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Last active July 11, 2019 04:41
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RFC: Animation for cljfx

RFC: Animation for cljfx

This is an initial attempt at supporting animations in cljfx. Running instructions are below.

The actual animation logic is here under the Demo comment.

The original code is here.


You can run this gist in the terminal with the following command (requires Java 11+):

clojure -Sdeps '{:deps {gist-frenchy64/e31-animation {:git/url "" :sha "d892fdf895fd9560a4604fa36294f4fa97501ac1"}}}' -m e31-animation
{:paths ["."]
:deps {cljfx {:mvn/version "1.3.5"}}}
(ns e31-animation
(:require [cljfx.api :as fx]
[cljfx.prop :as prop]
[cljfx.composite :as composite]
[cljfx.mutator :as mutator]
[cljfx.lifecycle :as lifecycle]
[cljfx.coerce :as coerce]
[cljfx.component :as component])
(:import [java.util Collection]
[javafx.event EventHandler]
[javafx.scene Node]
[javafx.scene.transform Transform]
[javafx.animation TranslateTransition Interpolator Transition Timeline]
[javafx.util Duration]
[javafx.scene.layout Region]
[javafx.beans.value WritableValue]
[javafx.animation AnimationTimer Animation ParallelTransition RotateTransition
FadeTransition StrokeTransition FillTransition PauseTransition
KeyFrame KeyValue SequentialTransition PathTransition]))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
;; Notes ;;
; This file runs a bunch of animations when evaluated.
; The `Demo` section below contains the source for those
; animations. It uses the below implementation,
; in particular the `keyword->lifecycle` map in this namespace.
; This is my first crack at animation with cljfx or JavaFX. It's mostly
; as you might expect, implementing lifecycles for the
; various packages javafx.animation classes, but here are some
; notes on the more interesting parts.
; `Timeline`s take KeyFrames which must be passed `WritableValue`s
; like (.translateXProperty node) and (.translateXProperty node).
; This is somewhat awkward to extract from descs.
; To get a Property from a desc instance, I added the extension
; lifecycle `ext-coerce`, which takes a :desc and a :coerce function
; that is called on the result of `component/instance`.
; eg., the component created from desc
; {:fx/type ext-coerce
; :desc {:fx/type :rectangle ...}
; :coerce #(.translateYProperty ^Node %)}
; returns the .translateYProperty as the `component/instance`.
; This is particularly effective when combined with let-refs, so you
; can declare the node beforehand and extract what Properties you need
; as you go. See the `timeline` function in this namespace for example
; usage.
; I'm not sure if `ext-coerce` is a good name here, but I couldn't think
; of anything better.
; There are several `lifecycle/wrap-on-delete` calls here that work
; around the fact that calling `.stop` on a "nested" animation throws
; an IllegalStateException. I'm not sure how to get around this.
; There are many `mutator/forbidden` usages for immutable values here,
; it would be nice to have a lifecycle that more effectively deals with immutable values
; as alluded to at the bottom of the
; The :interpolator prop on ::key-value seemed to need
; special handling for defaults and coersion in the :ctor, IIRC `prop/make`
; didn't do what I expected when omitting :interpolator.
