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James Sadler freshtonic

  • Sydney, Australia
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#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# If your tables follow default Rails naming conventions (i.e.
# pluralized table names and #{model_name}_id foreign key names) then
# this script can run a quick report on your data and tell you if any
# of your tables contain references to non-existent rows in foreign key
# tables.
# If you had used referential integrity from the start, this script
# wouldn't be that useful. But for some people migrating from MySQL to
# So this is in my controller:
@items = Dir.glob("views/*/*").map do |item|
item.gsub(/views\/.+\/(.+).haml/, '\1') do |item|
!item.match(/^hide-/) && x != "index")
# Its contents look like this:
def foo(bar)
# CHALLENGE: write the body of this method such that
# when it is invoked, the second call to 'puts' below
# prints something different that the first call to 'puts'.
# Getting hold of the Ruby bindings object or reflecting
# over local variables is cheating and would not demonstrate
# pass-by-reference.
require 'rubygems'
require 'pp'
require 'wirble'
require 'hirb'
extend Hirb::Console
# Here are the params to my QuestionsController update action.
# accepts_nested_attributes_for is defined on the Question model
# for its child relationship Choice. (Question has many Choices).
# Adding new choices to a question in bulk as shown below works except for the order
# that the Choices are created in. Choices use acts_as_list and have a list_index column.
# The order that update_attributes (on the Question instance) creates
# the Choice objects is the sort order of the hash keys below. The 'new_NNNNN' id
# within the hash is created in JavaScript using new Date().getTime(), so it always
# I'm testing some code that translates HTTP query params from the front end
# into a query against a Solr via the Sunspot API. What I want to be able to
# do is unit test the query translation step *without* having to have Solr running.
# So I thought about mocking it out, but none of the mocking frameworks seem to
# be able to provide a way of mocking out something passed as a block.
# I have some HTTP query that my code 'executes' against Solr. It should be *exactly* equivalent
# to running the following query against Sunspot.
-- A Postgres 8.4 query against a table called 'trade_summaries'
-- This query makes use of WINDOW FUNCTIONS to provide access to the previous trading
-- day on the row for the current trading day.
-- The end result of the query is a set of market trading days with the interesting column being
-- the number of standard deviations that the difference in total trading value for the current
-- day versus the previous day is from the average difference between trading days.
-- What makes this query more verbose than it has to be is eacerbated by three limitations of Postgres:
-- (NOTE: there may be a good technical or theoretical 'correctness' reason for these limitations,
-- but I am obviously not smart enough to figure it out!)
Above Url is the interface for the numbers I am trying to pull, Fuck me I have no idea how to try and explain this simply, we have been mindfucking this here for ages
1. Is from a table called placement_scores which needs to have numbers from the latest month, period_ending field (date)
2. Is also from a table placement_scores but needs to aggregate numbers from the 3 months prior to the latest month
3. Is from a table called outcome_scores which needs to aggregate numbers from between 7 months and 5 months prior using a period_ending value as well
It looks like 3 separate queries UNIONed together to me, like this:
select "Placement targets achieved in #{month_year}", count(*) from placement_scores where ....
Blah blah blah blah
%a(href='#foo') foo
%a(href='#bar') bar
-# The problem with the above Haml fragment is that I am left with a space after <a href='#bar'>bar</a> and before the period.
-# Haml's whitespace removal does not resolve the issue, because it can either remove ALL whitespace
-# around an element or ALL whitespace within an element. Neither option seems to fit the bill.
#!/usr/bin/env coffee
class Base
someMethod: ->
sys.puts "hello from Base"
class Derived
someOtherMethod: ->
someMethod() # error: method doesn't exist