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Created October 8, 2011 20:11
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Evolving a logic programming language
;; Evolving a logic programming language
;; Based on sketches at
;; A logic statement reduces to true or false.
;=> true
;=> false
;; These two primitive logic statements are our building blocks.
;; A means of combination for logic statements is logical conjunction (and).
;; `choose-all` returns true if all arguments are true logic statements,
;; and otherwise returns false.
;; Therefore, choose-all is itself a logic statement.
(defmacro choose-all [& stmts]
`(every? true? ~@stmts)))
;; choose-all does not short-circuit.
(choose-all true true true)
;=> true
(choose-all false true false)
;=> false
;=> true
;; Another means of combination for logic statements is logical disjunction (or).
;; choose-one returns true if 1+ arguments are true logic statements,
;; and otherwise returns false.
;; Therefore, choose-one is a logic statement.
(defmacro choose-one [& stmts]
`(boolean (some true? ~@stmts)))
;; choose-one does not short-circuit.
(choose-one true false)
;=> true
(choose-one false false)
;=> false
;=> true
;; A predicate is a function that returns either true or false, therefore
;; a predicate is a logic statement.
;; clojure.core/= is a predicate
(= 'John 'John)
;=> true
(= 'Andrew 'John)
;=> false
;; If our building blocks and tools are exclusively logic statements,
;; then our result will be a logic statement.
(defn person [n]
(choose-one (= n 'John)
(= n 'Andrew)
(= n 'Billy))
(person 'John)
;=> true
(person 'Tokyo)
;=> false
(choose-one (person 'John)
(person 'Tokyo))
;=> true
(choose-all (choose-one (person 'Billy))
(choose-all (person 'Andrew)
;=> true
;; A logic variable is an abstraction of uncertainty.
;; It can represent different degrees of uncertainty
;; State 0: Unbound
;; - represents no knowledge
;; State 1a: Bound to an unground value (contains uncertain logic variables)
;; - represents semi-definite knowledge
;; State 1b: Bound to a ground value (contains no uncertain logic variables)
;; - represents definite knowledge
;; Logic variables are initialized to Unbound then can be bound at most once.
(defprotocol SetOnce
(set-once! [this v]))
(deftype LogicVariable [d]
(set-once! [_ v]
(if (unbound? d)
(dosync (swap! d (fn [_] v)))
(deref [this] @d))
(deftype UnboundValue [])
(defn unbound? [d]
(instance? UnboundValue @d))
(defn logic-variable []
(LogicVariable. (atom (UnboundValue.))))
;; Unbound
(let [v (logic-variable)]
;; Bound to a ground value
(let [v (logic-variable)]
(set-once! v 1)
;=> 1
;; Bound to an unground value
(let [v1 (logic-variable)
v2 (logic-variable)]
(set-once! v1 v2)
;=> <LogicVariable :UNBOUND>
;; `reify-result` prepares the value of a logic variable as a ground value by
;; recursively replacing logic variables by their values.
(defn reify-result [v]
(prewalk (fn [e]
(if (instance? LogicVariable e)
(reify-solved @e)
;; Try again, with reify-result
(let [v1 (logic-variable)
v2 (logic-variable)]
(set-once! v1 v2)
(reify-result v1))
;; `(set-once! l v)` is a predicate that returns true if l is unbound
;; and performs a side effect of binding l to v.
;; If l is not unbound, it returns false.
;; This implementation of person assumes n is an unbound logic variable.
(defn person [n]
(choose-one (set-once! n 'John)
(set-once! n 'Andrew)
(set-once! n 'Billy))
;; Logical disjunction is an interesting means of combination. It potentially allows
;; a logic statement to return false, without affecting the result.
;; If a statement returns false in a disjunction, we must not only ignore its
;; return value, but also reset the state of any logic variables to what they
;; were before the statement executed.
(defn person [n]
(choose-one (undo-if-false [n]
(set-once! n 'John))
(undo-if-false [n]
(set-once! n 'Andrew))
(undo-if-false [n]
(set-once! n 'Billy)))
;; `undo-if-false` takes a vector of logic variables names and a logic statement.
