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Created July 8, 2017 15:46
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Tampermonkey Script for getting my history
// ==UserScript==
// @name Hashflare History Scraper
// @version 0.1
// @author Mike Lyons <>
// @match
// @require
// @require
// @require
// @require
// @require
// @grant GM_addStyle
// @grant GM_setClipboard
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
'use strict';
var button = $( '<a class="minimalize btn btn-primary">Export</a>' );
$( '.navbar-header' ).append( button );
var parseRow = function( row ) {
let cols = $( row ).children( 'td' );
let time = $( cols[ 1 ] ).attr( 'data-order' );
var parsed_date = ( +time ) * 1000, 'GMT' );
var reformated_date = parsed_date.format( 'MM/DD/YYYY' );
return {
title: $( cols[ 0 ] ).text(),
date: reformated_date,
time: time,
amount_btc: $( cols[ 2 ] ).text(),
balance_btc: $( cols[ 3 ] ).text(),
amount_eth: $( cols[ 4 ] ).text(),
balance_eth: $( cols[ 5 ] ).text()
var getSpent = function( item, prev_balance ) {
var transfer_type = /via (.*) transfer/g.exec( item.title )[ 1 ];
console.log( parseFloat( prev_balance ), parseFloat( item.balance_btc ), ( parseFloat( prev_balance ) - parseFloat( item.balance_btc ) ) );
return ( ( transfer_type === 'balance' ) ? ( parseFloat( prev_balance ) - parseFloat( item.balance_btc ) ) : 0 );
var getValuesForTitle = function( item, prev_balance ) {
if( item.title.match( /Purchased.*Scrypt.*/g ) ) {
var purchased_scrypt = /Purchased (\d*).*Scrypt.*/g.exec( item.title )[ 1 ];
var transfer_type = /via (.*) transfer/g.exec( item.title )[ 2 ];
return {
purchased_scrypt: purchased_scrypt,
scrypt_spent_btc: getSpent( item, prev_balance )
if( item.title.match( /Purchased.*SHA.*/g ) ) {
return {
sha_spent_btc: getSpent( item, prev_balance )
if( item.title.match( /Purchased.*ETH.*/g ) ) {
return {
eth_spent_btc: getSpent( item, prev_balance )
if( item.title.match( /Scrypt payout \(BTC\)/g ) ) {
return {
scrypt_btc_mined: item.amount_btc
if( item.title.match( /Scrypt maintenance \(BTC\)/g ) ) {
return {
scrypt_maintenance: item.amount_btc
if( item.title.match( /SHA-256 payout \(BTC\)/g ) ) {
return {
sha_btc_mined: item.amount_btc
if( item.title.match( /SHA-256 maintenance \(BTC\)/g ) ) {
return {
sha_maintenance: item.amount_btc
return {};
var flattenTimeItem = function( item, prev_balance ) {
var values = getValuesForTitle( item, prev_balance );
values.balance_btc = item.balance_btc;
return values;
var pivot = function( rows ) {
var times = {};
.forEach( function( row ) {
if( !times.hasOwnProperty( ) ) {
times[ ] = [];
times[ ].push( row );
} );
var times_array = [];
for( var time in times ) {
times_array.push( [ time, _.sortBy( times[ time ], ( time ) => time.time ) ] );
console.log( times_array );
times_array = _.sortBy( times_array, ( times_array_i ) => times_array_i[ 0 ] );
var pivoted = [];
var prev_balance = 0;
for( var times_array_i in times_array ) {
var values = times_array[ times_array_i ];
var time_info = {
date: values[ 0 ]
values[ 1 ]
.forEach( function( value ) {
var flattened = flattenTimeItem( value, prev_balance );
time_info = $.extend( time_info, flattened );
prev_balance = flattened.balance_btc;
} );
pivoted.push( time_info );
return pivoted;
var button_onclick = button
.click( function() {
button.text( '...' );
var rows = [];
do {
$( '#DataTables_Table_3' )
.children( 'tbody' )
.children( 'tr' )
.each( function() {
rows.push( parseRow( this ) );
} );
$( '#DataTables_Table_3_next' ).click();
} while( $( '#DataTables_Table_3_next.disabled' ).length === 0 );
$( '#DataTables_Table_3' )
.children( 'tbody' )
.children( 'tr' )
.each( function() {
rows.push( parseRow( this ) );
} );
console.log( rows );
var pivoted = pivot( rows );
pivoted = _.sortBy( pivoted, ( pivoted_i ) => +moment(, 'MM/DD/YYYY' ) );
var print_rows = [];
for( var i in pivoted ) {
var pivot_row = pivoted[ i ];
console.log( pivot_row );
.push( [
( ),
( pivot_row.purchased_scrypt ? pivot_row.purchased_scrypt : 0 ),
( pivot_row.scrypt_spent_btc ? +pivot_row.scrypt_spent_btc : 0 ) + ( pivot_row.sha_spent_btc ? +pivot_row.sha_spent_btc : 0 ) + ( pivot_row.eth_spent_btc ? +pivot_row.eth_spent_btc : 0 ),
( pivot_row.scrypt_btc_mined ? +pivot_row.scrypt_btc_mined : 0 ) + ( pivot_row.sha_btc_mined ? +pivot_row.sha_btc_mined : 0 ),
( pivot_row.scrypt_maintenance ? +pivot_row.scrypt_maintenance : 0 ) + ( pivot_row.sha_maintenance ? +pivot_row.sha_maintenance : 0 )
].join( ',' ) );
console.log( print_rows.join( '\n' ) );
GM_setClipboard( print_rows.join( '\n' ) );
button.text( 'Done' );
button.addClass( 'disabled' );
} );
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