;; Setup ;;
;; Interfaces
(defmacro compile-if [cond & args]
(when (eval cond)
`(do ~@args)))
(compile-if (not (resolve 'ISetTimerHandler))
(definterface ISetTimerHandler
(setTimerHandler [handler])))
;; Coercions
(defn coerce-animation [x]
(= :indefinite x) Animation/INDEFINITE
:else (int x)))
(defn coerce-orientation [x]
(instance? PathTransition$OrientationType x) x
:else (case x
:none PathTransition$OrientationType/NONE
:orthogonal-to-tanget PathTransition$OrientationType/ORTHOGONAL_TO_TANGENT
(coerce/fail PathTransition$OrientationType x))))
(defn coerce-interpolator [x]
(instance? Interpolator x) x
(vector? x) (condp = (nth x 0)
:spline (case (count x)
5 (let [[_ x1 y1 x2 y2] x]
(Interpolator/SPLINE (double x1)
(double y1)
(double x2)
(double y2)))
(coerce/fail Interpolator x))
:tangent (case (count x)
3 (let [[_ t v] x]
(Interpolator/TANGENT (coerce/duration t)
(double v)))
5 (let [[_ t1 v1 t2 v2] x]
(Interpolator/TANGENT (coerce/duration t1)
(double v1)
(coerce/duration t2)
(double v2)))
(coerce/fail Interpolator x))
(coerce/fail Interpolator x))
:else (case x
:discrete Interpolator/DISCRETE
:ease-both Interpolator/EASE_BOTH
:ease-in Interpolator/EASE_IN
:ease-out Interpolator/EASE_OUT
:linear Interpolator/LINEAR
(coerce/fail Interpolator x))))
;; Extension lifecycles
(defn wrap-coerce-with-prop [lifecycle child-prop coerce-prop]
[::coerce-with-prop lifecycle child-prop coerce-prop]
{`lifecycle/create (fn [_ desc opts]
(let [child-desc (get desc child-prop)
child (lifecycle/create lifecycle child-desc opts)
coerce (get desc coerce-prop)]
(when-not (fn? coerce)
(throw (ex-info "Coercion must be fn"
{:coerce-prop coerce-prop
:coerce coerce})))
(with-meta {:child child
:coerce coerce
:value (coerce (component/instance child))}
{`component/instance :value})))
`lifecycle/advance (fn [_ component desc opts]
(let [old-coerce (:coerce component)
new-coerce (get desc coerce-prop)
child (:child component)
old-instance (component/instance child)
child-desc (get desc child-prop)
new-child (lifecycle/advance lifecycle child child-desc opts)
new-instance (component/instance new-child)]
(when-not (fn? new-coerce)
(throw (ex-info "Coercion must be fn"
{:coerce-prop coerce-prop
:coerce new-coerce})))
(cond-> component
(assoc :child new-child)
(or (not= old-instance new-instance)
(not= old-coerce new-coerce))
(assoc :value (new-coerce new-instance)))))
`lifecycle/delete (fn [_ component opts]
(lifecycle/delete lifecycle (:child component) opts))}))
(def coerce-lifecycle
(wrap-coerce-with-prop lifecycle/dynamic :desc :coerce))
;; Animation
(def animation-props
(composite/props Animation
:auto-reverse [:setter lifecycle/scalar :default false]
:cycle-count [:setter lifecycle/scalar :coerce coerce-animation :default 1.0]
:on-cycle-count-changed [:property-change-listener lifecycle/change-listener]
:delay [:setter lifecycle/scalar :default (coerce/duration 0)]
:on-finished [:setter lifecycle/event-handler :coerce coerce/event-handler :default nil]
:rate [:setter lifecycle/scalar :coerce double :default 1.0]
:jump-to [(mutator/setter
#(if (string? %2)
(.jumpTo ^Animation %1 ^String %2)
(.jumpTo ^Animation %1 ^Duration %2)))
:coerce (fn [x]
(if (string? x)
(coerce/duration x)))]
:on-status-changed [:property-change-listener lifecycle/change-listener]
:status [(mutator/setter
#(case %2
:running (.play ^Animation %1)
:paused (.pause ^Animation %1)
:stopped (.stop ^Animation %1)))
:default :stopped]))
;; AnimationTimer
(def animation-timer-lifecycle
(-> (composite/lifecycle
{:ctor (fn [handler]
(let [vhandler (volatile! handler)]
(proxy [AnimationTimer] []
(handle [now]
(when-some [handler @vhandler]
(handler now)))
(setTimerHandler [handler]
(vreset! vhandler handler)))))
:args [:handler]
:props {:handler (prop/make (mutator/setter
#(.setTimerHandler ^ISetTimerHandler %1 %2))
;TODO is :state a good name?
