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Created March 10, 2013 06:51
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Save frewsxcv/5127433 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
void XmppSipPlugin::onPresenceReceived(const Ptr&, const Jreen::Presence&) * New presence: "" 10
void XmppSipPlugin::onPresenceReceived(const Ptr&, const Jreen::Presence&) "" Running tomahawk: maybe caps "" requesting disco...
Jreen:Debug:send iq to "" from ""
Jreen:Debug:send iq to "" from ""
Servent::SocketError: QAbstractSocket::SocketTimeoutError "7b6c0e5e-4e58-4dc7-a1dd-4e9cfd01cf26" ""
Connection "7b6c0e5e-4e58-4dc7-a1dd-4e9cfd01cf26" FAILED *************** QThread(0x1fcfa20)
void Connection::shutdown(bool) false "7b6c0e5e-4e58-4dc7-a1dd-4e9cfd01cf26"
void Connection::actualShutdown() false "7b6c0e5e-4e58-4dc7-a1dd-4e9cfd01cf26"
DTOR controlconnection
DTOR connection (super) "7b6c0e5e-4e58-4dc7-a1dd-4e9cfd01cf26" QThread(0x1fcfa20) true
Servent::SocketError: QAbstractSocket::SocketTimeoutError "fc4ad8b3-e06d-470b-a50f-e504aa3e34c2" ""
Connection "fc4ad8b3-e06d-470b-a50f-e504aa3e34c2" FAILED *************** QThread(0x1fcfa20)
void Connection::shutdown(bool) false "fc4ad8b3-e06d-470b-a50f-e504aa3e34c2"
void Connection::actualShutdown() false "fc4ad8b3-e06d-470b-a50f-e504aa3e34c2"
DTOR controlconnection
DTOR connection (super) "fc4ad8b3-e06d-470b-a50f-e504aa3e34c2" QThread(0x1fcfa20) true
void XmppSipPlugin::onPresenceReceived(const Ptr&, const Jreen::Presence&) * New presence: "" 0
void XmppSipPlugin::handlePeerStatus(const Jreen::JID&, Jreen::Presence::Type) * Peer goes offline: ""
SIP offline: ""
Jreen:Debug:send iq to "" from ""
void XmppSipPlugin::onPresenceReceived(const Ptr&, const Jreen::Presence&) * New presence: "" 12
void XmppSipPlugin::onPresenceReceived(const Ptr&, const Jreen::Presence&) "" Running tomahawk: maybe caps "" requesting disco...
Jreen:Debug:send iq to "" from ""
void XmppSipPlugin::onPresenceReceived(const Ptr&, const Jreen::Presence&) * New presence: "" 12
void XmppSipPlugin::onPresenceReceived(const Ptr&, const Jreen::Presence&) "" Running tomahawk: maybe caps "" requesting disco...
Jreen:Debug:send iq to "" from ""
Jreen:Debug:send iq to "" from ""
void XmppSipPlugin::onNewIq(const Jreen::IQ&) "" Running tomahawk/feature enabled: yes
void XmppSipPlugin::handlePeerStatus(const Jreen::JID&, Jreen::Presence::Type) * Peer goes online: ""
SIP online: ""
CTOR Connection (super) QThread(0x1fcfa20)
CTOR controlconnection
Asking them to connect to us: "{ "ip" : "", "key" : "4d87cfeb-dd6a-4feb-8f97-448e9ca8249e", "port" : 23393, "uniqname" : "2e514c4b-21fb-483e-b43e-f91746d7405d", "visible" : true }"
virtual void XmppSipPlugin::sendMsg(const QString&, const SipInfo&) "" "{ "ip" : "", "key" : "4d87cfeb-dd6a-4feb-8f97-448e9ca8249e", "port" : 23393, "uniqname" : "2e514c4b-21fb-483e-b43e-f91746d7405d", "visible" : true }"
Send sip messsage to ""
Jreen:Debug:send iq to "" from ""
Jreen:Debug:send iq to "" from ""
void XmppSipPlugin::onNewIq(const Jreen::IQ&) "" Running tomahawk/feature enabled: yes
void XmppSipPlugin::onNewIq(const Jreen::IQ&) Got SipMessage ... ip "" port 50210 uniqname "9b887889-0fc3-4d13-b03c-f5546dfd27f4" key "df2b7c12-537d-4dae-8d28-fc7c58da4f06" visible true
void XmppSipPlugin::onNewIq(const Jreen::IQ&) From: "" : "{ "ip" : "", "key" : "df2b7c12-537d-4dae-8d28-fc7c58da4f06", "port" : 50210, "uniqname" : "9b887889-0fc3-4d13-b03c-f5546dfd27f4", "visible" : true }"
void SipHandler::onSipInfo(const QString&, const SipInfo&) SIP Message: "" "{ "ip" : "", "key" : "df2b7c12-537d-4dae-8d28-fc7c58da4f06", "port" : 50210, "uniqname" : "9b887889-0fc3-4d13-b03c-f5546dfd27f4", "visible" : true }"
Initiate connection to "" at ""
CTOR Connection (super) QThread(0x1fcfa20)
CTOR controlconnection
Servent::connectToPeer: "" : 50210 QThread(0x1fcfa20) QThread(0x1fcfa20)
Jreen:Debug:send iq to "" from ""
void Servent::socketConnected() QThread(0x1fcfa20) socket: QTcpSocketExtra(0x2b02020) , hostaddr: QHostAddress( "" ) , hostname: ""
static bool Servent::isIPWhitelisted(QHostAddress) Performing checks against ip ""
