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Created December 16, 2011 12:20
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Using JOptionPane, design a Shape Calculator which is able to carry out an Area and a Perimeter calculation on a Square, Rectangle and a Circlel. You should provide a Main Menu where the User can select a particular Task to perform.
import javax.swing.*;
import java.lang.Math;
public class ShapeCalculator
boolean quit = false;
public static void main (String args[]) throws Exception
ShapeCalculator clas = new ShapeCalculator();
//Do until user choice = quit
} while (clas.quit == false);
} //End Main
//Asks for input. Uses custome message for each shape.
public double input(String value)
String ask = "Please Enter " + value;
String input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, ask, "1337er", JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE);
double num = Double.parseDouble(input);
return num;
//Outputs shape formula answer.
public void output(double i)
//If quit option output dialog pane is not shown.
if (i != 0)
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, i);
//Displays menu and asks for user choice.
public int menu()
String menu = "Welcome to teh Shape Calculator!\n";
menu += "1. Square Area\n";
menu += "2. Square Perimiter\n";
menu += "3. Rectangle Area\n";
menu += "4. Rectangle Perimiter\n";
menu += "5. Circle Area\n";
menu += "6. Circle Perimiter\n";
menu += "7. Quit\n\n";
String input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, menu, "1337er", JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE);
int ch = Integer.parseInt(input);
return ch;
//Assigns user choice to formula method.
public double optionAssign(int ch)
double output = 0;
case 1: output = squareArea(input("Side Value")); break;
case 2: output = squarePer(input("Side Value")); break;
case 3: output = rectangleArea(input("Side 1"), input("Side 2")); break;
case 4: output = rectanglePer(input("Side 1"), input("Side 2")); break;
case 5: output = circleArea(input("Radius")); break;
case 6: output = circlePer(input("Radius")); break;
case 7: quit(); break;
default: JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Invalid Input!"); break;
return output;
public double squareArea(double side)
return side*4;
public double squarePer(double side)
return Math.pow(side,2);
public double rectangleArea(double side1, double side2)
return side1*side2;
public double rectanglePer(double side1, double side2)
return (side1*2)+(side2*2);
public double circleArea(double rad)
return Math.pow((Math.PI*rad),2);
public double circlePer(double rad)
return 2*Math.PI*rad;
public boolean quit()
return quit = true;
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