:state (prop/make (mutator/setter
#(case %2
:starting (.start ^AnimationTimer %1)
:stopped (.stop ^AnimationTimer %1)))
:default :stopped)}})
#(try (.stop ^AnimationTimer %)
(catch IllegalStateException _)))))
;; Transition
(def transition-props
:interpolator [:setter lifecycle/scalar
:coerce coerce-interpolator
:default :ease-in])))
;; TranslateTransition
(def translate-transition-props
:by-x [:setter lifecycle/scalar :coerce double :default 0.0]
:by-y [:setter lifecycle/scalar :coerce double :default 0.0]
:by-z [:setter lifecycle/scalar :coerce double :default 0.0]
:duration [:setter lifecycle/scalar :coerce coerce/duration
:default 400]
:from-x [:setter lifecycle/scalar :coerce double :default ##NaN]
:from-y [:setter lifecycle/scalar :coerce double :default ##NaN]
:from-z [:setter lifecycle/scalar :coerce double :default ##NaN]
:node [:setter lifecycle/dynamic]
:to-x [:setter lifecycle/scalar :coerce double :default ##NaN]
:to-y [:setter lifecycle/scalar :coerce double :default ##NaN]
:to-z [:setter lifecycle/scalar :coerce double :default ##NaN]
:state [(mutator/setter
#(case %2
:playing (.play ^TranslateTransition %1)
:stopped (.stop ^TranslateTransition %1)))
:default :stopped])))
(def translate-transition-lifecycle
(composite/describe TranslateTransition
:ctor []
:prop-order {:status 1}
:props translate-transition-props))
;; RotateTransition
(def rotate-transition-props
(merge transition-props
:axis [:setter lifecycle/scalar :coerce coerce/point-3d]
:by-angle [:setter lifecycle/scalar :coerce double :default 0.0]
:duration [:setter lifecycle/scalar :coerce coerce/duration :default 0]
:from-angle [:setter lifecycle/scalar :coerce double :default ##NaN]
:to-angle [:setter lifecycle/scalar :coerce double :default ##NaN]
:node [:setter lifecycle/dynamic])))
(def rotate-transition-lifecycle
(composite/describe RotateTransition
:ctor []
:prop-order {:status 1}
:props rotate-transition-props))
;; SequentialTransition
(def sequential-transition-props
(merge transition-props
:children [:list lifecycle/dynamics]
:node [:setter lifecycle/dynamic])))
(def sequential-transition-lifecycle
(composite/describe SequentialTransition
:ctor []
:prop-order {:status 1}
:props sequential-transition-props))
;; ParallelTransition
(def parallel-transition-props
(merge transition-props
:children [:list lifecycle/dynamics]
:node [:setter lifecycle/dynamic])))
(def parallel-transition-lifecycle
(composite/describe ParallelTransition
:ctor []
:prop-order {:status 1}
:props parallel-transition-props))
;; PathTransition
(def path-transition-props
(merge transition-props
:node [:setter lifecycle/dynamic]
:duration [:setter lifecycle/scalar :coerce coerce/duration
:default 400]
:path [:setter lifecycle/dynamic]
:orientation [:setter lifecycle/scalar :coerce coerce-orientation
:default :none])))
(def path-transition-lifecycle
(composite/describe PathTransition
:ctor []
:prop-order {:status 1}
:props path-transition-props))
;; FadeTransition
(def fade-transition-props
(merge transition-props
:node [:setter lifecycle/dynamic]
:duration [:setter lifecycle/scalar :coerce coerce/duration
:default 400]
:from-value [:setter lifecycle/scalar :coerce double :default ##NaN]
:to-value [:setter lifecycle/scalar :coerce double :default ##NaN]
:by-value [:setter lifecycle/scalar :coerce double])))
(def fade-transition-lifecycle
(composite/describe FadeTransition
:ctor []
:prop-order {:status 1}