static bool Servent::isIPWhitelisted(QHostAddress) Checking interface "lo"
static bool Servent::isIPWhitelisted(QHostAddress) Checking address entry with ip "" and prefix length 8
static bool Servent::isIPWhitelisted(QHostAddress) Checking address entry with ip "::1" and prefix length 128
static bool Servent::isIPWhitelisted(QHostAddress) Checking interface "eth0"
static bool Servent::isIPWhitelisted(QHostAddress) Checking interface "wlan0"
static bool Servent::isIPWhitelisted(QHostAddress) Checking address entry with ip "" and prefix length 24
static bool Servent::isIPWhitelisted(QHostAddress) Checking address entry with ip "FE80::21A:EFFF:FE10:CE8A" and prefix length 64
static bool Servent::isIPWhitelisted(QHostAddress) failure
void Connection::checkACL() Checking ACL for ""
virtual ACLRegistry::ACL ACLRegistryImpl::isAuthorizedUser(const QString&, const QString&, ACLRegistry::ACL, bool) Checking account friendly names against ""
virtual ACLRegistry::ACL ACLRegistryImpl::isAuthorizedUser(const QString&, const QString&, ACLRegistry::ACL, bool) Checking against account friendly name ""
virtual void Servent::incomingConnection(int) Accepting connection, sock QTcpSocketExtra(0x3cba820)
void Connection::checkACLResult(const QString&, const QString&, ACLRegistry::ACL) nodeid not ours, or username not our barename
void Connection::checkACLResult(const QString&, const QString&, ACLRegistry::ACL) ACL status is 3
void Connection::doSetup() QThread(0x1fcfa20)
Incoming connection details: QMap(("conntype", QVariant(QString, "accept-offer") ) ( "key" , QVariant(QString, "df2b7c12-537d-4dae-8d28-fc7c58da4f06") ) ( "nodeid" , QVariant(QString, "2e514c4b-21fb-483e-b43e-f91746d7405d") ) ( "port" , QVariant(qulonglong, 23393) ) )
known connection: "70b68eea-4d81-40f9-81ca-8df71af31a34" ""
void Servent::readyRead() "df2b7c12-537d-4dae-8d28-fc7c58da4f06" "2e514c4b-21fb-483e-b43e-f91746d7405d" socket peer address = QHostAddress( "" ) socket peer name = ""
Invalid offer key: "df2b7c12-537d-4dae-8d28-fc7c58da4f06"
claimOffer FAILED, key: "df2b7c12-537d-4dae-8d28-fc7c58da4f06" "2e514c4b-21fb-483e-b43e-f91746d7405d"
Closing incoming connection, something was wrong.
SOCKET ERROR CODE QAbstractSocket::RemoteHostClosedError "" CALLING Connection::shutdown(false)
SOCKET DISCONNECTED "" "9b887889-0fc3-4d13-b03c-f5546dfd27f4" shutdown will happen after incoming queue empties. bytesavail: 0 bytesRecvd 0
No more data to read, peer disconnected. shutting down connection. bytesavail 0 bytesrx 0
void Connection::shutdown(bool) false "9b887889-0fc3-4d13-b03c-f5546dfd27f4"
void Connection::actualShutdown() false "9b887889-0fc3-4d13-b03c-f5546dfd27f4"
void Connection::actualShutdown() true "9b887889-0fc3-4d13-b03c-f5546dfd27f4"
DTOR controlconnection
DTOR connection (super) "9b887889-0fc3-4d13-b03c-f5546dfd27f4" QThread(0x1fcfa20) false
void XmppSipPlugin::onNewIq(const Jreen::IQ&) Received software version for "" : "Tomahawk Player Linux-2.6.24-32-xen 0.6.0"
void XmppSipPlugin::onPresenceReceived(const Ptr&, const Jreen::Presence&) * New presence: "" 10
void XmppSipPlugin::onPresenceReceived(const Ptr&, const Jreen::Presence&) "" Running tomahawk: maybe caps "" requesting disco...
Jreen:Debug:send iq to "" from ""
Jreen:Debug:send iq to "" from ""
void XmppSipPlugin::onPresenceReceived(const Ptr&, const Jreen::Presence&) * New presence: "" 10
void XmppSipPlugin::onPresenceReceived(const Ptr&, const Jreen::Presence&) "" Running tomahawk: maybe caps "" requesting disco...
Jreen:Debug:send iq to "" from ""
void XmppSipPlugin::onPresenceReceived(const Ptr&, const Jreen::Presence&) * New presence: "" 10
void XmppSipPlugin::onPresenceReceived(const Ptr&, const Jreen::Presence&) "" Running tomahawk: maybe caps "" requesting disco...
Jreen:Debug:send iq to "" from ""
Jreen:Debug:send iq to "" from ""
void XmppSipPlugin::onPresenceReceived(const Ptr&, const Jreen::Presence&) * New presence: "" 10
void XmppSipPlugin::onPresenceReceived(const Ptr&, const Jreen::Presence&) "" Running tomahawk: maybe caps "" requesting disco...
Jreen:Debug:send iq to "" from ""
void ScanManager::scanTimerTimeout()
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