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Created August 13, 2021 18:23
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from queue import Queue
from collections import defaultdict
class Publisher(object):
Contains a list of subscribers that can can receive updates.
Each subscriber can have its own private data and may subscribe to
different channel.
def __init__(self):
Creates a new publisher with an empty list of subscribers.
self.subscribers_by_channel = defaultdict(list)
def _get_subscribers_lists(self, channel):
if isinstance(channel, str):
yield self.subscribers_by_channel[channel]
for channel_name in channel:
yield self.subscribers_by_channel[channel_name]
def get_subscribers(self, channel='default channel'):
Returns a generator of all subscribers in the given channel.
`channel` can either be a channel name (e.g. "secret room") or a list
of channel names (e.g. "['chat', 'global messages']"). It defaults to
the channel named "default channel".
for subscriber_list in self._get_subscribers_lists(channel):
yield from subscriber_list
def _publish_single(self, data, queue):
Publishes a single piece of data to a single user. Data is encoded as
str_data = str(data)
for line in str_data.split('\n'):
queue.put('data: {}\n'.format(line))
def publish(self, data, channel='default channel'):
Publishes data to all subscribers of the given channel.
`channel` can either be a channel name (e.g. "secret room") or a list
of channel names (e.g. "['chat', 'global messages']"). It defaults to
the channel named "default channel".
If data is callable, the return of `data(properties)` will be published
instead, for the `properties` object of each subscriber. This allows
for customized events.
# Note we call `str` here instead of leaving it to each subscriber's
# `format` call. The reason is twofold: this caches the same between
# subscribers, and is not prone to time differences.
if callable(data):
for queue, properties in self.get_subscribers(channel):
value = data(properties)
if value:
self._publish_single(value, queue)
for queue, _ in self.get_subscribers(channel):
self._publish_single(data, queue)
def subscribe(self, channel='default channel', properties=None, initial_data=[]):
Subscribes to the channel, returning an infinite generator of
`channel` can either be a channel name (e.g. "secret room") or a list
of channel names (e.g. "['chat', 'global messages']"). It defaults to
the channel named "default channel".
If `properties` is passed, these will be used for differentiation if a
callable object is published (see `Publisher.publish`).
If the list `initial_data` is passed, all data there will be sent
before the regular channel process starts.
queue = Queue()
properties = properties or {}
subscriber = (queue, properties)
for data in initial_data:
self._publish_single(data, queue)
for subscribers_list in self._get_subscribers_lists(channel):
return self._make_generator(queue)
def _make_generator(self, queue):
Returns a generator that reads data from the queue, emitting data
events, while the Publisher.END_STREAM value is not received.
while True:
data = queue.get()
if data is Publisher.END_STREAM:
yield data
def close(self):
Closes all active subscriptions.
for channel in self.subscribers_by_channel.values():
for queue, _ in channel:
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Starts an example chat application.
# Run this module and point your browser to http://localhost:5000
import cgi
import flask
publisher = Publisher()
app = flask.Flask(__name__, static_folder='static', static_url_path='')
@app.route('/publish', methods=['POST'])
def publish():
sender_username = flask.request.form['username']
chat_message = flask.request.form['message']
template = '<strong>{}</strong>: {}'
full_message = template.format(cgi.escape(sender_username),
def m(subscriber_username):
if subscriber_username != sender_username:
return full_message
return ''
def subscribe():
username = flask.request.args.get('username')
return flask.Response(publisher.subscribe(properties=username),
def root():
return app.send_static_file('chat.html'), threaded=True)
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