "])
[" "
" # "
" # "
" # "
" "])
#_(= (life [" "
" "
" ### "
" ### "
" "
" "])
[" "
" # "
" # # "
" # # "
" # "
" "]))
;; Problem 141 - Tricky card games
(defn trump->trick [trump]
(fn [cards]
(let [trump? (some #(= (:suit %) trump) cards)
suit (if trump? trump (:suit (first cards)))]
(->> cards
(filter #(= (:suit %) suit))
(sort-by :rank)
(let [notrump (trump->trick nil)]
(and (= {:suit :club :rank 9} (notrump [{:suit :club :rank 4}
{:suit :club :rank 9}]))
(= {:suit :spade :rank 2} (notrump [{:suit :spade :rank 2}
{:suit :club :rank 10}]))))
(= {:suit :club :rank 10} ((trump->trick :club) [{:suit :spade :rank 2}
{:suit :club :rank 10}]))
(= {:suit :heart :rank 8}
((trump->trick :heart) [{:suit :heart :rank 6} {:suit :heart :rank 8}
{:suit :diamond :rank 10} {:suit :heart :rank 4}]))
;; Problem 119 - Win at Tic-Tac-Toe
(defn find-ttt-wins [player board]
(let [->winner (fn [board] ;; via problem 73
(let [wins #{#{:x} #{:o}}
diags [(for [i (range (count board))]
(nth (nth board i) (dec (- (count board) i))))
(for [i (range (count board))]
(nth (nth board i) i))]
lines (concat board
(apply map vector board)
(ffirst (filter #(wins (into #{} %)) lines))))]
(->> (for [x (-> board first count range)
y (-> board count range)]
[y x])
(map (fn [[y x]]
(when (= :e (get-in board [y x]))
[[y x] (assoc-in board [y x] player)])))
(filter identity)
(filter #(= player (->winner (second %))))
(map first)
(= (find-ttt-wins :x [[:o :e :e]
[:o :x :o]
[:x :x :e]])
#{[2 2] [0 1] [0 2]})
(= (find-ttt-wins :x [[:x :o :o]
[:x :x :e]
[:e :o :e]])
#{[2 2] [1 2] [2 0]})
(= (find-ttt-wins :x [[:x :e :x]
[:o :x :o]
[:e :o :e]])
#{[2 2] [0 1] [2 0]})
(= (find-ttt-wins :x [[:x :x :o]
[:e :e :e]
[:e :e :e]])
(= (find-ttt-wins :o [[:x :x :o]
[:o :e :o]
[:x :e :e]])
#{[2 2] [1 1]})
;; Problem 178 - Best Hand
(defn best-hand [cards]
(let [->card (fn [[s r]] {:suit ({\D :diamond \H :heart \C :club \S :spade} s)
:rank ((zipmap "23456789TJQKA" (range)) r)})
cards (map ->card cards)
sequence? (fn [cards]
(let [with-low-ace (map (fn [c] (if (= (:rank c) 12) (assoc c :rank -1) c)) cards)
seq? (fn [cs] (->> cs
(map :rank)
((fn [cs] (and
(= (count cs) (inc (- (last cs) (first cs))))
(apply < cs))))))]
(or (seq? cards)
(seq? with-low-ace))))
flush? (fn [cs] (apply = (map :suit cs)))
ranks (fn [cs] (sort (map count (vals (group-by :rank cs)))))]
(= '(2 3) (ranks cards))
(= '(1 2 2) (ranks cards))
(= 4 (apply max (ranks cards)))
(= 3 (apply max (ranks cards)))
(= 2 (apply max (ranks cards)))
(and (flush? cards) (sequence? cards))
(sequence? cards)
(flush? cards)
(= :high-card (best-hand ["HA" "D2" "H3" "C9" "DJ"]))
(= :pair (best-hand ["HA" "HQ" "SJ" "DA" "HT"]))
(= :two-pair (best-hand ["HA" "DA" "HQ" "SQ" "HT"]))
(= :three-of-a-kind (best-hand ["HA" "DA" "CA" "HJ" "HT"]))
(= :straight (best-hand ["HA" "DK" "HQ" "HJ" "HT"]))
(= :straight (best-hand ["HA" "H2" "S3" "D4" "C5"]))
(= :flush (best-hand ["HA" "HK" "H2" "H4" "HT"]))
(= :full-house (best-hand ["HA" "DA" "CA" "HJ" "DJ"]))
(= :four-of-a-kind (best-hand ["HA" "DA" "CA" "SA" "DJ"]))
(= :straight-flush (best-hand ["HA" "HK" "HQ" "HJ" "HT"]))
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