:props fade-transition-props))
;; FillTransition
(def fill-transition-props
(merge transition-props
:shape [:setter lifecycle/dynamic]
:duration [:setter lifecycle/scalar :coerce coerce/duration
:default 400]
:from-value [:setter lifecycle/scalar :coerce coerce/color :default nil]
:to-value [:setter lifecycle/scalar :coerce coerce/color :default nil])))
(def fill-transition-lifecycle
(composite/describe FillTransition
:ctor []
:prop-order {:status 1}
:props fill-transition-props))
;; StrokeTransition
(def stroke-transition-props
(merge transition-props
:shape [:setter lifecycle/dynamic]
:duration [:setter lifecycle/scalar :coerce coerce/duration
:default 400]
:from-value [:setter lifecycle/scalar :coerce coerce/color :default nil]
:to-value [:setter lifecycle/scalar :coerce coerce/color :default nil])))
(def stroke-transition-lifecycle
(composite/describe StrokeTransition
:ctor []
:prop-order {:status 1}
:props stroke-transition-props))
;; ScaleTransition
(def scale-transition-props
(merge transition-props
:node [:setter lifecycle/dynamic]
:duration [:setter lifecycle/scalar :coerce coerce/duration
:default 400]
:from-x [:setter lifecycle/scalar :coerce double :default ##NaN]
:from-y [:setter lifecycle/scalar :coerce double :default ##NaN]
:from-z [:setter lifecycle/scalar :coerce double :default ##NaN]
:to-x [:setter lifecycle/scalar :coerce double :default ##NaN]
:to-y [:setter lifecycle/scalar :coerce double :default ##NaN]
:to-z [:setter lifecycle/scalar :coerce double :default ##NaN]
:by-x [:setter lifecycle/scalar :coerce double]
:by-y [:setter lifecycle/scalar :coerce double]
:by-z [:setter lifecycle/scalar :coerce double])))
(def scale-transition-lifecycle
(composite/describe ScaleTransition
:ctor []
:prop-order {:status 1}
:props scale-transition-props))
;; PauseTransition
(def pause-transition-props
(merge transition-props
:duration [:setter lifecycle/scalar :coerce coerce/duration
:default 400])))
(def pause-transition-lifecycle
(composite/describe PauseTransition
:ctor []
:prop-order {:status 1}
:props pause-transition-props))
;; Timeline
(def key-value-props
{:target (prop/make mutator/forbidden
(lifecycle/if-desc #(instance? WritableValue %)
:end-value (prop/make mutator/forbidden
; :default and :coerce handled in :ctor because :interpolator is immutable
:interpolator (prop/make mutator/forbidden
(def key-value-lifecycle
{:ctor (fn [target end-value interpolator]
(KeyValue. target
(if interpolator
(coerce-interpolator interpolator)
:args [:target :end-value :interpolator]
:props key-value-props}))
(def key-frame-props
{:time (prop/make mutator/forbidden
:coerce coerce/duration)
:name (prop/make mutator/forbidden
:default nil)
:on-finished (prop/make mutator/forbidden
:default nil)
:values (prop/make mutator/forbidden
;TODO allow vector case
(lifecycle/if-desc #(instance? KeyValue %)
(lifecycle/if-desc #(and (map? %)
(contains? % :fx/type))
(def key-frame-lifecycle
{:ctor (fn [^Duration time
^String name
^EventHandler on-finished
^Collection values]
(KeyFrame. time name on-finished values))
:args [:time :name :on-finished :values]
:props key-frame-props}))
(def timeline-props
(merge animation-props
; Future syntax ideas for key-frames
; eg. At 2 sec, move node's x prop to 30
; {[2 :s] [(get-ref :node-x) 30}
; (defalias KeyFrameKey
; (U TimeDesc
; (HMap :mandatory {:time TimeDesc}
; :optional {:interpolator InterpolatorDesc