;; If the logic statement is false, the logic variables are reset to their previous state
;; before the statement was executed.
(defmacro undo-if-false [[& dfvars] stmt]
`(let [~'old-vals (map deref (list ~@dfvars))]
(if (= false ~stmt)
(do (map #(unsafe-lvar-set! %1 %2) (list ~@dfvars) ~'old-vals)
;; `unsafe-lvar-set!` is like `set-once!` but it can be called multiple times.
;; It should never be used in normal circumstances.
;; Query
(let [v1 (logic-variable)] ;; setup
(match [(person v1)] ;; query
[true] (reify-result v1) ;; if successful
[false] :NORESULT))) ;; if failed
;=> 'John
;; This form is a common pattern called a query.
;; It initializes a scoped logic variable, executes a logic statement (person v1),
;; and reifies that logic variable if the statement is true,
;; otherwise returns :NORESULT.
;; `solve` abstracts this workflow.
(defmacro solve [[n] stmt]
`(let [~n (logic-variable)]
(match [~stmt]
[true] (reify-result ~n)
[false] :NORESULT)))
(solve [v1]
(person v1))
;=> 'John
;; We have two complementary implementations of person.
;; The first is for ground values.
(defn person [n]
(choose-one (= n 'John)
(= n 'Andrew)
(= n 'Billy))
;; And the second for unbound logic variables.
(defn person [n]
(choose-one (undo-if-false [n]
(set-once! n 'John))
(undo-if-false [n]
(set-once! n 'Andrew))
(undo-if-false [n]
(set-once! n 'Billy)))
;; Note: Neither work for bound logic variables
;; We can combine these implementations by introducing `set-or-equals`.
;; `set-or-equals` takes two arguments, and depending on the value of the arguments
;; either "sets" variables or performs "equals" tests in order to make both
;; arguments equal.
(defmulti set-or-equals (fn [l r] [(class l) (class r)]))
(defmethod set-or-equals
[LogicVariable LogicVariable]
[l r]
(if (identical? l r)
(match [(unbound? l) (unbound? r)]
[true true] (set-once! l r)
[true false] (set-once! l @r)
[false true] (set-once! r @l)
[false false] (set-or-equals @l @r))))
(defmethod set-or-equals
[LogicVariable Object]
[l r]
(set-once! l r))
(defmethod set-or-equals
[Object LogicVariable]
[l r]
(set-once! r l))
(defmethod set-or-equals
[Object Object]
[l r]
(and (composite? l) (composite? r)
(set-or-equals (first l) (first r))
(set-or-equals (rest-nil l) (rest-nil r)))
(= l r)))
(defmethod set-or-equals
[nil nil]
[l r]
(defmethod set-or-equals
[LogicVariable nil]
[l r]
(set-once! l r))
(defmethod set-or-equals
[nil LogicVariable]
[l r]
(set-once! r l))
(defmethod set-or-equals
[Object nil]
[l r]
(defmethod set-or-equals
[nil Object]
[l r]
;; Our reimplemented person predicate using `set-or-equals` accepts these types of arguments:
;; - ground values
;; - unbound logic variables
;; - logic variables bound to ground or nonground values
(defn person [n]
(choose-one (undo-if-false [n]
(set-or-equals n 'John))
(undo-if-false [n]
(set-or-equals n 'Andrew))
(undo-if-false [n]
(set-or-equals n 'Billy)))
(solve [v1]
(person v1))
;=> John
(solve [v1]
(let [n (logic-variable)]
(set-or-equals n 'Andrew)
(person n))
;=> :UNBOUND ;; Query was successful, and v1 is unbound after execution
(solve [v1]
(let [n (logic-variable)]
(set-or-equals n 'Tokyo)
(person n))
;=> :NORESULT ;; Query was not successful
(solve [v1]
(person 'Andrew))
;; A predicate is *relational* if its arguments can be any combination of
;; ground or unground values.
;; `set-or-equals` is relational, and predicates built with relations are
;; themselves relational, as is `person`.
