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Last active March 16, 2023 13:29
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import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.metrics import f1_score
from copy import deepcopy
from collections import namedtuple
# Evaluation metric for Innoplexus NER Challenge
def collect_named_entities(tokens): # Helper Function for score calculation
Creates a list of Entity named-tuples, storing the entity type and the start and end
offsets of the entity.
:param tokens: a list of labels
:return: a list of Entity named-tuples
Entity = namedtuple("Entity", "e_type start_offset end_offset")
named_entities = []
start_offset = None
end_offset = None
ent_type = None
for offset, token_tag in enumerate(tokens):
if token_tag == 'O':
if ent_type is not None and start_offset is not None:
end_offset = offset - 1
named_entities.append(Entity(ent_type, start_offset, end_offset))
start_offset = None
end_offset = None
ent_type = None
elif ent_type is None:
ent_type = token_tag[2:]
start_offset = offset
elif ent_type != token_tag[2:] or (ent_type == token_tag[2:] and token_tag[:1] == 'B'):
end_offset = offset - 1
named_entities.append(Entity(ent_type, start_offset, end_offset))
# start of a new entity
ent_type = token_tag[2:]
start_offset = offset
end_offset = None
# catches an entity that goes up until the last token
if ent_type and start_offset and end_offset is None:
named_entities.append(Entity(ent_type, start_offset, len(tokens)-1))
return named_entities
def compute_metrics(true_named_entities, pred_named_entities): # Helper Function for score calculation
eval_metrics = {'correct': 0, 'partial': 0, 'missed': 0, 'spurius': 0}
target_tags_no_schema = ['indications']
# overall results
evaluation = {'partial': deepcopy(eval_metrics)}
true_which_overlapped_with_pred = [] # keep track of entities that overlapped
# go through each predicted named-entity
for pred in pred_named_entities:
found_overlap = False
# check if there's an exact match, i.e.: boundary and entity type match
if pred in true_named_entities:
evaluation['partial']['correct'] += 1
# check for overlaps with any of the true entities
for true in true_named_entities:
# 2. check for an overlap i.e. not exact boundary match, with true entities
if pred.start_offset <= true.end_offset and true.start_offset <= pred.end_offset:
evaluation['partial']['partial'] += 1
found_overlap = True
# count spurius (i.e., False Positive) entities
if not found_overlap:
# overall results
evaluation['partial']['spurius'] += 1
# count missed entities (i.e. False Negative)
for true in true_named_entities:
if true in true_which_overlapped_with_pred:
# overall results
evaluation['partial']['missed'] += 1
# Compute 'possible', 'actual'
for eval_type in ['partial']:
correct = evaluation[eval_type]['correct']
partial = evaluation[eval_type]['partial']
missed = evaluation[eval_type]['missed']
spurius = evaluation[eval_type]['spurius']
# possible: nr. annotations in the gold-standard which contribute to the final score
evaluation[eval_type]['possible'] = correct + partial + missed
# actual: number of annotations produced by the NER system
evaluation[eval_type]['actual'] = correct + partial + spurius
actual = evaluation[eval_type]['actual']
possible = evaluation[eval_type]['possible']
return evaluation
def list_converter(df): # Helper Function for score calculation
keys, values = df.sort_values('Sent_ID_x').values.T
ukeys, index = np.unique(keys,True)
lists = [list(array) for array in np.split(values,index[1:])]
return lists
# ideal and pred respectively represent dataframes containing actual labels and predictions for the set of sentences in the test data.
# It has the same format as the sample submission (id, Sent_ID, tag)
def calculate_score(ideal, pred): # Calculates the final F1 Score
merged = ideal.merge(pred, on = "id", how="inner").drop(['Sent_ID_y'],axis = 1)
# The scores are calculated sentence wise and then aggregated to calculate the overall score, for this
# List converter function groups the labels by sentence to generate a list of lists with each inner list representing a sentence in sequence
ideal_ = list_converter(merged.drop(['id','tag_y'],axis = 1))
pred_ = list_converter(merged.drop(['id','tag_x'],axis = 1))
metrics_results = {'correct': 0, 'partial': 0,
'missed': 0, 'spurius': 0, 'possible': 0, 'actual': 0}
results = {'partial': deepcopy(metrics_results)}
for true_ents, pred_ents in zip(ideal_, pred_):
# compute results for one sentence
tmp_results = compute_metrics(collect_named_entities(true_ents),collect_named_entities(pred_ents))
# aggregate overall results
for eval_schema in results.keys():
for metric in metrics_results.keys():
results[eval_schema][metric] += tmp_results[eval_schema][metric]
correct = results['partial']['correct']
partial = results['partial']['partial']
missed = results['partial']['missed']
spurius = results['partial']['spurius']
actual = results['partial']['actual']
possible = results['partial']['possible']
precision = (correct + 0.5 * partial) / actual if actual > 0 else 0
recall = (correct + 0.5 * partial) / possible if possible > 0 else 0
score = (2 * precision * recall)/(precision + recall) if (precision + recall) >0 else 0
# final score
return score
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