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Last active December 1, 2023 10:01
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Example ways of handling tier lockdown to encourage upgrades

Example of access to slideshow

func HasAccessBasedOnTierLimitsOnCreate(tier string, userInfo user.UserPreference, kind string) bool {
	if tier != "free" {
		return true

	records := userInfo.Usage.Stats
	// assume keys exist?
	if _, ok := records[stats.SystemMissingKey]; ok {
		// Assume present means an issue
		return true

	tolerance := 1
	limit := 1
	limitToAllow := limit + tolerance

	if kind == KindPDF {
		return records[""] <= limitToAllow

	if kind == KindVideo {
		return records[""] <= limitToAllow

	return false


userInfo := c.Get("userInfo").(user.UserPreference)
grant := HasAccessBasedOnTierLimitsOnCreate("free", userInfo, inputKind)
if !grant {
	response := api.HTTPResponseMessage{
		Message: "Upgrade tier",
	return c.JSON(http.StatusPaymentRequired, response)

Example of access check on save list

func HasAccessBasedOnTierLimitsOnSaveAlist(tier string, records map[string]int, kind string) bool {
	if tier != "free" {
		return true

	if _, ok := records[stats.SystemMissingKey]; ok {
		// Assume present means an issue
		return true

	// assume keys exist?
	if records[""] > 1 {
		return false

	if records[""] > 1 {
		return false

	return false


userStats := c.Get("userStats").(map[string]int)

grant := HasAccessBasedOnTierLimitsOnSaveAlist("free", userStats, aList.Kind)
if !grant {
	response := api.HTTPResponseMessage{
	Message: "Upgrade tier",
	return c.JSON(http.StatusPaymentRequired, response)
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