; :name Str
; :on-finished EventHandlerDesc}
; :absent-keys #{:fx/type})))
; (defalias KeyFrameValue
; (U '[Desc Any]
; '[Desc Any Interpolator]
; (HMap :mandatory {:target Desc}
; :optional {:end-value Any
; :interpolator Interpolator}
; :absent-keys #{:fx/type})))
; (defalias KeyFrameDesc
; (U javafx.animation.KeyFrame
; '[KeyFrameKey (U KeyFrameValue (Vec KeyFrameValue))]
; (HMap :mandatory {:time TimeDesc}
; :optional {:values KeyFrameValues}
; :absent-keys #{:fx/type})))
; (defalias KeyFrameValues
; (Seqable KeyFrameDesc))
:key-frames [:list (lifecycle/wrap-many
(lifecycle/if-desc #(instance? KeyFrame %)
; reserve Descs for now
(lifecycle/if-desc #(and (map? %)
(contains? % :fx/type))
(def timeline-lifecycle
(composite/describe Timeline
:ctor []
:prop-order {:status 1}
:props timeline-props)
#(try (.stop ^Timeline %)
; cannot stop children in nested animations
(catch IllegalStateException _)))))
;; keyword->lifecycle
(def keyword->lifecycle
{::animation-timer animation-timer-lifecycle
::translate-transition translate-transition-lifecycle
::rotate-transition rotate-transition-lifecycle
::parallel-transition parallel-transition-lifecycle
::sequential-transition sequential-transition-lifecycle
::path-transition path-transition-lifecycle
::fade-transition fade-transition-lifecycle
::fill-transition fill-transition-lifecycle
::pause-transition pause-transition-lifecycle
::scale-transition scale-transition-lifecycle
::stroke-transition stroke-transition-lifecycle
::timeline timeline-lifecycle})
(def ext-coerce coerce-lifecycle)
;; Demo ;;
(defn init-state []
(declare *state renderer)
(when (and (.hasRoot #'*state)
(.hasRoot #'renderer))
(fx/unmount-renderer *state renderer)
(reset! *state (init-state)))
(def *state
(atom (init-state)))
(defn- let-refs [refs desc]
{:fx/type fx/ext-let-refs
:refs refs
:desc desc})
(defn- get-ref [ref]
{:fx/type fx/ext-get-ref
:ref ref})
(defn animate-entrance-desc [{:keys [desc]}]
{:pre [desc]}
(let-refs {:node desc}
(let-refs {:animation1
{:fx/type ::parallel-transition
:node (get-ref :node)
:auto-reverse true
:cycle-count :indefinite
:status :running
:children [; rotate 180 degrees
{:fx/type ::rotate-transition
:node (get-ref :node)
:duration [0.5 :s]
:from-angle 0
:to-angle 185
:interpolator :ease-both}
; while also moving left to right
{:fx/type ::translate-transition
:node (get-ref :node)
:duration [0.5 :s]
:from-x 0
:to-x 75
:interpolator :ease-both}]}}
(get-ref :node))))
(defn translate-x-property [^Node instance]
(.translateXProperty instance))
(defn translate-y-property [^Node instance]
(.translateYProperty instance))
(defn timeline [{:keys [desc]}]
{:pre [desc]}
(let-refs {:node desc}
(let-refs {:node-x {:fx/type ext-coerce
:desc (get-ref :node)
:coerce translate-x-property}
:node-y {:fx/type ext-coerce
:desc (get-ref :node)
:coerce translate-y-property}}
(let-refs {:timeline {:fx/type ::sequential-transition
:node (get-ref :node)
:cycle-count :indefinite
:auto-reverse true
:status :running
[{:fx/type ::timeline
#{{:time [2 :s]
:values [{:target (get-ref :node-x)
:end-value 30}]}
{:time [0.5 :s]
:values [{:target (get-ref :node-y)
:end-value 50}]}
{:time [1 :s]
:values [{:target (get-ref :node-y)
:end-value 0}]}}}
{:fx/type ::pause-transition
:duration [0.4 :s]}
{:fx/type ::timeline
:key-frames #{{:time [2 :s]
:values [{:target (get-ref :node-y)
:end-value 0}]}
{:time [1 :s]
:values [{:target (get-ref :node-y)