;; A notable exception is `set-or-equals`, which is not built from relational parts.
;; `set-or-equals` is the most fundamental relational predicate in our language.
;; It's our "secret sauce" to building relational predicates.
;; Part 2
;; Limitations of our approach
;; By making our logic variables locally scoped objects that manage their
;; own state, we must manually coordinate each logic variable carefully.
(defn person [n]
(choose-one (undo-if-false [n]
(set-or-equals n 'John))
(undo-if-false [n]
(set-or-equals n 'Andrew))
(undo-if-false [n]
(set-or-equals n 'Billy)))
;; undo-if-false is necessary for choose-one to fulfil its contract: we can
;; pretend that logic statements that return false never happened.
;; There are two steps to ignoring an executed logic statement:
;; 1. ignore the return value of the logic statement
;; 2. reset all logic variables changed by the logic statement to before
;; the statement was executed
;; To automate step 2, we must introduce a coordination mechanism for logic variables.
;; This mechanism should allow us to take a "snapshot" of all scoped
;; logic variables. With this, we can automate step 2 by saving a snapshot
;; of the current scope before executing a "failable" logic statement. On
;; failure, we can just "roll back" the current state to this snapshot.
;; A simple solution to this problem is a substitution list (or substitution).
;; A substitution is a list of associations, which pair logic variables with values.
;; For example,
(let [a (logic-variable)
b (logic-variable)
c (logic-variable)]
;; Current substitution: ((a :UNBOUND) (b :UNBOUND) (c :UNBOUND))
(set-or-equals a 1)
;; Current substitution: ((a 1) (b :UNBOUND) (c :UNBOUND))
(set-or-equals b 2)
;; Current substitution: ((a 1) (b 2) (c :UNBOUND))
(set-or-equals c 3)
;; Current sustitution: ((a 1) (b 2) (c 3))
;; `choose-one` can automate rolling back changes by managing the substitution
;; list that propagates through it.
(let [a (logic-variable)
b (logic-variable)
c (logic-variable)]
;; Current substitution: ((a :UNBOUND) (b :UNBOUND) (c :UNBOUND))
(set-or-equals a 1)
;; Current substitution: ((a 1) (b :UNBOUND) (c :UNBOUND))
(set-or-equals b 2)
;; Current substitution: ((a 1) (b 2) (c :UNBOUND))
(set-or-equals a 3)) ;; FAILURE!
;; FAILURE! Roll back!
;; Current substitution: ((a 1) (b :UNBOUND) (c :UNBOUND))
;; How do we create and manipulate a substitution?
(def empty-substitution '())
(defn extend-substitution [x v s]
(cons (list x v) s)))
;; Who manages these substitutions?
;; Our representation of a logic statement is not sufficient to accommodate
;; substitutions. We introduce the "goal", which encapsulates a logic statement
;; and also manages substitutions.
;; A goal is a function that takes a substitution, and returns either
;; - the next substitution, representing a successful goal or
;; - nil, representing an unsuccessful goal.
;; There two fundamental goals.
;; `succeed` is like `true`, a "successful" logic statement.
;; It is a goal because it is a function that takes a substitution, and returns
;; the next substitution.
(def succeed
(fn [s] s))
;; `fail` is like `false`, a "failed" logic statement.
;; It is a goal because it is a function that takes a substitution and returns
;; nil.
(def fail
(fn [s] nil))
;; We are no longer working in a language that understands our primitives.
;=> <fn succeed [s] ...>
;=> <fn fail [s] ...>
;; Clojure understood logic statements because the values `true` and `false`
;; already had semantic meaning to other Clojure primitives (like `if`).
;; We must now build a language that provides primitives for combining and abstracting goals.
;; Now that our state is controlled by substitutions, logic variable objects
;; no longer control their state.
;; We can change our logic variable representation to be much simpler, as they
;; now are only responsible for their "identity".
(deftype LogicVariable [name])
(defn logic-variable [name]
(LogicVariable. name))
(defn logic-variable? [v]
(instance? LogicVariable v))
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