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Created May 1, 2023 22:28
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Get Octopus Deployment Details from Project and Release inc. from git commit

Octopus Deploy Details

This script fetches deployment details for a specific release version of a project in Octopus Deploy.


./ \
    --octopus-url <octopus_url> \
    --api-key <api_key> \
    --project-name <project_name> \
    --release-version <release_version> \
    [--no-headers] /

Required Arguments

  • --octopus-url/-u <octopus_url>: The Octopus Deploy instance URL.
  • --api-key/-k <api_key>: The API key.
  • --project-name/-p <project_name>: The project name.
  • --release-version/-r <release_version>: The release version.

Optional Arguments

  • --no-headers: Exclude the deployment header and project/release details from the output.

Identifying Deployment Date of Commit

Using the git tag --contains <commit-hash> command we're able to find all the tags in your Git repository that include a specific commit. This is useful when you need to determine which versions or releases of a project contain a particular change or bug fix.

For example, if a CI/CD setup creates a git tag with the template <environment>-<version>, and names the Octopus release with the same (or similar) naming convention we can do the following steps to get the information of all deployments that contain a given commit hash.

  1. Get all tags containing a commit git tag --contains <commit-hash>
  2. Filter git tags to only include build tags using grep -P '^(prod-|stage-|dev-)'
  3. Remove environment prefix (if needed) using sed 's/^\(prod\|stage\|dev\)-//'
  4. Loop the output and pass value as release version to


git tag --contains <commit-hash> \
    | grep -P '^(prod-|stage-|dev-)' \
    | sed 's/^\(prod\|stage\|dev\)-//' \
    | while read -r release; do ./ \
        -u <octopus_url> \
        -k <api_key> \
        -p <project_name> \
        -r "$release"; \
    done /
# Set default values
# Parse named arguments
while [[ "$#" -gt 0 ]]; do
case $1 in
shift 2
shift 2
shift 2
shift 2
echo "Invalid option: $1" >&2
exit 1
# Check if required arguments are provided
if [ -z "$octopus_url" ] || [ -z "$api_key" ] || [ -z "$project_name" ] || [ -z "$release_version" ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 --octopus-url <octopus_url> --api-key <api_key> --project-name <project_name> --release-name <release_version> [--no-headers]"
exit 1
# Get project details
project_response=$(curl -s -w "\n%{http_code}" -X GET "${octopus_url}/api/projects/all" -H "X-Octopus-ApiKey: ${api_key}")
project_http_code=$(echo "$project_response" | tail -n1)
project_id=$(echo "$project_response" | head -n-1 | jq -r ".[] | select(.Name == \"${project_name}\") | .Id")
if [ -z "$project_id" ] || [ "$project_http_code" = "404" ]; then
echo "Error: Project '${project_name}' not found."
exit 1
# Get release details
release_response=$(curl -s -w "\n%{http_code}" -X GET "${octopus_url}/api/projects/${project_id}/releases/${release_version}" -H "X-Octopus-ApiKey: ${api_key}")
release_http_code=$(echo "$release_response" | tail -n1)
release_id=$(echo "$release_response" | head -n-1 | jq -r ".Id")
if [ -z "$release_id" ] || [ "$release_http_code" = "404" ]; then
echo "Error: Release '${release_version}' not found in project '${project_name}'."
exit 1
# Output project and release details (conditionally)
if [ "$exclude_headers" = false ]; then
echo "Project Name: ${project_name}"
echo "Project ID: ${project_id}"
echo "Release Version: ${release_version}"
echo "Release ID: ${release_id}"
# Get deployment details
deployments=$(curl -s -X GET "${octopus_url}/api/releases/${release_id}/deployments" -H "X-Octopus-ApiKey: ${api_key}")
# Print deployment details
if [ "$exclude_headers" = false ]; then
echo "Release Version | Date Time | Environment Name | Tenant Name"
deployments_length=$(echo "$deployments" | jq -r ".Items | length")
for ((i = 0; i < deployments_length; i++)); do
datetime=$(echo "$deployments" | jq -r ".Items[${i}].Created")
environment_id=$(echo "$deployments" | jq -r ".Items[${i}].EnvironmentId")
environment_name=$(curl -s -X GET "${octopus_url}/api/environments/${environment_id}" -H "X-Octopus-ApiKey: ${api_key}" | jq -r ".Name")
tenant_id=$(echo "$deployments" | jq -r ".Items[${i}].TenantId")
if [ "$tenant_id" != "null" ]; then
tenant_name=$(curl -s -X GET "${octopus_url}/api/tenants/${tenant_id}" -H "X-Octopus-ApiKey: ${api_key}" | jq -r ".Name")
tenant_name="No Tenant"
echo "${release_version} | ${datetime} | ${environment_name} | ${tenant_name}"
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