:end-value 50}]}}}]}}
(get-ref :node)))))
(defn path-transition [{:keys [desc]}]
(let-refs {:node desc}
(let-refs {:path {:fx/type ::path-transition
:node (get-ref :node)
:path {:fx/type :circle
:radius 35}
:duration [1 :s]
:orientation :orthogonal-to-tanget
:cycle-count :indefinite
:status :running}}
(get-ref :node))))
(defn fade-transition [{:keys [desc]}]
(let-refs {:node desc}
(let-refs {:fade {:fx/type ::fade-transition
:node (get-ref :node)
:from-value 1.0
:to-value 0.3
:cycle-count :indefinite
:duration [1 :s]
:auto-reverse true
:status :running}}
(get-ref :node))))
(defn fill-transition [{:keys [desc]}]
(let-refs {:shape desc}
(let-refs {:fade {:fx/type ::fill-transition
:shape (get-ref :shape)
:from-value :green
:to-value :red
:cycle-count :indefinite
:duration [1 :s]
:auto-reverse true
:status :running}}
(get-ref :shape))))
(defn scale-transition [{:keys [desc]}]
(let-refs {:node desc}
(let-refs {:fade {:fx/type ::scale-transition
:node (get-ref :node)
:by-x 1
:by-y 5
:cycle-count :indefinite
:duration [1 :s]
:auto-reverse true
:status :running}}
(get-ref :node))))
(defn stroke-transition [{:keys [desc]}]
(let-refs {:shape desc}
(let-refs {:fade {:fx/type ::stroke-transition
:shape (get-ref :shape)
:from-value :red
:to-value :yellow
:cycle-count :indefinite
:duration [0.5 :s]
:auto-reverse true
:status :running}}
(get-ref :shape))))
(defn grow-shrink [current limit]
(if (even? (int (/ current limit)))
(mod current limit)
(- limit (mod current limit))))
(defn with-header [text row col desc]
{:fx/type :h-box
:fill-height true
:grid-pane/row row
:grid-pane/column col
:spacing 10
:children [{:fx/type :label
:text text}
(defn view [{{:keys [timer-duration] :or {timer-duration 0}} :state}]
{:fx/type :stage
:showing true
:always-on-top true
:width 600
:height 600
:scene {:fx/type :scene
:root {:fx/type :grid-pane
:row-constraints (repeat 4 {:fx/type :row-constraints
:percent-height 100/4})
:column-constraints (repeat 2 {:fx/type :column-constraints
:percent-width 100/2})
:children [(with-header
"Parallel rotate+translate"
0 0
{:fx/type animate-entrance-desc
:desc {:fx/type :rectangle
:width 50
:height 100}})
"Animation timer"
1 0
(let [max-width 200
max-height 100]
{:timer {:fx/type ::animation-timer
:handler {:event/type ::animation-timer}
:state :starting}}
{:fx/type :rectangle
:width (grow-shrink timer-duration max-width)
:height (grow-shrink timer-duration max-height)})))
"Sequential Timelines"
2 0
{:fx/type timeline
:desc {:fx/type :rectangle
:width 50
:height 100}})
"Path transition"
3 0
{:fx/type path-transition
:desc {:fx/type :rectangle
:width 50
:height 100}})
"Fade transition"
0 1
{:fx/type fade-transition
:desc {:fx/type :rectangle
:width 50
:height 100}})
"Fill transition"
1 1
{:fx/type fill-transition
:desc {:fx/type :rectangle
:width 50
:height 100}})
"Scale transition"
2 1
{:fx/type scale-transition
:desc {:fx/type :rectangle
:width 50
:height 15}})
"Stroke transition"
3 1
{:fx/type stroke-transition
:desc {:fx/type :rectangle
:stroke-width 10
:arc-height 20
:arc-width 20
:width 50
:height 100}})]}}})
(def renderer
:middleware (fx/wrap-map-desc (fn [state]
{:fx/type view
:state state}))
:opts {:fx.opt/type->lifecycle (some-fn keyword->lifecycle
#(case (:event/type %)
(swap! *state update :timer-duration (fnil inc 0))
(fx/mount-renderer *state renderer)
(defn -main [& args])
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